chapter 20

When Alex and his party left, it was late at night, around 10:30. They returned to the inn where they were staying. Alex booked one more room with two beds.

He entered the room, followed by both Pia and Ayelet. Alex put the bag aside and took a seat on one bed. Suddenly, he heard a thud sound and saw both Pia and Ayelet kneeling towards him.

"Thank you, master, for fulfilling the promise and also paying for the treatment," Ayelet said.

"We will never forget this kindness. I know my value, even when workers at the slave market told me I was not worth it," Pia added.

"We promise, master, even if you cut off our legs, we will follow you crawling with our hands," Ayelet continued.

Alex quickly helped them to stand and then walked towards the bed, sitting between them and holding their hands.

After some time, they both felt embarrassed, noticing Alex holding their hands.

"Okay, you both can sleep in this room. Tomorrow morning at 10, we will be departing for our village," Alex said.

"Master, you don't plan to sleep with us?" Ayelet asked.

"No, I share a room with Roy and Sam, so I will be sleeping there," Alex replied.

"Master, can you sleep with us? This is my first time sleeping outside the market in 5 years," Pia pleaded.

Alex understood their hinting because of the presence of mana; children grow faster the more they train. By the age of 8, they behave like they are 14 or 15, and by 16, their brains mature to about 20 from the perspective of Earth.

"Ayelet, Pia, I understand what you're hinting at, and I know you're doing it to alleviate guilt. But I don't want you to rush things out of guilt. Remember, I will not treat you badly, and I will never force you. Now, sleep," Alex reassured them.

"Master, but you have to sleep with us, just for today," Pia insisted.

"Pia, your hand is fractured; you need to sleep comfortably as the doctor suggested," Alex reminded her.

Looking at both of them, he suddenly remembered the person who won his heart in his previous life. He snapped out of his thoughts, realizing that the girls simply wanted to sleep together because they were scared that another person might enter.

The next morning, Alex woke up around 6 with wet cheeks. After cleaning his face, he went for a walk around town. He returned around 7 and took a cold bath before visiting Pia and Ayelet's room. They were still sleeping deeply, so he took a glass of water and poured it on them.

By 9:30, everyone was ready. In the hall, Alex introduced Pia; they were not wearing the collars around their necks, as Alex had instructed them to throw them away, but they kept them.

"Hey Alex, you got real lucky to win that lottery. Congratulations on your first and second slaves; they look nice. Good for you, kid," the village chief remarked.

"Thank you, uncle," Alex replied.

"Treat them well, kid; they are just like us," the village chief advised.

With that, they started their return journey. They didn't encounter bandits this time, but they did encounter many monsters, which they happily defeated.

The return journey was faster, and when they saw their village in the distance, everyone was very happy. However, Alex was a bit nervous about introducing Pia and Ayelet to the villagers.

Upon entering the village, Alex saw many people waiting to collect their share of coins.

"In crowd I spotted my Dad and Beth. 'You both follow me; I have to explain the situation to my parents when we reach home,'" Alex directed Pia and Ayelet.

Pia was carrying their extra pair of clothes provided by the slave market.

"How was your trip, Alex? Did you enjoy the vet town?" Alex's mom asked upon their arrival.

"Yes, mom, I enjoyed the trip. I will tell you all about it at home," Alex replied.

While Alex was talking with his mom, Steven, his dad, was looking at the two girls who were following his son.

"Alex, who are these two? I haven't seen them in the village. Are they your friends?" Steven inquired.

"Mom, dad, meet Ayelet and Pia. During our stay, I won a lottery worth 4 silver in the slave market, and I exchanged it for them. I will tell the full story at home," Alex explained.

"Okay," his parents agreed after some consideration and didn't ask further questions. They then collected their money and walked towards Alex. His dad was keen to hear about his journey from the village to town, and he also told them about his new friends, Roy and Sam.

Beth approached both girls and whispered so that only they could hear her. "So, girls, why are you so silent?"

"Sorry, ma'am, we didn't want to disturb," Pia replied nervously.

Hearing this, Beth asked, "Has Alex bullied you two? Tell me, and I will punish him."

"No, ma'am, Master treats us well. He even paid for my treatment," Pia answered timidly. They both were nervous because this was their first time in the village.

"Okay, I see. So, he likes you two, huh? Well, let's see. Did he do anything to you?" Beth inquired further.

"No, ma'am," Pia answered, blushing. Both girls were overwhelmed by the attention.

Upon arriving home, Sia and Ana ran towards them and hugged Alex.

"Big brother, why didn't you bring us with you?" Sia asked.

"Yes, brother, no one even told us," Ana added.

"Sorry, I asked them not to tell you because I knew you both would not let me go," Alex explained.

"But, brother, we also wanted to travel with you," Sia protested.

"When you grow up, we will travel together. Now, look what I brought," Alex said, taking out two earrings made of bronze with small red and green stones.

Seeing the gift, both Sia and Ana became happy. Then, everyone entered the house together.