Chapter- 1. Where the hell am I?

Somewhere in a dense Jungle....

There are several small animals could be seen.

In the middle of a Grove, a human shaped depression could also be found.

If looked carefully, it would seems that a humanoid creature has fallen from a very high place.

 In the sallow pit, it seems that a human in a very deep sleep, without any care of the world...

Some small animals also gathering near the Grove. They also found it Interesting to have their food deliver to them quite easily.

A Squirrel goes to the body and starts to sniff and jump here and there. 

"Hmm...sigh... umm." Sound suddenly came from underneath that startled the squirrel...

Fingers start to quiver and deep breath also make the animals understands that the food they are thinking of havind is still alive and kicking...

Some animals runs as fast as the could away from the grove....but some animals still waiting to understand the situation.

"Hmm...Uggaa...." sound again makes everyone present more alert...

If looked closely it seems that the human is going to awake any time soon...

Suddenly there is a roar far away deep in the Jungle which makes every animal present quiver, remaining present also start to run away just opposite from where the Roar came from...

Roar also makes the human suddenly woke up and he jump out of the Pit just to look at the unknown surrounding inthe middle of the jungle, and made him quite awake all of a sudden by the piculiar situation he is in.

"Hmm...Where the Hell am I?" asked the boy out loud but didn't get the answer as there is no one present excepts 'Him' alone...

Boy looked around for some time but didn't find the answer he was looking for and it also makes him even more alert towards his surroundings....

After some time he understood that he is in the Jungle and without any prior Knowledge of how he got there?

"I seem to have fallen asleep during my Lunch Hours in the Office... how the hell I got in this situation, in the middle of the Jungle at that" said the Boy to himself...

Tall trees are scattering the sun light on the face of the Boy....

Black hair, black eyes, sharp jaw, fair color, Hair neither long nor short, age appears around seventeen years old, Handsome form a certain point of view, looks wise and intelligent and sharpness in his gaze could be seen...

'Have I been abducted and dumped in the middle of the jungle or is there someone playing prenks on me or.....'

He feels like, he is having goose bumps just by thinking the possibility.

'As i recall correctly there seem to be certain situations in the Novel where Protagonist jumps between the worlds or he seems to awaken the memories from his other life....but i think i am safe i didn't die in my world and i also didn't awaken memories so.....' thinks the Boy as he starts to sway while standing.....

Nausea comes all of a sudden and he starts to try to sit as it also makes him feel vertigo...

after some time, he came to himself and make a grabbing motion on his head but didn't utter a single word for quite a while.

" Ohh man i really have to jinks it..." said to no one in particular. as he have got the memories without any headache just a little bit of discomfort...

He tries to understand the situation as he browse in the memories, to get any clues to find out how he got here, in the middle of the jungle,

"Well the memory i got or should i say the memories that i got are quite interesting" said with a little bit of abandoning smirk in the corner of his mouth.

Yep, he got the memory alright but he got two memories at the same time.... 

" me was a prince, that's cool and the other me was a monster hunter, that is equally amazing if not more" says the boy to no one in particular.

In the First memory, he used to be a leftover Prince of a mortal empire in some cultivation world...

and in the second memory he used to be a monster hunter in the high banks of the creator some dangerous world...

Now he is himself a three in one person...quite literally if we add the life he is going to live then make it four.


Now First person Pov

'In my life, I was a corporate slave, ohh sorry I unknowingly said the truth, I mean, I was a corporate employee...working tirelessly and I guess, I have run out of oil...'

'I was an orphan and grown to take care of myself and my studies at the same time'

'Struggled to make do in this cruel society, by doing odd jobs and manual labor, and sometimes do the most loathsome things to over come the difficult times'

'Didn't get to know the love and care, just got stale stare from the society and got to know that the governing power of the world is money, so i have tried every possible way to get it and in return here i am'

'Well, it was what it was, and it lasted for almost 26 years, at least it taught me how to get by in the society, how to find the people to get along with and how to trickle different type of problems'

As he thinks about his past life, he starts to wander around the jungle, it was a breadth taking and beautiful site to see, but he also keeping in his mind to not go towards the direction from where the Roar came...

"I should think a way to get out of this Jungle or else it would be problematic to face a bigger animal, even if i have the memories of the Monster Hunter side but having memories and having experience to deal with the real monsters is an another story..."

"Atleast i should find something to use as a makeshift weapon".

'A long and sturdy Stick could just do the trick, or a sharp object could also be equally useful'

after some time searching he finds a berry plant, with a lot of green and red berries hanging in almost every branch...

'hmm there are dropping's of small animals around the plant so it should be the plant they usually eat, so it would be safe to presume that it is non poisonous and could be eaten raw as wall'

He goes to the plant but just he was about to approach the plant... his sharp senses gives him an early warning makes him feel prickling sensation in his back, 

He just roll down on the side of the plant to avoid the sudden attack.

'' What the hell just happened?..." said as he get up on his feet equally fast as he rolled just now.

He looks towards the attacker just to find a large Rat like creature, but its size is more than five times of the regular Rat found in his home world. 

He was just sprayed with rats spit, and he looked at the place where the spit was just to find that the area around it is burned and charred grass is left in its place..

He broke in cold sweat in his back as he thinks that if the spit is dropped on him instead of the ground, he is going to be a Red Monkey, red and burned.

He shivers' a little but didn't lost his composure, may be Monster Hunter trait kicks in him as he was ready to face of against his first opponent, well it is a rat but it is anything he has ever seen in his previous life...

Rat spit on him again and he again dodged and make a run towards the rat, but he was empty handed so he also trying to find any useful thing to bash this rat with, in a corner of his eyes he found a large rock about five kilograms in wait.

He dashed towards the Rat and ready to dodge at any time, but this time Rat didn't spit on him but waiting for him to come near and then spit on him,

'Hmm this creature has a general intelligence, it could be problematic, i have to end this fight as soon as possible', thinks the boy...

Just the Rat is ready to spit on him, he changed the direction and rolled and crawled towards the rock and after he picks the rock, he throws it with all his might towards the unsuspecting Rat,

Rock was huge enough for the Ret to get away from its range and got smashed by it instead.

This time Rat spit contains Blood and it also got lethargic to continue attack but the hunter boy is not going to leave this golden opportunity as he again picks the rock by running and comes towards the Rat and bashed his head with two three times.

Looking towards his handy work and his first hunt, he was quite exited and also quite nervous.

As he had not seen this type of animal in his life and in the Monster Hunter memory there is also not any type of Rat that could spit Acid. But in the Hunter's memory there are elemental attacking animals...

"Well I don't need to think too much about for the time being, I could just have lunch as I am starving" said the boy as he was looking towards the Dead Rat.