Chapter- 2. Game World Cultivation.?


Just as the the Rat takes its last breadth, its body shown brighter just a little bit and returns to its normal color...

"Hugg...what was that, am I hallucinating of did it changed its color..and why did I feel that I am just refreshed of something...?" asked the boy to himself...


In the corner of his eyes, he again thinks that he is seeing things,....


This time he somehow could see the Dialog box Opening in the corner of his line of sight.


"Now that i think about if, i should be one of those guys that have several perks of this Transmigration....."as he keep his thought towards the dialog lines... it changes from time to time...












As the boy looking at the dialog in his shows Completion...then.... then there is nothing..

He become even more confused, and little bit impatient.

[hmm hmm hmm hmm]

Boy is getting irritated and just want to get this over with.


"Yes ... ohh Yes... come on....come on...its is ok to come out there is no need to take so much time..."as it shows something that he is familiar with in those Novels he used to read...

 [Ding.....Hello Host]

[Ding....System is at your service]

[Ding....And it took so much time because You have just hunted an animal and it doesn't contain so much energy to restore my full Potential]

It took full half a minute for the boy to come to his senses as he was expecting so much from the system but it only shows a dialog box.....

'What kind of system have i gotten.... it is chatting with me but is also shows the alert msg like it is trying to make sound but it is a simple dialog box...' as the boy thinks and also trying not to loose his temper and start coursing....

 After some time, he realized that he was thinking too much about the transmigrating perks and al that shit,

After regaining his composure, he starts to think about what the system said to him.

Energy...not at full potential...

"So what is this energy, and potential you are taking about" asket the boy...

As he starts to gather the dead body and also looking for the make shift weapon...

A deadly weapon is necessary for the safety...

[Ding....Every things has a energy in them living or non living...and you just killed this animal it has released its energy and by absorbing it I have been awakened]

[Ding....It is possible for me to harvest the energy released by living beings but it is not possible to harvest non living beings]

[Ding....and it is also possible to release my potential as the host gets strong and also gather large amount of energy]

[Ding....I looks like a dialog box because i didn't have enough energy to even make a sound]

"Ok ok I get it hunt animals and living beings to accumulate energy and this way you could reach full potential and release your other branches...right" asked the boy to the dialog box...

[Ding....I don't have branches and if you mean I could do more then just chat with you then you are right]

As the dialog box shows genuine concern about the way it's host see itself...

"Right right that is what I was saying" boy scratches his face as he was little out of it with his words towards system...

"So what else could I except from you if you progresses to your next level..." Asked the boy....

He walks in the same direction just opposite form where roar comes from...finds more small fruits and also looks for a water source...

[Ding....first of all I need to have voice and then I could make more use of the energy to gather things which could be useful for your journey]

[Ding... As you are gathering things such as berries and small would be beneficial to have appraisal function active]

[ are also trying to find way out of the jungle and Map Function could also be pretty handy]

[Ding....A radar function is also useful so we can avoid running into a situation where dengerous beasts gather]

[ you need to hunt and make use of the energy to make yourself strong and gather energy at the same time]

The Boy understand the useses or the system but he didn't get the last part...

"What dou you mean by getting stronger..." Asked the boy...

[Ding.... As you have hunted the animal it shown a little bit, it is because it has released the energy]

[ you are the host of the system and combined the soul with the system, that is why you could see the energy the moment it released from the body of the Rat animal, and you also gets the benefit by hunting living beings]

"Now that I think about, I did got refreshed all of a sudden, but I thought it was the work of the harmones..." Said the boy out loud...

[Ding....That is the feeling of getting energy run through your acupoints and towards your Daintain]

"What I in a cultivation world or something" bot looked little excited as he asked.

[Ding....There is no such thinks as cultivation world, it is possible to cultivate in any type of world ]

"yes yes that is what i am saying that i could cultivate, i don't know why i was getting excited over it" said the boy with a little excited and agitated face.

In the Jungle, in front of the Boy comes several lengthy trees and but not a thing that could be used as a temporary weapon...

then suddenly he come across a thorny tree... it has 3-4 feet long thorns

It is in a shape of a bog Ball with several thorns sticking out of it, In the Middle could be seen a crown like structure that have several silver color thorns...looks sturdy enough to use as weapon...

But it is too difficult to reach the thorns in the middle portion...

He tries to think any possible solution so that he could have himself a weapon.

[Ding....if you look into your other memories when you are a Beast hunter, there should be a solution to over come this situation]

[Ding....And may be your memories are affecting you a little bit, from the abandoned Prince side as the Princes dream was to cultivate and become strong so that he could live his life as he pleases but he was in a mortal empire and he didn't come across any opportunity to have what it takes to properly cultivate]

 "Okay I get it, but I, myself also am excited to think that i can someday fly in the sky and cross the rivers and oceans, cut the mountains and fill the rivers," said the boy as he starts to think a proper solution to get the thrones from the tree. 

After thinking for a while, he got two solutions, first one is that cut the thorns one by one and make a way towards the middle and second is that find a way to tilt the tree towards one side and get it done when it is about ninety degree tilted.

Second solution is better as it would take so much time to cut outer layer thorns, and get to the middle.

He finds a rock with pointy head and starts to rub the outer layer of the tree, well it could also be done with the help of a rope but he couldn't find materials to weave himself a usable rope.

Looking at the rate of the cutting speed, it will still take 1-2 hours,

He starts to wander about the situation he was in, no water, food but uncooked and a system without too much support, so the only thing he could depends on is memories of his other life,

Beast Hunter's memories are the best possible thing that could really make a difference in this difficult situation and he starts to wander himself in the memories of Beast Hunter Life,

In the Memories, the beast Hunter class is a class among the monster hunters that are used to specifically called to support in the very difficult situations, such as a hoard is about to attack a town or some specific beasts needs to be culled and the resources that could be allocated to beast hunters are also enormous...

 He was a orphan just like the life on earth but he was kind of adopted by the village as a whole and in their care he become a strong individual that could even terrorize the Beasts...

But once a time he was away and beasts and monsters hoard attacked the village and almost every one was dead in that incident, that made him the real monster beast hunter, 

 A very dangerous individual that even some what intelligent monsters likes to stay away as they don't want to become the victims under his Blade.