Chapter 6.- Cultivation and More

In the end after they decided to select their names, Vail goes to his bed for a much needed rest.

Before going to bed, he also confirms that he has really gotten stronger as earlier he just covered the entrance of the cave with branches and leaves but now he can pick up some heavy rocks and use them as a barrier for the cave.

Next morning, he wakes up early as the Sun could be seen in the horizon. Its scattering rays goes through the trees and it also makes the natural scene even more beautiful.

After finishing his daily activities, he starts to think about what is he going to do next and also about the Cultivation among other things.

"Trinetri, do you sleep or something" 

{No, I don't need to sleep but as there is nothing to do, I do sometimes dosed off}

"Good to know, but you should also have some rest, if there comes a day that we could make a Perfect body for you, then you should also be like any other living that needs to sleep"

{'well at least he thinks about me'}

"Hmm... have you said anything" asked Vail.

{No, and yes you are right about what you have said earlier, but I don't think it is possible to have a body for me as I also am a cosmic entity so any thing out of sub space would be destroyed when it came into contract with me}

"So how is it possible for me to have you inside my body" asked vail in wonder.

{Who said that I am inside of your Body, I am in Sub Space right now and we did get our Soul merged in the process of your earlier three lives soul merging and that how we are connected}

After thinking for a while, he also understand that he made his own conjure on the basis of the Novels he seen in his previous life.

Vail was sitting on a big Rock just outside of the Cave and looking towards the Horizon.

A handsome face, age about 18-19 and mid length Black Hair, Black and Brown mixed Eyes and have a height of almost 189-190 cm. The Features he have collected from his three life could be seen in him right Now.

Chiseled Jaw line, pale white skin and have a little robust but lean body. So he looks like a 21-22 years Old Guy.

"Well then Trinetri, any suggestion on how should we go from here"

{Well as you are a Human so you need to find a settlement and also in doing so need to improve your Cultivation}

"Hmm...your are right I would almost have forgotten about the Cultivation if you have not remained me" 

"Tell me about Cultivation as I am new to this so please help me understand about the Immortals and all that"

{Ok so here it goes, Cultivation mainly of three types for Humans as the have Two Daintain, Some Humanoid Creatures have Core in them but it is almost the a same as well}

{Cultivation of Qi(energy), Cultivation Of Body, Cultivation Of Spirit}

{In Qi cultivation, it is required to gather energy from your surrounding, but if we look closely then the surrounding energy is gathered in lower Daintain and then in the upper Daintain and then in different parts of your body}

{But to gather energy in the body we need to have roots and that sponge and filter surrounding energy then through different acupoints it transferred towards the whole body} 

{There are different realms in cultivation, if a mortal starts to cultivate then they need to start with Qi Gathering, and then goes towards other realm,}

{Different realm are -}

{Qi Gathering, Qi Accumulation, Qi Sublimation, Qi Ascension, Qi Transformation, Qi Condensation or core Formation, Golden Core, Nascent Soul....etc....}

{In Qi Gathering and Qi Accumulation, we need to gather Qi but the different is that in Qi Gathering, we just absorb energy from surrounding in the body or should I say in the acupoints and in Qi accumulation, the energy is absorbed and stored in the Lower Daintain}

{In Qi Sublimation, the Gathered energy is filtered and processed to make it more pure}

{In Qi Ascension, The Qi is ascended towards the next level and have specific property, which may be elemental or any other kind}

{In Qi Transformation, the energy again transformed into semi-solid state to have more density and power}

{In Qi Condensation or core formation, we need to form a core and through different stages we cover it with different layers to have it more hard and powerful}

{In Golden Core, the Core changes color and have golden taint in it, the more golden it is the more powerful it would be.}

{In Nascent Soul, the core is crushed and the Nascent Soul would be born, the Core works as a cocoon to give birth to Nascent Soul}

{There are other Realm as well, but you don't need to know them right now as it would be detrimental to you}

"Hmm, Cultivation is a long Journey, I Guess, and what do you mean by detrimental, I have read in several Novels that knowing more is detrimental, what exactly it means" said Vail in confused manner.

{It stands for the perspective of a person, the more you know the more you would feel pressured and also Knowing would mean that you are an ant and any one could crush you like an ant as well, so you would have a fear and would feel even more pressure}

{Cultivation Immortality is going against the Heaven and natural order, there is almost no room for fear, but it also doesn't mean that you don't need to be cautious and jump in difficult situations that are way over the top and almost impossible to overcome}

"Now I get it, thanks Trinetri, I don't need to be arrogant even if I am Powerful... Right"

{Yes, One step at a Time}

{Then every Realm is divided into Nine Stages}

"So in what stage, I am right Now"

{Well you didn't started Qi Cultivation right now}

"What do you mean, I do feel strong after eating food Last night and I also extracted Impurities from my Body, so what was all that" asks Vail.

{Well, First of all, to gather Qi cultivation energy in our body, we need to have a strong vaccel, so that we could handle that energy well enough}

{So I have decided that you first need to have a strong Body then you could start Qi cultivation}

{Sorry I didn't tell you that earlier}

"Its Ok as you know batter then me about cultivation Immortality, you don't need to say sorry to me, and after I listened your logic about the cultivation and body cultivation I also thinks that a sturdy vessel is indeed necessary" consoled vail.

"So Body Cultivation also have realms right,"

{Yes, Indeed there are different cultivation realm in it as well, but you don't need to know about them as body cultivation is not much developed in this world}

{So we can go through the most ancient method of Body Cultivation}

{Skin Tempering, Blood tempering, Muscles tempering, Bone Tempering, Organ Tempering, Nerves Binding, Heart Tempering, Castel Cloning}

{The First five are must to to have strong Body and last two have different Functions totally un related to the Qi Cultivation}

After a lengthy explanation, he starts to understand his way, how he should traverse in this world of cultivation Immortality.

{You should complete the first five realm of Body tempering right now in the jungle, as it have enough food and monsters to hunt and accumulate energy to cultivate fast and stably.}

{System also need to accumulate energy to have its next upgrade and to awaken its more diverse Functions}

"So where I am going to get the Body Cultivation manual to cultivate body" asks Vail.

{As I said it is a most ancient way to hunt and eat monsters meat to accumulate enough energy for Body tempering and have a strong Body as we go on doing do}

"Ok I guess I would like some meat as of right now, so lets just go and look for our food" said Vail as he gets ready to start his hunt.

He ventures around the cave as a center and about 2-3 miles in distance.

'Monster is approaching from 11 oclock'

"Hmm, map and early warning function is really handy" praised Vail as he get used to his ability and strength.

He also came across several exotic plants and flowers,


[Rose Blood flower] : Its extracts could be a good antiseptic for sallow wounds and it could used as ingredients in food as well.

[Keli wood] : It is a long lasting wood as it burned for longer than normal wood.

[Goon Fruit] : It can used to fill your bally.

[White Lilin] : Could be used to make good quality clothes.

As Vail hunts for monsters he came across several fruits and other things as well.

The appraisal function also comes in handy in several occasions and on some occasions.....

[Star Fruit] : A fruit that have accumulated star energy in it. / Please upgrade Appraisal Function for More Information.

[Nine section colorful flower] : .... /Please upgrade Appraisal Function for Information.