3) "Fire Versus Ice"

They both stayed in their positions with Sora keeping his foot on top of Hikaru's face. Sora's sheer strength kept Hikaru pinned firmly in the ground.

Suddenly, Hikaru targeted his right hand at Sora's face.

"Frost Senzai Art:

Ice Shards!"

Finely shaped and ferocious in their velocity, many ice shards launched from Hikaru's hands and went directly onto Sora's face. Sora grinned in excitement and he moved back, with one ice shard having slightly grazed his hair.

Hikaru jumps back up on the ground and started blasting ice shards again towards Sora, but sora kept avoiding via running on the walls of the cave.

"This attack is taking a lot of toll on my Senzai Reserves... Just stop moving damnit!"

Hikaru thinks to himself in panic as he keeps firing ice shards.

"Ahahahaha! This is a pretty good warm up, brat!"

Sora chuckles and shouts as he keeps running on the walls of the cave.

Hikaru keeps firing in desperation, using his second hand to increase the output. Looking at double the trouble, Sora started moving around the cave in random directions making it impossible to predict the next movements.

Sora then has an idea and he tries getting in line of fire.

"I just need to borrow one.."

Sora grins in cockiness as he grabs on of the ice shards and starts deflecting the incoming shards with great reaction speed.

"W-wait what?!"

Hikaru looks puzzled at Sora's defense and he keeps outputting more shards.

Sounds of ice shards cracking and breaking are heard in the cave as Sora breaks them apart using a stolen shard.

"Its been fun, brat..."

Sora says as he jumps onto the wall and crouches while standing on the wall facing Hikaru.


Sora shouts in a crazed manner and jumps towards Hikaru directly. Hikaru looks confused and before he can do anything, Sora slashes Hikaru's chest with the ice shard he had in his hand.

Sora lands safely behind Hikaru and Hikaru's body tumbles down on the ground from the slash.

"Heh, I promised you I would kill you, kiddo..."

Sora chuckles in a sly grin while throwing the shard away and the shards that were all over the cave evaporated as Hikaru ran out of Senzai to maintain them.

"That's all? Seriously! Back in my days, we used to fight on hours on end... You are really pathetic..."

Sora says as he walks up to Hikaru's body.

"Hey... wake up brat...That wasn't the killing blow."

Sora looks down with a disappointed look and kicks hikaru's body which flies up and lands back but this time with Hikaru's front side of his body facing the roof.

Hikaru's jacket had ripped opened from the slash and the slash left a long trail of wound from his chest to the navel. Whilst that was a concern, Hikaru looked tired as he was out of Senzai and he just panted heavily.

Sora whistles as he sees the damage he left upon Hikaru. Sora bends down to grab Hikarus sword.

"Yknow brat, I haven't seen someone as pathetic as you since my birth more than a thousand years ago... But I am glad you freed me from that confines of the cage..."

Sora smiles lightly as if he was proud of Hikaru a bit.

Out of the blue, the cave starts rumbling and shaking gently. The tiny rocks on the floor start jumping and dust particles start falling down from the roof. Sora then begins to think:

"An earthquake? Wait... No that's not it... It's-"

Crash! With a loud bang someone lands from the entrance of the cave from the surface in a dramatic entry. Their hand on the floor to brace their fall. Sora hasn't looked back but he felt nervous.

"W- what are you?"

Sora says as he looks back in a serious expression, a sweat forming on his forehead.

The thing seemed to be a robot or someone in a suit of sort. The suit was cladded in Black and yellow, there was a large pink four winged star on the chest and the thing wore a helmet with that same coloured and shaped star on it.

In a serious tone and a deep voice, the suit speaks:

"Enemy detected, ma'am... Hikaru is also detected..."

The suit says as it places it's hand on its ear to communicate with someone.

"Hey! I asked you something, metal man... Who are you?"

Sora shouts with Hikaru's sword pointed at the Suit.

The suit stops putting his hand on its ear and it gets into a combat formation. The suit began to speak but with a metallic robotic filter on its voice.

"I am Star, the number one Special Senior Agent, and I'm here to take back what's left of you after this..."

Sora's eyes turn mad in fury and he runs towards Star, with the sword in his hands.

"Well.. get ready you piece of metal, cuz tonight you'll be turned into ABLAZE!"

Sora shouts as his swords begins to erupt in flames.



chapter 3, end