4) Star and Skies

With a passion of lust for battle, Sora ran frantically towards Star, a crazed expression of battle and holding his sword engulfed in flames.

Abyssal Flames are a unique Senzai Art that have the properties to manipulate and create potent flames out of thin air. Moreover, there are ways to incorporate different types of attacks for advantage. In this case, Sora heating up Hikaru's sword.

"AHAHAHAHAHA I FEEL ALIVE AGAIN!", Sora laughed at his strength building up.

Sora dashed and tried to slice Star into half, but Star had flown away with his thrusters in time.

"H-hey that's not fair...", Sora pouted, a bit disappointed.

"What? It's my Senzai Art... Can't I even use it now?", Star said folding his arms mid air.

Star says as they float mid air behind Sora, using some sort of flames to keep themselves afloat by outputting them from their palms, feet and back.

Star points their palm at Sora's figure.

"Once you return to hell, tell everybody about the man who slayed you..." Star says in a serious expression.

Star's palms start glowing yellow and multiple blasts shoot out of his palm.

"Stellarkinesis Senzai Art:

Corona Blasts!"

Star erupts in Senzai and starts firing quick energy blasts made up of "Corona".

Sora looked up and laughed at death on its way.

"Show me what you got, metal man!", Sora snickered.

Sora clenches his fist mid air and his sword roars back up in flames creating loud noises.

The Corona Blasts make contact with Sora's swift swings of his blade causing a small scale explosion, however that was not the worst of it... Sora was a skilled swordsman, he was moving around in swift speeds, using different movements to split the blasts in half.

Seeing the stalemate, Star thinks to himself: "A miscalculation on my part it seems..."

"However, you're nothing but a mere fodder...".

Sora had finished up cleaning the Corona Blasts and he grinned looking at Star.

"You are truly strong metal man, a unique adversary!" Sora shouts at Star, praising him.

Star's Stellarkinesis Senzai Art is basically the manipulation of stellar properties and plasma around any star which is called Corona...

These are extremely hot in temperatures and they possess powers to disrupt electric fields and EM waves as our Sun's own Corona Eruptions cause this for us. It's truly a formidable technique.

Star then stops charging and he holds the blast in his hand and looks at Sora.

"This single charged up blast should be enough to decimate this fodder, but he's agile... I know what to do...", Star thinks to himself again, making a strategy.

Star looks deep into the red eyes of Sora. There's an unnerving silence between the two

"You gonna do something? Or you gonna stand there like a pussy!" Sora trash talks at Star with a smug smile.

"Stellarkinesis Senzai Art:


Star's body instantly flicked bright like a bulb turning on... Their body shone like a bright star in a dark night sky.

The intensity was too much for Sora's eyes and he felt pain even when his eyes were shut.

"Clucking Bell! What is this sorcery? Gah!", Sora grimaced in annoyance.

Sora continued, "Cluck this..."

"Abyssal Flames Senzai Art:


Using the ashes of his flames, Sora created a large smoke screen which covered the entire cave with smoke, making the brilliant light of Star's flare harder to pass through.

At this point, both of them were at a disadvantage as Sora could still not look directly at Star, but he could look around and Star faced an issue of tracking Sora correctly from all the light bouncing back at him from the smoke...

"It seems I have a bit of an edge on this trash can... Kukuku~" Sora thought mischievously at his checkmate set up.

Sora then continued while holding a flame ball in his hand, "Lets see if you can play your own game~".

"GAH!" Sora said as he threw a fireball at Star.

Meanwhile, Star was currently unaware of what was around him he decided to turn off his solar flare... The cave was now pitch black and smokey.

Something sounding like "pssh" was heard by Star and he saw orange and yellow light coming at him through the smoke.

"What a cocky bastard! He's actually smart...", Star thought looked impressed, but he pointed his palm at the flame and released his own Solar Flames.

The Abyssal and Solar Flames both cancelled eachother out with a huge boom!

Star bended his knees a bit and took his ground looking around for Sora...

"Where the hell is that guy?" Star thought again in annoyance.

Star remained firm and he focused all of his power on his ears looking out for Sora... Star still had that charged up blast in his palms, ready to be struck at the right moment.

Star could hear footsteps behind him and Star suddenly made a hook punch attack, but that was a grave mistake...

There was nothing...

Suddenly with a strong force, Star was kicked from the behind, causing him to loose his balance and fall over.

"Eh~ you really thought you had me huh?" Sora laughed from the cave, his appearance still unseen.

"Don't worry~ I'll make you a fine piece as a trash can!" Sora continued laughing.

"Ngh-", Star groaned, even though he wasn't hurt, it was still below par performance as a Special Agent.

Star then tried to stand up, his one leg about to erect straight, but suddenly he tripped by another kick to the ankle by Sora.

"Fuck-" Star said out loud, losing his cool,but suddenly...

Sora was attacking all over Star's body, left and right up and down, hooks and kicks, and many more... Sora kept the fury of attacks on and he had a cocky face on him.

The fury of attacks and slices were chipping away the iron armour of Star, causing his armour to crack and break one by one.

"Ngh... If this keeps on... I will loose..." Star thinks to himself.

Sora then suddenly grabbed one of the thrusters on the back of Star and ripped it off.

"Is this some yard sale?" Sora says cockily as he throws away the thruster.

The thruster bounces up and down on the floor and explodes.

Sora then looked back at Star and grinned at their situation of distress.

"Well well well..." Sora says as he walks over to Star and puts his foot on their face.

"It's been fun and all, but it's time for you to wish goodbye, metal trash... Kukuku~" Sora chuckled at his opponent who was fallen down.

"Heh... Sorry to burst your bubble, but you walked right into my trap..." Star scoffed at Sora's confidence.

"H-huh?", Sora thought, confused.

Suddenly Star grabs Sora's leg and that same attack he had been holding in and charging in since that time was about to burst out!

"YOU ARE FINISHED!", Star yells as he blasts Sora with the Supercharged Condensed Corona Blast.

Sora's body is covered in light and then blown up from the attack, causing a massive shockwave underground. Sora grimaced and yelled in pain as he flew up in air. His leg injured and his clothes shredded.

"Shit... I messed up... Why can't I regenerate? Wait!" Sora thought to himself as he slowly fell down hard on the ground.

"I see... I don't have my full power..." Sora said weakly, tired and his brain shocked from the blast.

Meanwhile, Star walks over towards Sora's fallen body, they are too tired and have difficulty moving around...

At the same time, Sora's eyes start instinctually shutting off as he looks at Star approaching him. Eventually, the eyes shut off and Sora is knocked out.

Star looks at Sora and then they remove their helmet...

Star was a young man with brownish skin tone, messy short blond hair on top and black hair on the sides, they had a scar on one of their eyes and they had yellow starry eyes.

Star sighs and he looks around the cave for a bit and looks back at Sora and places his finger on the helmet ear, which seemed to be a way for him to communicate with someone.

Star inhaled and then exhaled.

"Mission Successful... Miss Yoru. I'll bring them both back..." Star talks with the voice over the radio in a professional mannerm


The feminine voice replied with a smug tone: "Appreciated, my dear... I owe you alot~ just bring me the man... I'll handle the boy myself later~"


chapter 4, end

First Arc: Awakening of The Man from Past Arc , end