Senzai Power System 4 dummies

Here is the auxiliary chapter explaining the Senzai Power System in whole.


Senzai Energy is the backbone of the entire Novel's power system. Senzai is a Japanese word for "hidden/latent". Hence, it's a hidden energy that exists throughout the universe.

Senzai Energy is not like other forms of energies like heat, thermal or etc. It is its own thing with it's own properties. It can be used to convey any other types of energies.


A fraction of the human population can use Senzai Energies in the novel. Senzai Energy can be used to:

- strengthen oneself to hit harder

- strengthen oneself to increase body durability

- increase agility or speed by giving muscles an amplification.

- perform other superhuman feats that directly correlate to their body.

Senzai Reserves:

Every human who can use Senzai is born with a limit of how much Senzai Energy he can store within himself. This reserve can be increased but very difficultly through proper strength training of the body to endure the storage of Senzai Energy. It's a roll to keep that much weight in. Reserves can be refreshed per second after having a break between the exhaustion.

Senzai Efficiency:

Regardless of if someone has more Senzai Energy Reserves than the other, it doesn't matter much when the person can barely contain the energy. Every user of Senzai leaks Senzai 24/7, but it can be as miniscule as 0.0001%/s for example. This is passive energy loss. Energy doesn't get lost as per physics literature, but it leaks from the user constantly in here.

However, when in a fight or when a user is using Senzai Arts, the user goes through a temporary phase of active energy loss. For example, a person launches an attack that contains 100 Senzai units. But before that attack leaves the body a small unit (e.g 20 units) of it is leaked as a waste and the rest (e.g 80) are utilised well.

The only way to minimise this huge drain and even the passive drain is to maintain a steady and calm flow of Senzai through oneself and to concentrate and focus on your attacks whilst you're fighting. Even a small slip up in focus can waste that attack alot. The users who have reached pinnacle of Senzai mastery have practiced focusing so much that their body does it on its own.

Senzai Output:

The biggest factor for winning a battle. Person A might have 10000 units of Senzai but they can only output 10 units of it whilst Person B has 500 units and can output 50 units. Hence, Person B wins it with a 5x greater strength. Senzai Output can be increased by consistently practicing your techniques and arts, but usually the increase in the output is difficult and time taking. Hence why, potential matters alot in this world. If you're born better, you have an edge. But if you're born with higher potential you also have an edge. It's fair.

Senzai Arts:

Apart from the conventional uses of Senzai on bodily enhancement and superhuman activity, Senzai can be used to manipulate different energies like heat or manipulate different matters in the universe like dreams or manipulation of electricity. This function exists in a fraction of Senzai Users. This is determined randomly by birth in the DNA or the chances of someone having an art is higher if it's a genetic lineage. Hence, why clans like the Hayashi Clan exist to preserve and produce strong warriors who can mostly always have these Arts since conception.

The Two Arts:

- Simple Senzai Arts: They can be based of the properties in nature like wind for example. They are the easiest to master, but they lack the extensive utilisation Complex Arts have. However, if a Senzai User's knowledge is strong on their Art, they can use it creatively.

- Complex Arts: They are Senzai Arts that do not adhere to the traditional culture of Senzai Arts. They can be anything from pocket dimensions, dreams, weapon creation or etc. They are harder to understand and learn, but have an amazing utilisations and applications.

Senzai Art Techniques:

They are just cool names for the various techniques Senzai Users apply from their Art. For example: (Abyssal Flames: Fire Dance!") The word before the colon is the Art and the one after is the technique.


Special Abilities to Senzai:

Senzai Art: Territory:

Users who understand their Art to a good extent can create a pocket dimension or manipulate an already existing area in the world to change into their Art's condition. In a Territory, the Senzai Art is used to it's greatest extent. It's simply the ultimate technique. It can be used as a last ditch attempt to take out a foe. In a territory, the user can add rules specific to their territory through the power of Senzai. A good example is Chapter 21 where the Dreamweaving Senzai Art's territory, the Dreamscape is an example. It is always in a 75% advantage to win for the user. However, the consequences can be grave especially if it's not refined enough with heavy tanking of Senzai Reserves or a burn out from the Senzai Art.


A Senzai User, who has mastered his art, has two states. His true state is the awakening and the suppressed state is their base power. Sora Makizushi is an excellent example. This system helps the user minimise the loss of output or the efficiency issues and minimise the stamina drain while still having great power at base.

Because if users without an awakened state existed, they'd always be in their peak and these masters can cause passively high damages in the surrounding area from their sheer power and these masters would lose alot of stamina from this. Hence, the awakening helps as a last ditch effort or in emergency needs to tap into their true power for a while to handle the threat.

Moreover, once someone achieves awakening from mastery over their art, they grow in power alot. The difference between a master's power who has awakening is that their suppressed base form is almost ten times weaker than their true forms. It's truly a trump card.


Senzai Energy was made to make fights interesting on various factors whilst keeping the overall setting fair. Some might be blessed naturally with a higher output or reserve from start and meanwhile some might have a higher learning potential with a terrible starting output or some might have both good things or some might have complex arts that are hard to counter.