In the TWC universe, there is a set system of ranks and categorization for the numerous factions within the universe.
PPA Chain of Command:
The People's Protection Agency, the agency tasked with protecting humanity from threats from Eclipses has a strength based ranking system that starts with Recruit Agent and ends up at Director.
Recruit Agent - They are people who have applied to join the Agency and they have to basically prove their prowess by slaying low class eclipses and being found meritorious enough to join the ranks of the Agency. Hikaru Shimo was once a Recruit Agent during the first few chapters of the story.
Junior Agents - They are the agents who have been inducted into the pay system of the Agency. One or two or more maybe supervised by a Senior Agent during their missions. They can easily take part in E & D rank Missions and C rank under supervision of a Senior Agent.
Senior Agents - They are agents who have proved their prowess or have a few years of experience on hand in handling Eclipses.They can take part in all ranked missions till B alone. They can supervise a Junior Agent or a group of Junior Agents in C rank missions. Moreover, they can join Special Agents in A rank missions to assist against powerful eclipses.
Special Agents - They are Agents that have reached the top percentile of strength within the Agency. They are very skilled and powerful and possess vast amounts of Senzai in them. They can go solo for any mission till A rank or they can supervise either Senior or Junior Agents in any mission, but the priority is always to supervise Senior Agents in B Rank missions. They can also ask for support by bringing in Senior Agents as backup. Most Agents stay here at this rank in their career.
Executive Agents - The Anomalies within the Agency. They are extremely powerful and possess immense Senzai and overpowered Senzai Arts. They are masters of their own art. Hence, they are given the courteousy to stay at bay and take part in any mission it they want. However, once an A+ Mission pops up, it's their job to join them. There are only a handful of Executive Agents within the Agency.
Deputy Director - An Administrative Position that doesn't necessitate on true strength alone, but high knowledge, stress tolerance and skill. They can be as strong or weaker than Executive Agents, it depends. They are tasked with taking the backseat and focusing on the logistics behind missions, attending world meetings and enlisting new members with the Agency.
Director - The most skilled Executive Class Agent in the PPA is bestowed this title. They are supposed to be the sole representative of the PPA at world conferences and the people who draw up the budget allocations.
New Faith Order Ranks:
The New Faith Order is mostly made up of Senzai Users who share the common goal in helping humanity achieve the ability to access Senzai and use it for their own selfish purposes. Hence why, their actions are seen as the antagonistical force behind the TWC plot and that's why the Agency has also allotted missions based on the same mission ranking to handle these guys. The New Faith Order is headed by ten politically or economically influential or strong members within the Order who decide on what their next move should be. These people are called Commanders. The Commanders rank from Commander No. 10 to No. 1. The commanders are lead by a woman whose identity has always remained a mystery. She is only visited by the No.1 for guidance and she's always referred as "Your Highness/Majesty".
Agency's Mission Ranking:
E Class Missions: In places where there is an issue of law and order or terrorism or mafia related situations, the PPA intervenes on the request of a government to handle the situation. Surprisingly, E rank missions are the main way the PPA earns it's name and budget from the United Nations.
D - missions are deemed to be safe but the safety is not hundred percent confirmed, hence why these cases are more mysterious and usually end up being a cause of a weak Eclipse. These level Eclipses are pretty weak, they don't usually require much force. Probably conventional modern arms can be useful against them or basic Senzai abilities.
C - These are caused by more prevalent, but not that dangerous Eclipses, and they usually require previous experience to deal with carefully. Senzai Users just need the basic knowledge of how eclipses work to successfully come out alive. These Eclipses can cause City Block level disruptions or devastations.
B - These missions aren't assigned to Seniors without the need of Special Agents supervising a group of Senior Agents like I am. The Eclipses are more devastating and can easily disrupt the functioning of a Large Town or a Small City.
A - Missions reserved only for the Special Class as the Eclipse are also special with abnormality of having unfair Senzai Arts or abilities that majority of Eclipses don't possess. These Eclipses are born of a major cause such as Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Great Famines as such and so on. The area that these Eclipses can effect can range from a City to as far as multiple Towns, Urban Settlements nearby it.
A+ - Only the Executive Class can partake these missions. It always takes a combined effort of multiple Executives to even take down these levels of Eclipses. These Eclipse are insanely formidable and violent, they are nicknamed Penumbras for being the hedgemonts over the world. These Eclipses have existed for hundreds if not thousands of years. Some have never been slained such as the Eclipse of Death or The Failure Eclipse have never been killed. They have only been either stopped from more destruction or sealed to stop coming back. They can easily massacre hundreds thousands in seconds and travel extremely high speeds. Their area of effect can be devastation of a country or a nation to effecting the World in it's aftermath.