The Law...

Alex patience snapped, "That's enough, Camen," Alex said sharply. 

He extended his hand to Nova and helped her to her feet. 

"Camen, apologize to her now." 

Camen hesitantly apologized to Nova, he felt his ego was bruised to apologize to a woman that changed his Alpha attitude.

Alex stared at Nova one more time and left the field alongside Camen. As they left the party, Camen followed, his anger unabated. 

They walked to their horses in silence, then Alex broke the silence with his words,

"What you did tonight was wrong, Camen, and you know it. Asher had no right to treat Nova like that and neither do you. Always do what is right" Alex said, his expression cold.

Camen looked taken aback,

"This is not who you are, Alpha. You never cared about what is right or wrong, but why are you caring now? You always support your people and not a lowlife girl. That's what I did today and what you taught me to do"

"Don't you dare call her lowlife, I think we have been close enough that you don't know how to show respect to me" 

"I am sorry" Carmen said, bowing his head in defeat. 

As they got to the palace, Alex turned to face Camen and won't back down, their argument grew heated. Alex argued vehemently, his voice echoes through the grand hallways of the palace. 

His disagreement became so intense that it was heard by his ministers. All of a sudden, Kyla, Alex's inner wolf calmed Alex down. 

Alex breathed in and out and instructed Camen to leave. He knew his anger could do something worse to his beta. 

Alex felt Kyla's emotion, but he wondered why his wolf would calm him rather than to come out and pounce on Camen.

Alex walked to his room, the sorceress words resonated in his ears as he saw the sorceress. He greeted her with a smile and left.

Alex stopped in his tracks as he saw Camen at his doorstep. 

"I am sorry, Alpha, but remember the law of the palace" Camen reminded Alex gently, "If you do not find your mate within a year after your reign as the king then you will be given a bride by decree"

The gravity of the law weighed heavily on Alex, he had only a week left before the ministers would force him into an arranged marriage.

"I know, Camen, you can leave." 

As Camen turned to leave, Alex stopped him and instructed him to gather the ministers to the meeting room.

Alex adjusted his clothes and went to the meeting room. He sat on his chair, patiently waiting for the minister's arrival.

The ministers entered the hall and got scared as they saw Alex on his seat. It was forbidden for the king to get to the meeting room before them.

"Don't be afraid, I won't punish you. Forget about the past forbidden law now and let's talk about the new forbidden law" Alex said, with a strong demeanor.

The ministers got confused and murmured to each other,

"Does the sorceress know about this law?" the minister said softly.

Alex rolled his eyes, 

"I rule this kingdom, not the sorceress. Get that stuck in your brains." Alex said with authority laced in his voice.

The ministers became mute,

"So, shall we begin?" Alex asked, with a smirk.


Nova screamed and scattered her cottage, the thought of Asher disgusted her.

"Why, Why moon goddess. I wanted a mate not a monster. Why did you hate me like this to have given me a bad person? I only asked for a simple thing. But why him?" Nova cried out, her heart wrenching in pain.

"Tch, tch, this saddens me. I wondered why the Lycan king helped you. You should be out of here" Maia spat out, as she entered Nova's cottage.

Nova glared at Maia, she regretted not listening to her wolf. Everything made sense to her that Asher wouldn't bruise his ego to accept someone like her in front of everyone.

What did she think when Maia said those words? Nova scoffed at her foolishness for believing Maia words without a second thought. 

"I wasn't interested in this, Maia. You made me do this. Do you hate me so much? I have never done anything wrong to you but why?"

Maia laughed hysterically, she has never come across a person who is gullible like Nova. She moved closer to her and held Nova's hair tightly.

Nova winced in pain, glaring at Maia.

"You have become audacious to glare at me right? And should I have a reason to hate you? I just dislike you to the core."

Maia slapped Nova across the face and threw her to the ground. Nova held her face and glared at Maia.

She was tired of tolerating Maia's bullies. 

Nova stood up and slapped Maia, the sound echoing through her cottage.

"I won't tolerate your bullies again. You made a mistake by leading me to be humiliated today" Nova spat out with confidence.

She needed to stand her ground if there was no one to help her. Maia held her face in shock, she never knew Nova would change to a fierce kitten. Maia chuckled loud enough for Nova to hear.

"How dare you, you will regret this, Nova. I promise you"

Maia left the cottage in embarrassment. 

Nova's hand began to tremble. 

"What havvve iii done? Maia won't let this be. What shh-ould I do. Oh Ember, I need to go to her" Nova stammered in fear.

Nova tried to leave her cottage but the thought of Ember blaming her for the humiliation made her halt in her tracks.

Ember was her only comforter but she went against Ember and confessed the truth to everyone. She knew Ember would be disappointed in her.

Nova held back and sat on her tiny-sized bed,

"This will pass. Ember always says patience. I will be patient for this to pass" 

Ember's words resonated in her eyes and she slept off.

"PLEASE STOP. NOOOOO!"  Nova jolted up with fear.

"This is bad, what should I do now, Asher iss" 

Nova stopped her words, her face held horror as she saw the one in her nightmare.