Ren’s terrifying talent

After handing Ren to Michael, Thor ignored him. He still believed in Michael. As his father's right-hand man, his strength was needless to say. The Earth Knight was also one of the best in the entire Dressrosa Castle. The top powerhouse second only to his father.

 What's more important is that this person is also extremely good at teaching.

 Those of my brothers, after being taught by Michael, have even reached the peak of a great knight.

Under the teachings of Michael, the number of knights in the knight order increased by a large margin.

 Leaving Ren to Michael's guidance is enough for Ren to lay a good foundation.

 It's just that even Thor didn't think of it.

Ren's talent is more terrifying than he imagined.

 In just less than half a month.

While Thor was still preparing for the development of knights and obtaining useful info through his own intelligence system.

 Michael had someone call him over.


 "Ren, is about ready to break through the trainee knight."

Listening to Michael's words, Thor couldn't help but be shocked at this moment, and the words couldn't even help but blurt out.


"Master Thor, I can't believe it, but this is indeed a fact. The life source power in Ren's body has reached a sufficient level. The next three days at the latest should be enough to break through to become a trainee knight. I am ready to apply to the Earl. A bottle of low-level life potion."

Michael was also extremely shocked at this moment.

Even though he had seen Ren's talent these days, he was still deeply shocked when he arrived at this moment.

 This is true even if he is an Earth Knight.

 He was certain that Ren had never practiced the art of knighthood.

 But just half a month later, he was about to break through the trainee knight.

This talent is truly astonishing.

You must know that even he, who can be called a strong man in the kingdom, took three years to gather the life seeds. Even the Earl seemed to have spent a whole year to gather the life seeds.

 Half a month condenses the seeds of life.

He simply couldn't imagine how high his talent was.


 "Thank you, Uncle Michael!"

"I understand, I hope you will keep this matter a secret from me, and don't tell anyone else except my father!"

Thor took a deep breath, then expressed his gratitude, and then spoke after a slight pause.

Even though Ren has become his guardian knight, Thor still doesn't want this matter to be spread to avoid accidents.


  After pondering for a moment, Michael glanced at Thor and finally nodded.

 "Thank you, Uncle Michael!"

Thor nodded.

 "You're welcome!"

Michael took a deep look at Thor, feeling a little shaken in his heart.

 He knew that Ren was brought out from the poor by Master Thor.

However, as the most loyal knight of the Dressrosa family, there are some things he naturally knows not to ask about.

 Don't even be curious.

 After talking to Thor a few more times, his figure walked towards the castle.

Since he said he was going to apply for a low-level life potion, he naturally wouldn't delay.

 In this regard, Thor did not follow.

 But after looking at Ren.

 Just continue to start your own work.

 At the same time.

 In the study.

 Michael has arrived at Engel Dressrosa's study.

 Reported the matter.


"You said Thor's guardian knight is about to break through the trainee knight?" Count Engel Dressrosa couldn't help but was shocked when he heard Michael's report.

Engel Dressrosa naturally knew something about his son's guardian knight, and even sent someone to investigate.

 But that's all.

 He didn't pay too much attention.

 He is just a guardian knight, and he is also the son of a poor man, so what use can he have?

 But he never expected that in just half a month, Michael would bring him such news.

 What Michael knew; he also knew.

Ren had never been exposed to any knight training methods before.

 In the end, in just half a month, he was about to break through to become a trainee knight.

After being shocked, Count Engel Dressrosa felt like his breathing was getting heavier.

 "Yes, I'm sure!"

"Given the current situation, there is almost a 70 to 80% chance of its life force breaking through!"

 Michael nodded again.

 Looking at his knight commander's words again, Count Engel Dressrosa's figure also began to move back and forth, his eyes flashing continuously.

 Michael did not interrupt but waited quietly.

 A moment later.

Count Engel Dressrosa paused.


 The words speak.

Soon the door opened, and the butler Charlie walked in.

"Go and get a low-level life potion, counter No. 1, seventh in the first row, no, third in the first row, and fifth at counter No. 2!"

Count Engel Dressrosa spoke.


Charlie was a little shocked but nodded quickly.

"Michael, I understand this. As for the low-level life potion, I will ask Thor to send it to you later. You should go back first!"

After giving the instructions, Count Engel Dressrosa immediately spoke to Michael.


 Michael nodded, not too surprised, and left quickly.

After Michael left, Count Engel Dressrosa ordered his servants to summon Thor.

Thor was still preparing, but when he heard his father's call, he had to put everything down and hurried to the study.

 When Thor arrives.

 Charlie has also returned with things.


Thor spoke respectfully.

As he spoke, Count Engel Dressrosa did not speak, but looked deeply at his son.

Thor did not dare to interrupt but continued to lower his head.

But fortunately, Count Engel Dressrosa did not continue to look.

 Instead, he pondered for a moment and spoke.

 "Thor, you are very good!"

"Here is a set of silver armor and a bottle of medium-level health potion. You can give them to your guardian knight!"

 The sound comes out.

Following his opening, Thor couldn't help but raise his head for a moment, with a hint of surprise in his expression.

 Silver armor, mid-level life potion.

 He never expected that his father would be so generous.

A set of silver armor is worth more than hundreds of gold coins, not to mention the intermediate life potion. It is useful for the great knights to break through the earth knights. It is worth at least thousands of gold coins, and it is still priceless. kind.

At this moment, his father asked him to hand these over to Ren.

 (End of this chapter)



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