Count Engel’s First Lesson

. "Father!"

Thor spoke subconsciously and looked at his father, Count Engel Dressrosa, with some hesitation and shock in his expression.

"Thor, you have to know that although Ren has become your guardian knight, the guardian knight only means that he will not betray. It does not mean anything else and cannot represent anything else. As a qualified lord, you need to Show your grace, your tolerance, your authority!"

Count Engel Dressrosa's words sounded slowly, with an inexplicable meaning.

Thor was slightly startled, and then his expression became solemn.

Obviously his father, Count Engel Dressrosa, is teaching him at this moment.

Thor will naturally not have any resistance to this.

 As an Count.

Engel Dressrosa's wisdom and experience are beyond his, even if he is a time traveler.

Looking at Thor's expression, Count Engel Dressrosa also showed a look of satisfaction.

 He pondered for a moment before speaking again.

"Thor, the road to becoming a knight is not easy!"

"If you want to truly become a qualified pioneer knight, the first thing you need to learn is how to conquer people's hearts."

"Now you are the young master of Dressrosa Castle. The glory of the Dressrosa family can protect you, but once you become a pioneer knight, all this glory will be far away from you. You need to rely on your own wisdom. To build your own territory and lead your own people."

"Ren, is very good. His talent is the strongest I have ever seen. If you can really conquer him, he will become your best assistant in the future. Your talent is not strong, and I can't take care of you forever." I have too many hopes, but my child, you seem to have given me a big surprise."

 When he spoke, he was solemn at first, and then smiled.

Hearing his father's words, Thor couldn't help but be shocked, and subconsciously wanted to speak, but was stopped by Count Engel Dressrosa.

"Everyone has a secret, I don't need to explore your secret, after all, you are my child!"

"It is the same now and it will be the same in the future, so work hard!"

 "I hope that my child can become the eagle of the Dressrosa family."

Count Engel Dressrosa chuckled lightly, and did not bother with his son's problems, but signaled that the other party could leave.

 "Yes, Father, I won't let you down!"

Thor nodded; his expression solemn.

 Subsequently, a servant quickly came forward and helped Thor bring the silver armor and life potion.

Watching Thor leave, Count Engel Dressrosa's eyes flickered, and there was a smile on his expression.

 "It seems that I was really wrong!"

 "What an unexpected surprise!"


   whispered, and then Count Engel Dressrosa called again.


 Butler Charlie walked in with a respectful voice.

 "Go and get the second box from my No. 1 storage room!"

Engel Dressrosa returned to his thoughts and spoke with a smile.


 Charlie nodded and left quickly.

 "Thor, I hope you won't disappoint me!"

 The whispering voice spoke, and Count Engel Dressrosa once again looked at the book in his hand.

Thor, who was leaving at this moment, didn't know that his father was preparing to invest more in him because of Ren's appearance.

 If he knew, he would probably be happy for a while.

Of course, even now, he is already very happy.

 His figure came to the school grounds with his servants.

Ren is still training at this moment.

 Compared to half a month ago, Ren's body is obviously stronger at this moment, and he is no longer as thin as before.

 At the same time, the energy and spirit have also obviously changed. Thor was also extremely satisfied with this.

 After waiting for a while.

Ren stopped with a breath, and hurried over without even bothering to wipe the sweat from his head.

 "Master Thor!"

Ryan spoke in a respectful voice and gave Thor a knightly salute.


 "It seems you have worked hard enough these days!"

 "I give you this as a reward!"

Thor smiled and then waved his hand.

 Two servants quickly stepped forward and moved one large and one small box in front of Ren.

 "Master Thor!"


Ryan subconsciously wanted to refuse but was stopped by Thor.

 "You are my guardian knight, you can't be so poor, look at it!"

 "Thank you, Master!"

Although Ren was still a little hesitant and uneasy, thinking about Thor's words, he still responded, and the figure carefully opened the first big box.

 When the box was opened, a flash of silver light appeared, and his eyes were instantly attracted.

"This is a piece of silver armor that you can use even if you become a great knight in the future!"

Thor chuckled again and spoke.

 "Thank you, Master!"

Ren quickly spoke respectfully, his hands trembling a little.

At this moment, he is no longer a novice. He has followed Michael to practice, and he naturally understands the preciousness of silver armor.

At this moment, he got a share directly. One can imagine the excitement and trembling in his heart, as well as his gratitude to Thor.

 "Look at the other one, that one is more suitable for you at this moment than this one!"

Thor waved his hand, and then gestured to another small box.


Hearing Thor's words, Ren was a little uneasy, but he still opened another wooden box carefully.

This box is not big; it is very small. When it is opened, it contains a green liquid contained in a small glass test tube.

When he saw the green liquid, Ren was a little confused at first, and then he felt his breathing became heavier, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

Green liquid is more precious than silver armor. It made him think of something for the first time, but he was still a little unbelievable.

 Because that thing is too precious.

 It was so precious that he could not even imagine it.

If he still had some expectations for the silver armor when he started to practice the knight's method, then he never thought about it, because it was simply impossible.

 "This, this is the potion of life!"

As he spoke, Ren looked at Thor and his breathing became rapid.

"Yes, this is a bottle of mid-level life potion, its value is almost ten times that of low-level life potion. With it, you can 100% step into the role of a trainee knight!"

Thor spoke with emotion and looked at the life potion in front of him. To be honest, if it weren't for the daily intelligence system, he would have taken this bottle of life potion directly.

 After all, even he has never drunk this stuff.

It is true that every direct descendant of the Dressrosa family will have a bottle of life potion every year, but the problem is that it is not an intermediate life potion, but a low-level life potion. The value is completely different. With this bottle, he can have Confidence has entered the middle stage of apprentice knight.

 (End of this chapter)



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