The Coming Storm



Between these two overwhelming emotions she was confused on the one to choose.

Verona felt compelled to kneel at his feet and thank him. Yes it may be only for a brief moment or even the only time she would do so but still, her emotions stuck to her throat.

Razhal was here to save her. The enemy she must slay on the day he would never anticipate had turned into a knight and her the damsel in distress?

 'What an irony' she begrudgingly admitted.

The look in his eyes was unreadable at first but that quickly changed immediately and he forcefully pulled her up to stand on her own feet. Verona felt aggression from him and anger too.

"Your penchant for breaking rules need to be studied. So now you wander about naked for the entire realm to see…is that another strategy to embarrass me?" his voice was low but there was a growl happening within it.

"I will have you know I did not plan for it to be so. I jus—I just lost my way for a minute and all of a sudden I became labelled a thief."

"And how exactly were you planning to evade what they wanted to do to you…that is supposing you know?" he kept coming close while evading the only space left between them. Is she leaned a bit forward she may very well touch him.

"I would have taken whatever punishment they proffered…" she muttered with a tinge of doubt.

His answer moved her to snatch up her jaw and force her eyes to look up at him. "You were ready to face punishment, even while you have done nothing wrong…?"

Verona felt the knots in her stomach tighten; why does he look surprised by her answer. She somehow suspected Razhal was up to something.

"Yes…yes I would. If that would have pleased and gladdened their hearts."

"Ahh you must be what humans refer to as a 'sweet soul" then? One hit in the face and then you turn the other side for same?" as he said this his gave went past her eyes and rested on her hips. She felt livid and nauseous by his stares. So he had saved her from one predator only to take up the position?

"Your opinion regarding me is of no consequence your majesty. I know you hate me that I am very much aware of but there is no need to mock my vulnerability"

"ahhh is that so? Then should I focus on other things besides that one, I mean obviously there should be more to you than your incessant anger, stubbornness and consistent frown. You are a woman, where is your charm Melima…?"

With her mind all focused on him she wasn't aware of the hand that hand snaked around her waist and before she would notice, he had already pulled her flush against his chest. Her two feet were completely off the ground and her breasts tingled from being pressed tightly onto him.

"You act unruly like some aggrieved widow still in mourning and yet my hate comes as a surprise to you?" his voice was now deeper and huskier. She could even hear a slight timber in them.

"I am neither surprised nor bothered about your hate." Verona spoke through gritted teeth as his mocking words conflict with the feeling of being so close to him.

"So then why did you think it necessary to warn me of your so-called vulnerability hmm? Was it because somehow you wanted me to not look at you with scorn or… you pray for my attention?"

"(scoff) do not flatter yourself oh king. I believe a lot of she-wolfs would duel to death for that…but I won't be one of them. My father sent me to you for the purpose of mending our rather complicated relationship, nothing else. I do not love you, in fact I do not even like you…so worry not about my feelings and make---"

She felt a vibration in her chest which was where his stomach was. The muscles underneath the plain garment was contracted and shook vigorously. Only then did she realize he found her words funny.

Razhal laughed at her. But what's even more infuriating was the reason behind the laughter. He found her words amusing which means he thinks they were all lies.

Verona began to struggle against him. She hit his chest a few times but it was like trying to move a whole building. He stood there unfazed and unmoving and when her actions became a bore his free hand took hold of her flailing wrists, making sure the two appendages lost all mobility.

"Let me go. Please…" she whispered as her eyes shut close. Razhal noticed she tended to do that often when faced with unfavorable situations.

It was like she wanted to disappear into her mind rather than face whatever was troubling her. Melima had been like that earlier when at the brink of getting stripped and now she does it again.

But while her fear and anxiety may exist he couldn't forgo the desire oozing from her. The king could smell her arousal and it thickened the air around.

"It may seem your body does not appear to be quite as outraged as your words say, my Queen"

It was merely his observation but for Verona all she felt was shame. His words were true but she would never act upon that madness.

"I harbor nothing for you bastard. Shall there ever be a moment where I would be given an ounce of free will in my lifetime…or would you always force yourself upon me and demand my submission like some forest rogue?"

She was unravelling and he lived for it. Openly getting called names were the few privileges he hadn't experienced yet, so rather than anger Razhal was quite elated.

"Forcing a woman is dishonorable to me and quite an insult if I should delve into the matter. So no, the pleasure between us would come willingly…as expected between a man and his wife.

Then before she had time to consider it or even prevent it, he leaned down and his lips hovered over her own causing her eyes to shut close against her will, only but this time it was for a different fear.

Her logical mind would berate and scold her but that corner was temporarily closed as for this moment. Verona was operating solely on the direction of her body, and right now it had a need for the Lycan holding her.

She felt nothing but him. Nothing but warmth and light; no pain or fear or anger, just the King and his Queen.

Verona was anticipating the kiss like it could cure all her worries and distress. It didn't even matter that it was to come from the cause of the problems to begin with. It was just them standing there in the middle of a very vast surrounding with no one else in sight, but rather than feel her usual disgust she rather wanted whatever he was offering. She wanted it all even if she knows it was wrong.

And Razhal was willing to give it to her until he abruptly stopped and turned his head slightly to the side. She also noticed this and snapped her eyes open. It was then she realized someone was there.

"Your Highness. He is here"

Beta Oberion pretended to not have seen but his mere presence was enough to snap her out of whatever trance she may have found herself.

Razhal dropped the woman on her feet and only cast a quick glance at her before walking right back into the inner courtyard, Oberion in tow.

There was no time for the regret that was about to befall her as she also was joined by Farah who had a look of concern. And of course she knew bad news was on the way.

"There you are. I just got the news…from home. Illicix and his gang were butchered on the way."

Verona held her breath as she waited for the rest of it, for surely she knew the worse was to come.

"And, their bodies along with that of your former friend would be arriving the palace before the first sun tomorrow. Oh Verona, Gal is beyond devastated…"

As Farah mourned all Verona could think of was their fate tomorrow. Of how easily their heads would be mounted on the palace walls when their cover gets revealed. Somehow she was more afraid of the night than the morning.