Out In The Open

That night became the longest one yet as not even a glimmer of sleep was in sight. Verona became a watchdog while her mind travelled far and wide.

After the shameful way her body had craved Razhal back at the courtyard she had gotten back to her chambers and found herself throwing up the entire contents of her stomach right into the toilet.

She was whizzing, coughing and crying all at the same time while Farah stood behind her confused. The red serpent female felt guilt for letting her body betray her in his presence.

She felt disloyal to Omar, like some dirty whore who didn't deserve his love and affection. One look from a man and she willingly gave up control so how then would her revenge happen?

She offered the brown mane no explanations and Farah asked no questions and left her alone. Gal was nowhere to be found and she understood, after all her only brother was dead.

Verona knew nothing of their story or even their family tree but she had once seen Illicix, and although the young man came off brash, corky and sometimes vulgar he was still a good man and takes his job seriously. That is if one would truly call it a job, because he and his gang were more like bandits and petty criminal handy men who prey on unsuspecting wolves travelling the green glades.

He was a hybrid serpent and loved Gal with all his might. Such a shame that he had to die and somehow she knew it was her fault. If he hadn't had to steal the body then maybe he may still be alive right now. Verona felt like a harbinger of bad luck and after a few turning around she managed to sleep at the wee hours of the morning.


Razhal sat frigidly on his throne while the council battled it out with words. His thoughts was everywhere but in the room, everywhere but in what was supposed to be more important.

The King found himself taken back to three days ago, at that courtyard when his instincts had wanted to take the best of him; At a moment when he would have committed a grave mistake.

He had almost kissed a woman who held him in contempt; a wife who was here against her will and one who he knew wouldn't hesitate to plunge a knife through his chest if the opportunity presented itself but yet, his mouth had sort hers.

He was brewing with both anger and fury, a lethal combination of both. This was not him, this couldn't possibly be him.

After leaving her he had stepped into the crypt and met with Feibond after several moons. The man stood ready with news that got his jaws pulsing.

The lycan warrior had intercepted a band of snakes who were travelling with the she-wolf's body; the one who got murdered on her way home the night of his wedding. He couldn't place the connection and would have wanted their slippery leader alive but the brute Lycan left no life in him.

Razhal had decided not to pay any attention to the decomposing dead body and likewise to keep the news about the dead snakes a secret. It was a swift decision and he almost heaved a sigh of relief until Feibond relayed an information that set a knot loose in his head.

He had told him of his snooping around Sallow moon which ended up revealing some unknown information about their cherished Alpha's daughter.

It was made known Melima was sickly from birth and deemed a still born who miraculously survived. She had been hit by a disease in the womb which left her deathly pale and oddly fragile with soft bones.

In Feibonds words as relayed by his informant "The wee girl always looked ready to die and would not be allowed anywhere around the sun for long"

He had also told him that sometimes she was not able to walk on her feet, especially during hot summer hence the reason she never left the confines of the cold.

Every piece of information he heard about his supposed wife from the warrior's mouth contrasted heavily to what he knew her to be.

The Melima he knew was alive, full of health and with enough fire to last ten people. He somehow even suspected she could take on a few guards and succeed in a fighting bout if it would guarantee her survival. Her body was toned and her eyes alert so there was certainly no hint of fragility anywhere around her.

It was like two different people were being described and Razhal knew one side was definitely telling lies.

The band of old men and their attendants fought over what to do with the body seeing as it was already decomposed beyond recognition. There was no way for them to tell what had killed her but only he knew; and had smelt it immediately upon stepping into the room, the stench of a serpent. So pungent and foul.

But he didn't divulge it, better not too many people know until he's able to identify a possible suspect.

The woman's husband, a beta wolf who had been recently appointed head merchant of the eastern markets in Castle rock sat solemnly with his head bent. It was obvious he grieved for his wife and may have burst into tears if not for the uptight council men in the room.

"I can bet my life that she was attacked by a serpent, a mudine serpent to be precise. I've been having dreams…and they all point to them. Let's strike and exterminate every of those cursed creatures, before they come for us."

A man called Zack oak spoke out in what may be described as a stoic tone and there was a hint of agitation in his wrinkled lines.

Razhal smelt fear and uncertainty and wouldn't even blame them when he remembered all that happened a few hundred years ago. They may not have really witnessed it but the stories were vivid enough to cause fear.

Priel Vinson sat just behind Basalom who had only spoken a few words. The image of the dead children have refused to leave his mind since that afternoon and since then he had been assaulted by fear of the unknown.

Basalom on the other hand sat as straight as a rod and despite his minimal contributions to the discussion his inner mind was everywhere weighing all options. The throne was getting threatened thereby making him reevaluate his plans. There would be no point if Razhal wasn't able to guard the throne especially since enemies seem to be coming from all angles.

But he wouldn't conclude yet and wait to see what the King would do and as well as his mother, only then would he be sure to either continue or decamp. But to do that he must somehow disrupt their peace; a little disagreement would sure spur mother and son into showing their cards.

"First they slaughter and kill one of our own and then they threaten the king in his own home. I wouldn't put it past them to do this in union with the northern packs." Another of them, a shorty with a protruding belly opined with perceived accuracy.

"Yes and also lest we forget one of them has his daughter planted here. How are we to know it is all not a grand set-up?"

"He refuses to visit and pay homage to the king while all the same planning a revolution. Isn't it high time Sallow moon loses its autonomy?" Priel added putting Ygrette's wishes in motion.

"Yes dissolving them and dismantling their formations would break whatever bond they share. (scoff) whatever were we even expecting from a man who comes from the bloodline of traitors?"

the one called Zemiah Enders who was also the youngest amongst them commented causing the room to erupt in laughter.

"Yes, you are indeed right. Braheri's do have the streak in them. The compulsion to disassociate from order and the atrong inclination to take the so-called high road. Take a look at their track record littered with tales of protests and plot to kill the king. If you ask me…I will say it was time to invite the wolf to answer a few questions"

"Yes I agree"

"I second that"

When the three out of four had spoken they all looked towards Basalom whose mouth remained shut. Razhal who also noticed this gave a half smile and asked his server to pour him wine. Placing the half-filled cup to his lips he spoke to the mute man.

"I still haven't heard your words Basalom. Do you not agree with your brothers?"

The man heard the question and took a minute to take in a long drag of air while placing his clenched fists atop his folded laps.

"Of course I agree with them your highness. And that is the reason why I went along with the Queen mother's command by inviting the subject in question to stand before you."

His words elicited a murmured gasp from the audience made up of aides, guards and assistants. A few even secretly looked up towards where Ygrette sat as they gauged her reaction and that of the King.

They very well knew that Razhal had banned his mother from openly influencing the council; he was pretty clear on it and enforced it as a rule upon her.

Ygrette may have been shielded by the veil but by the grating of her teeth it was clear the Lycan was beyond furious.