In Her Search She Finds A Kiss

The Queen had received a message from the guard. It had come through the young maid who she made sure became a part of her personal array of servants. A piece of paper with words written, bearing the time, place and code of where she would meet their leader.

It would be on the day of the moon rise, a yearly celebration to mark the beginning of hunting season. This has been done since the beginning of time and aids to stop the incessant and random killings of large animals in the forest. The first celebration would be for a day in order to start the event, but the hunting itself is meant to last for a week, were it became legal to hunt and kill at will any animal of choice.

Many residents of Castle rock look forward to it as it would gather many prominent Alphas and Betas from far and wide who would be coming to the festival. Unmated wolves may also get a chance to meet their fated during such night.

Verona saw it as a good opportunity to sneak out of the palace and enter the capital to meet the acclaimed leader of the sect.

There was no further information on the paper besides the fact she was banned from telling anyone, which of course wouldn't be entirely abiding since she'd already told her sisters and plans made in accordance.

She was yet to get any message from the northern Alpha who had gone back to his pack a few days ago, and that was also the last time she saw the King. But yet she was hopeful it would come soon. Her offer was too good for any right thinking wolf with burning vengeful heart to pass over.

In preparation for the event, he has been busy out of the palace and beyond the realm to map out forest lands where the run would happen.

Even today she was told he wouldn't be back home for the night, which gave her an opportunity to sneak into his room.

Verona made sure no one saw her before walking into the quarters dedicated solely to the King. It was the highest floor and isolated from the rest.

She wore a black nightdress that was transparent but didn't truly think it through since it was nearing midnight and this area was deserted.

The redhead found the door that opened up into a wide expanse of room that was almost the size of the throne room.

There was no one there, only the lingering scent of Razhal and also the smell of wine. She made sure to listen for any sound but none came which reassured her of his absence.

It was dark with no light at all besides the slight moon glow coming from the wide windows. Her serpent eyes found a candle holder by the side and a long wax of candle sat on it. She saw a match box laying by the side and immediately lit it setting off a warm glow that covered only the area she stood.

"wheew. This should be enough" she spoke outwardly to herself and carried the candle and its holder to begin her search.

First was the cabinet which she found all to be locked asides one that was empty. There was only but a single gold key in it which she picked up to examine closely.

The design seemed not like it would fit any door lock in the palace, at least the ones she had seen. Which made her wonder what secret it could unlock.

Choosing not to waste time she dropped it back and headed towards the giant wooden bookshelf that mounted on a corner. Several books were stacked on it and upon a closer look she realized they were arranged in a peculiar way and also the fact they came in different colors.

There was a book open on one of the rows within her reach, she stepped close to look at it and was left shocked by what she saw. A small gasp left her mouth and she stumbled backwards, but something stopped her from falling, a wall.

But the wall she found to be warm and made of flesh. The wall had a heart that was beating slowly to a rhythm and muscles that flexed behind her back.

She had made a mistake.

The King was here in the room, and has been there hidden in the corners while she invaded like some nightly thief.

Heavy hands dropped to the bare skin of her shoulders and she couldn't stop the shudder of reaction. He swiftly turned her around to face him or face his chest to be exact.

Verona's eyes snapped close, knowing if she moved even slightly that she'd come in full contact of his hardened body.

"My Queen who lurks in the shadows…" a hint of something laced his voice. Was it amusement? Irritation? Mockery…?

"Open your damned eyes."

She snapped it open at his command and the next thing he did was to quench the fire burning through the candle, completely enshrouding them in darkness.

He had done this effortlessly with his bare palm over the fire like the measly thing couldn't harm him. In fact, looking at him now she wondered if there ever exist that which could harm the Lycan before her…

They didn't need the moon because despite the darkness the two could see themselves very clearly. One a wolf and the other a serpent all being aided by the beasts in them. She could see the lean lines of his face, starkly outlined and as she gazed up she saw the need in his eyes too.

And suddenly it no longer mattered the reason why she was there, because all Verona felt was the hotness of his body against hers and how she badly ached for him.

It became a conflict between her head and her body as each side tried to dominate the other, but she already knew it would be a losing battle. She had known this since back then at the courtyard when he had saved her from that rabid crowd, when his mouth had almost touched hers. Verona had known that her body like a magnet would always seek his unashamedly.

He would cause her to betray Omar. This beast in human form would invade her body and what's even worse is the fact he wouldn't feel sorry about it.

Razhal who had also been watching her, swore loudly in his native language and without giving any warning, he bent his head and took her mouth in a kiss so savage that Verona's head almost exploded.