Chapter 12: The Aftermath

"What just happened?" Angela asked Gina in disbelief as she watched Cookie stomp out the front door of the ice cream shop.

"Did you really get that snooty witch to pay for your law school?" Gina gushed, her eyes bright with excitement. Except for the occasional teenage scuffle, nothing much ever happened at work. "Good play! I wouldn't have guessed you had it in you. Boy, you think you know people, but you and Savannah have both surprised me today." Her expression dropped. "But I'm sorry to hear about your baby. That's awful."

Angela shot Gina a warning look.

"It was not to hear," Gina grumbled. "It tried to give you and Griffin privacy, but Cookie just burst in here."

"None of this is your fault," Angela said, looking defeated. "But please don't say a word to my father about the baby or Cookie paying for law school. He doesn't know. He would be so disappointed in me."