Chapter 13: Griffin’s POV A Change of Plans

Griffin took a deep breath and answered the phone. Cookie's voice immediately exploded from the speaker. "Where are you?" she demanded. "Is Savannah with you?"

"I'm right here," Savannah said with a reassuring smile, even though Cookie couldn't see her.

"Mother, it's probably best if we don't speak right now," Griffin interjected. "I'm horrified by your behavior towards Angela. It was cruel and unkind. You went too far."

"Don't be ridiculous," Cookie scoffed. "I did you a favor, and you know it. Marriage isn't about runaway hormones and sneaking around. It's a serious arrangement built on loyalty and tradition. Based on my experience, Angela's loyalty was fleeting at the first possibility of profit, and she has no reverence for our family name. If she did, she wouldn't have exposed us to scandal."

"It's the twenty-first century, Mother," Griffin groaned. "No one cares about unplanned pregnancies anymore."