Chapter 14: Is it Goodbye?

"Time to call it a night," Gina told Angela, closing the cash register drawer. "Not a bad day, despite all the drama."

Angela, who was washing down the counters with a determined look, didn't appear to hear her.

"Earth to Angela," Gina said. "Are you okay?" She gave Angela a doubtful look. "I don't think Griffin is coming back today. Maybe it would be best if you went home. Your father will be waiting for you."

Still convinced Griffin would return, Angela searched the street again for any sign of him. Of course, he was angry, he had every right to be, but she'd hoped he would have reconsidered once he had time to think about it. She was willing to give him as much time as he needed. After all, they'd already waited almost four years, and they had the rest of their lives to be together.