First day in college


My alarm goes off at 6am and I spring up from my bed.

"Good morning world! It's my first day in college and I'm super excited". I yell

Vee texted me this morning saying she's coming over with Chase to pick me up.

She had told me they also registered at Sander's College.

I mean who wouldn't.

I'm super excited because I haven't seen Vee in so long. I think I'm going to cry when I get to see her. I felt so happy when she called.

Alas, our friendship meant something to her.

Dua lipa's illusion is playing right now on my phone and I'm loving it.

"Don't know who you think that you're confusin'

I be like, "Ooh, it's amusin'"

You think I'm gonna fall for an illusion" I sing and dance along as I brush my teeth.

It's really loud so I don't even hear when mum walks in.

"Mia dear, I know you're excited and all but you have to hurry up and get to school with your dad"

"Oh no Mom, Vee is coming over to pick me. They're back in Chicago and they're also attending Sander's" I tell her with my smiley face

"Ok that's great then. Come down for breakfast. I'll tell your dad he can go" She says as she leaves the room.

Dance all night

Dance all night

Dance all night…

I continued to sing as I got in the shower.

I finish and begin to dry my hair. I stretch my long dark hair, apply the shine until I'm impressed with my look.

As I start to apply my makeup, I hear a buzz.

I grabbed my phone to see Vee's text.

"We are here!"

I laughed and hurriedly slipped on my mini skirt, tank top and leather jacket.

I hurried down the stairs smiling from ear to ear.

"Mom, they're here" I sang and she laughed, happy to see me excited.

I open the doors wide to see my best friend standing there grinning at me.

"Hey bestieeeeeee" we chorused as we landed into each other's arms. I take my time to allow myself to feel that love and serenity I haven't felt in a while.

Vee had this effect on me. She knew how to make me smile effortlessly. Just hearing the sound of her laughter alone bursted out feelings of safety around her.

You need not worry about any other thing when you're around her. Seeing her again made my heart feel whole.

She lets go and squeezes my hands tightly in a way that communicates a lot of love.

I missed this, I missed us. And I know it's mutual.

This lasts for about a minute before I feel a nudge at my shoulder and someone ruffling my hair.

"Hey kitty" Chase's deep voice resonating with warmth and a hint of playfulness cuts in as flashes me a charming smile that'll make any girl swoon.

He looks mature. Bright blue eyes, chiselled facial features, strong body build, his shoulders are broad and his stylishly messy blonde hair tops of his handsome guy look.

"Now you can't still call her that Chase" Vee interrupts my sight seeing.

I just smile shyly as I've always been around him.

"Hey Chase, I've missed you" I say as he gives me a hug.

I take five seconds to take in his familiar citrus and cedar like scent. He still has that scent like the burst of fresh air that makes one come alive again.

"Now tell me Mia, what's been happening?" Vee asks all excited as we walk into the house.

I catch Chase staring at me with his alluring eyes. He seemed disorganised all of a sudden as if something in him just clicked.

"The Johnson's, what a pleasant surprise!" Mum exclaims as she opens her arms for a hug from both of them.

"Hello Mrs. Greenwood, Good to see you again" they both reply as they go in for the hug.

I smile as my mother exchanges pleasantries with them cheerfully. She doesn't ask about their parents because she knows the situation.

It's now the scent of muffins hit my nostrils and I rush to the kitchen to make myself happy with a few bites.

After breakfast, we're all set to leave as we hop into a McLaren which Vee mentioned that it belonged to their father.

And zoomed off to Sander college.

At school..

We had seminars and orientations most of the day. But it was kind of boring because I and Vee weren't in the same faculty. She was in the faculty of Law, while I and Chase were in the faculty of Business administration.

Chase however seemed to fit in almost immediately as he met some friends and blended into the environment leaving me on my own.

I walked down to the cafeteria for lunch. I found a place to sit and started eating the sandwich mom made for me.

"Can I sit with you?" I heard a tiny voice from above me. It was almost like a whisper I could have missed.

I look up to see a very pretty Asian girl. She had a delicate, soft look with a creamy complexion. Her eyes were deep rich brown and they had this warmth giving her a perpetually friendly appearance. Her hair was black and slicked up in a ponytail falling over her shoulders in a silky manner. She was beautiful as her perfect white teeth shone as she smiled at me.

"Sure" I say with my mouth full.

"Thank you. I'm Maya, Maya Lee. I'm also in this faculty. Nice to meet you" she said as she stretched out her hands.

"Mia Greenwood, nice to meet you too" I reply back with a smile.

We eat in silence at first before she begins to tell me how she thinks she'll love it here. I'm amazed at how excited she is even after the whole long boring hours of seminars and orientations.

My own excitement had long diminished.

"It's time for our first lecture today. I heard it's the director's son that'll be taking us". Maya said as she began to get up and pack her things

The director's son? I wondered.

Whoa that means one of the big trio will be taking us today? I had never seen any of them but I looked forward to this lecture.

I followed suit and we walked to the lecture hall.


We got there on time and found a nice spot on the third row to sit.

I brought out my writing materials and prepared myself for the class.

"You know, you won't be needing those right? It'll just be an introductory class and…"

The class went quiet.