Chapter 8 stay tonight

Chapter 8

Let's stay here tonight

Bungalow hotpot.

Brand new Lamborghini bull, in and out of the parking lot.

It immediately caused a crowd of people to stop and watch.

A city like Shanghai.

Daniel is not a common existence either.

The security guard of the Bungalow Hotpot looked at Zhou Xing who was parking the Lamborghini and felt a little anxious.

I want to step forward and park the parking space for him.But looking at this violent bull, I felt withdrawn.I can only keep directing.

"Yes, yes, turn the steering wheel to the right."

"Fall down..."


"Return to the steering wheel."

Ten minutes later.Zhou Xing finally got out of the car.Locked the car.Even now, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed on his face.Although Lamborghini is equipped with a 360-degree full-car image, its chassis is too low.Line of sight is limited.At the same time, Zhou Xing himself is also a novice.In his previous life, after getting his driver's license, he basically never touched a car.As I approach the age of thirty, I haven't even been able to buy my first car.

As a result, his technique...has always been rusty.

When driving, I didn't feel anything, because the cars on the road took the initiative to give way after seeing him.

It's like driving in your living room.

When parking, it was a bit difficult.

Zhou Xing, who had no cash, could only take out two hundred cash from Xiao Lanlan and handed it into the security guard's hand: "Thank you, buddy." The security

guard accepted the cash with a smile on his face: "No thanks, boss, you will drive out later. When the time comes, just tell me, or I can help you drive other cars out in advance, and you can drive them out."

Zhou Xing: "..."

I really think he is a cripple.?

Parking is a bit difficult, and you can't drive out with your eyes closed.He didn't say anything, just nodded lightly, and then took Xiao Lanlan into the private room in the bungalow hotpot.

At this time, bungalow hot pot was not as popular as it would be in later generations.

However, it has become famous due to its taste, high-end environment and dishes.

There were also many people sitting in the lobby at this time.

"I didn't expect you to be so rich and have such mediocre driving skills."

As soon as she sat down in the box, Xiao Lanlan finally couldn't help it anymore and burst out laughing.

Zhou Xing looked at her expressionlessly: "Do you think you are very humorous?"

"It's okay."

Xiao Lanlan was not frightened by Zhou Xing's expression. Instead, her eyes curled into crescents and she gestured with her hands. Gesture: "I think I have a little sense of humor."

After an afternoon of contact, I had already figured out Zhou Xing's character.

He is a very kind person.

Under normal circumstances, you will not fall out in anger.

So she can feel free to joke with Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing picked up the menu and started ordering.Xiao Lanlan was not asked.

Xiao Lanlan didn't think there was anything wrong with it. On the contrary, she thought that a chauvinist like Zhou Xing was more considerate.

The food here is too expensive.

I've only heard of it before, never been here.

Let her order it, but she really doesn't know what to order.

The dishes are served one after another.

The mist from the hot pot is steaming.

Xiao Lanlan also said with some emotion: "You finally let me see today what it means to be a truly rich person."

"It turns out that rich people can live as they please."

After just half a day with Zhou Xing, it was completely refreshed. her worldview.

It also broadened my horizons and saw many things I had never known before.

Zhou Xing picked up a piece of bamboo shoot and put it into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it, then said with a smile: "Then do you want to live this kind of life?"

"Of course I do."Xiao Lanlan pouted: "Who doesn't? You have to live a rich life. In a city like Shanghai, having money will make you feel like you belong here. People without money will only feel that they are isolated from this city."

She muttered, seemingly speaking. Will vent his dissatisfaction with Shanghai City.

"Again, with your conditions, it's easy to make money."

Zhou Xing smiled lightly.

After Xiao Lanlan understood the meaning behind his words, she remained silent for a long time without speaking.

Zhou Xing did not continue.

But fill your stomach first and then talk.


It took nearly two hours to eat a hot pot meal.

Checkout, 3621.

Xiao Lanlan called it an exaggeration, but Zhou Xing thought it was nothing.

When Zhou Xing and Xiao Lanlan came out, it was already close to nine o'clock in the evening.

The city of Shanghai is still brightly lit.

The bungalow hotpot is also becoming more and more lively.

Zhou Xing took out the key.Unlock the car.

Then Xiao Lanlan also got in the car.

Beauty in car.

Under the envious gazes of all the passers-by, Zhou Xing stepped on the accelerator and drove the car smoothly.

The security guard who had been waiting for a long time just felt it was a pity.

Daniel unleashes its performance on city roads.

Xiao Lanlan could tell that this was not the way to send her home.

Because... Zhou Xing didn't even ask her where her family lived.


The car drove straight into the gate of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Lujiazui.

As soon as he got off the car, a doorman came over, took the key, and parked his car.

Xiao Lanlan followed Zhou Xing into the hotel.

Zhou Xing stood in front and said to the sweet-looking receptionist: "Please help me get a presidential suite."

The receptionist glanced at Zhou Xing's too young face, and then asked: "Okay, our hotel The price of a presidential suite is 68,000. How many days do you plan to book it for?""Let's book it for 15 days first."

Zhou Xing handed over the card.

"Including the discount here, the total fee for fifteen days is 720,000. Now I will swipe the card for you. Please enter the password."

Xiao Lanlan watched Zhou Xing inadvertently swipe another 720,000, even though she felt He was so wild when he bought the car in the afternoon, and now he couldn't help but be shocked again.

Buying a car is a car purchase, while housing is a pure consumption.

But thinking of the ten digits in Zhou Xing's bank card, he could probably live here forever if he wanted to.

Not only Xiao Lanlan, but also the small receptionist working here was greatly shocked when faced with such a situation.

Very few people would choose to stay in the presidential suite for half a month.

This is 720,000.

It's enough to buy an entry-level Porsche.

So young, handsome, and tall, he is simply the perfect man he dreams of.

She was tempted.

But when he saw Xiao Lanlan next to Zhou Xing, his eyes dimmed again.There is definitely no shortage of girls around a high-quality boy like Zhou Xing.

Xiao Lanlan's appearance is much better than hers.

"The room here has been opened for you. There will be someone here to take you up. At the same time, the suite includes a 24-hour private butler who will provide one-on-one personalized services." "

There is also an independent and private SPA. The room allows guests to enjoy full-body relaxation SPA services without leaving the room."

Welcome to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. I hope you will enjoy your stay and have an unforgettable experience."

The small front desk suppressed the inner feeling. Disappointed, he handed the room card to Zhou Xing's hand with a smile.

Zhou Xing picked up the room card and turned around to walk towards the elevator.

But he was suddenly stopped by Xiao Lanlan: "Since you have booked a room and it's getting late, I'll go home and rest first." She

just finished speaking.

Zhou Xing grabbed her hand.

Xiao Lanlan looked a little flustered: "You don't have to give it to me, I can just take a taxi back."

Zhou Xing just looked at her and said calmly."Let's stay here tonight."