Chapter 9 Eat Xiao Lanlan

He didn't say anything, just nodded lightly, and then took Xiao Lanlan into the private room in the bungalow hotpot.

At this time, bungalow hot pot was not as popular as it would be in later generations.

However, it has become famous due to its taste, high-end environment and dishes.

There were also many people sitting in the lobby at this time.

"I didn't expect you to be so rich and have such mediocre driving skills."

As soon as she sat down in the box, Xiao Lanlan finally couldn't help it anymore and burst out laughing.

Zhou Xing looked at her expressionlessly: "Do you think you are very humorous?"

"It's okay."

Xiao Lanlan was not frightened by Zhou Xing's expression. Instead, her eyes curled into crescents and she gestured with her hands. Gesture: "I think I have a little sense of humor."

After an afternoon of contact, I had already figured out Zhou Xing's character.

He is a very kind person.

Under normal circumstances, you will not fall out in anger.

So she can feel free to joke with Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing picked up the menu and started ordering.Zhou Xing's words were very calm.

But it gives people an unquestionable feeling.

Xiao Lanlan didn't mention anything about going back, she just let Zhou Xing hold her hand and walked towards the elevator.

I just don't know when it changed from holding to holding.

Someone was waiting at the elevator door early.

Press the elevator button.

The Ritz-Carlton Presidential Suite is on the 51st floor.

The elevator is very fast.

It took less than thirty seconds to reach the 51st floor.


The elevator door opens.

Standing at the door was a man in his sixties with gray temples.

He was wearing a butler's uniform, white gloves, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

The hair is combed up and the roots are clearly defined.

The whole body is filled with cleanliness and meticulousness.

When he saw Zhou Xing and Xiao Lanlan coming out, he bowed slightly and said: "Hello Mr. Zhou, I am your personal butler. You can call me Butler Wang. You are welcome to stay at the Ritz-Carlton. During your stay, If you have any questions, please contact me. I will do my best to serve you and strive to provide you with a perfect experience during your stay in the hotel." "Here are your car keys."

Butler Wang handed the keys of the Lamborghini to Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing took it and put it into his pocket.

"I'll take you to your room."

Butler Wang gave up his position and made a guiding gesture.

Zhou Xing nodded and led Xiao Lanlan towards the room.

Swipe the room card.

Push open the door.

What comes into view is the magnificent view of the Bund and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.

Under the neon lights at night, it looks particularly gorgeous.

The room is themed with contemporary decorative arts and is designed with a living room, a dining room for 10 people, a private study, a library, a walk-in closet, a master bedroom with a marble bathroom, a spacious lounge with a guest bath and other spaces.

The area is more than 400 square meters.

But at this time, Zhou Xing did not appreciate the city of Shanghai at night, but focused on Xiao Lanlan.

Butler Wang was also very sensible: "I won't disturb your rest here. If you need anything, you can call me on the guest room phone at any time."

After that, he withdrew and closed the door.

The room immediately fell silent.Xiao Lanlan felt inexplicably nervous.

She swallowed.

He raised his head and met Zhou Xing's eyes.

Different from the clear eyes before, at this time, there were some red threads in his eyes.

Xiao Lanlan immediately turned her head away, not daring to look at him.

Zhou Xing stepped forward and hugged him.

She tried to break free, but found that she couldn't use any strength at all.

Zhou Xing's hands were like iron hoops, tightly restraining her.

After a while.

Xiao Lanlan no longer struggled.

There was deathly silence in the room again.

There was only the sound of their accelerated heartbeats.

"I'm going to take a bath."

Xiao Lanlan patted Zhou Xing gently.

"No need."

Zhou Xing refused domineeringly: "I just like your clothes."


Zhou Xing pressed the rest button in the room.

The room lights suddenly went out.Only the corridor and bathroom were left with weak lights.

The curtains automatically closed slowly.

Shanghai City at night.

Still brightly lit.

Dazzling sunlight poured in from the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Zhou Xing was dazed, feeling like something heavy was pressing on him.

He opened his eyes.

What came into view was Xiao Lanlan, who was sleeping soundly.

She was sleeping soundly, but her eyebrows were slightly furrowed.

It was obviously due to fatigue.

I picked up my phone and saw that it was already past eleven o'clock in the morning and it would be almost twelve o'clock.

He couldn't help but sigh at the youthful energy.

He is still in high spirits now.

He put on his nightgown and came to the living room. He was hungry and ready to call room service and ask the restaurant to bring some food to him.

Then he saw the pants thrown on the ground.

A note slipped out of his pocket.Zhou Xing rubbed his eyebrows and almost forgot about it.

No wonder I always felt like I forgot something last night.

He picked up the note, wrote down the phone number on it with his cell phone, then crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

Then called the front desk number.

"Hello, this is the front desk. How can I help you?" A

sweet voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Send me a lunch for two people. As for the type, you can decide what to do."

Zhou Xing said.

"Okay, we have a deluxe set meal for two people here. The total price of the set meal is 26,600. Do you think it's OK?" "


"Please wait a moment. I'll notify the restaurant to make preparations. I'll be there in about thirty minutes. Delivered to your room."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Zhou Xing hung up the phone.

But suddenly he felt someone hugging him behind him.

"You suddenly disappeared when I woke up. I thought you disappeared."

Xiao Lanlan's resentful voice sounded."How is that possible?"

Zhou Xing turned around, hugged Xiao Lanlan, and said with a smile, "It's getting late, I just asked the restaurant to bring some lunch."

"You must be hungry too, right?"

Xiao Lanlan nodded, pouted and said coquettishly: "I just woke up because of hunger."

After one night, Xiao Lanlan changed a lot and started to cling to Zhou Xing.

"Okay, okay, after lunch, I can take you shopping to make it up to you."

Zhou Xing smiled lightly.

"No need."

Xiao Lanlan shook her head and said, "I don't have any energy right now. How can I still have the energy to go shopping."

"Then let's wait until you have a good rest."

Zhou Xing did not force it.

"What is our relationship now?"

At this time.

Xiao Lanlan raised her head, stared at Zhou Xing with bright eyes, and said with a particularly serious look, "They must be boyfriend and girlfriend, right?"

Zhou Xing's expression froze when he heard this, and he was silent for a moment.

He lives a new life.What you enjoy is a free life, and you are unlikely to be bound by a girl.

"Of course."

But Zhou Xing did not refute.

It's just a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

There is no legal requirement, you can only have one girlfriend.

Xiao Lanlan did not look happy after receiving a definite answer. Instead, she said to herself: "I know that a man like you, handsome, rich, young and energetic, can fight at night. The game is also great, and there are many women approaching you."

Zhou Xing raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You are so perfect, I can't have it all by myself."

"But you have to at least give me a title to make me feel a little better."

Xiao Lanlan bit her lips tightly: "This request shouldn't be too much, right?"

Of course it's not too much."

Zhou Xing said with a smile.

"I knew you were definitely not that honest!"

Xiao Lanlan glared at Zhou Xing with a resentful look: "Bah, scumbag!"

Zhou Xing was not angry, but hugged Xiao Lanlan and hugged her smooth face. He kissed her and then moved her head to face him.Zhou Xing looked at her: "I can promise you that you can stay with me as long as you want." "I can

give you a house, a car, whatever you want."

"If you want it then, If you want to leave, then I will also give you a sum of money so that we can get together and part ways."

"As for love..."

Zhou Xing paused for a moment and then said, "I can also give it to you, but it's mine. My heart has been broken many times, so there may be more love."

"I believe you can understand it!"

"I understand you big-headed ghost!"

Xiao Lanlan gritted her teeth and grabbed Zhou Xing angrily. The arm is about to be bitten.

But when he bit it, the intensity became very light, like scratching an itch.

Then she let go of Zhou Xing's arm, got into his arms, and whispered, "I won't leave you."

"Ding dong."

At this time, the doorbell rang suddenly.