Chapter 10 Spend time with Xiao Lanlan

My woman cannot be measured by money

Xiao Lanlan put on her clothes and went up to open the door.

Butler Wang was standing respectfully at the door.

Behind him were two waiters pushing a dining cart.

"Hello, madam."

After seeing Xiao Lanlan, Butler Wang said hello with a smile.

"Has lunch arrived?"

Zhou Xing's voice came from inside: "If it arrives, just bring it in directly."

Butler Wang did not doubt that he was there.

He took the dining room with his own hands and pushed it straight into the living room.

Zhou Xingzheng was sitting on the sofa, playing with his mobile phone boredly.

"Hello Mr. Zhou, this is the lunch you ordered. It was prepared

by the chef of our restaurant. I hope you like it."

Butler Wang bowed slightly, and then opened the dishes one by one.

The aroma of food suddenly filled the entire living room.

"Private delicacy sunflower chicken."

"Cherry foie gras."

"Old method Yunsheng steamed dragon balls."

"Handmade noodles with truffle sauce.""Royal rice with lobster soup."

"And the last dessert, poplar nectar."

Exquisite dishes were presented one after another in front of Zhou Xing and Xiao Lanlan.

A dazzling array of items.

The portion size is not huge, but each dish is enough to satisfy two people.

Xiao Lanlan was surprised.

The Chinese food in the hotel can also be made so luxurious.

Looking at the dishes that were delicious, tasty, and tasty, she swallowed unconsciously.

My stomach was already protesting.

Butler Wang smiled and said: "Because I don't know the tastes of Mr. Zhou and this lady, the meals prepared here are all Chinese. If they don't suit your taste, you can tell me at any time and I will ask the chef to prepare them. You can change it."

"No problem, let's do it."

Zhou Xing said calmly: "By the way, give me another bottle of wine bar."


Butler Wang asked, "Is there any requirement for the year?"

"It's fine as long as you look at it. It doesn't have to be too good. An ordinary red wine worth tens of thousands of yuanwill be enough."

Zhou Xing responded.

It's not that he can't afford millions of bottles of red wine, but this kind of wine usually appears on more solemn occasions.

An ordinary choice of red wine for a lunch.

That's not rich.

But you will be laughed at.

"The restaurant happens to have a red wine produced in 2009 from Chateau Latour. The price is 51,000. I will prepare it for you right away."

Steward Wang whispered a few words into the headset.

Not a moment.

The waiter came up with a bottle of Latour red wine.

After Butler Wang took the red wine, he showed the label and brand in front of Zhou Xing. After confirming that they were correct, he opened the wine.

Pour into a decanter.

As the purple-red liquid is poured in, the fragrant aroma mixed with oak barrels begins to emit.


Butler Wang poured wine for the two of them, placed the goblets in front of them, and left immediately without disturbing their meal.

"Let's eat."Zhou Xing picked up the chopsticks, but found that Xiao Lanlan sitting next to him did not respond.

She couldn't help but wonder: "Why don't you eat? Weren't you so hungry just now that you swallowed secretly?"

Xiao Lanlan blushed.

She didn't expect that her little move would be discovered by Zhou Xing.

"I've never seen Chinese food like this before. It's so beautiful that I can't help it."

Xiao Lanlan explained: "It's too luxurious to spend so much money on one meal., I'm a little hesitant to do it."

"What's so daring about this?"

Zhou Xing raised his eyebrows: "As a Ferrari salesperson, you are dealing with rich people, so you should see a lot of this kind of scene."

"No matter how rich you are, it belongs to them and has nothing to do with me."

Xiao Lanlan said softly: "Although I work at Ferrari, it does not mean that I can afford a Ferrari and enter the rich class.."

Zhou Xing was surprised that Xiao Lanlan was so sober.

After all, many employees who have worked in luxury or high- end places for a long time will start to set their sights on others and think highly of themselves.

I think that because I work here, I have to be superior to others.

Even many of the guests looked down upon it.

"Don't think about so many useless things."Zhou Xing scratched Xiao Lanlan's nose and said with a smile: "It's just an ordinary meal, nothing special. The money mo you put there is just a number, and it belongs to you when you eat it.."

"A bottle of red wine worth more than 50,000 yuan as table wine is indeed a bit ordinary."

Xiao Lanlan's eyes were dark.

Zhou Xing suddenly burst into laughter and didn't say anything. He just nodded: "Let's eat."

Wait, let me take a photo first."

Xiao Lanlan took a dozen photos in a row, and then 'accidentally' Take a photo of the scenery outside the window.

And 'inadvertently' showed the location of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Then click Send.

Only then did Xiao Lanlan put down her phone with satisfaction.

Women are duplicitous creatures after all.

People are all vain, Zhou Xing didn't think anything was wrong.

After having enough wine and food.

Xiao Lanlan was lying on the sofa, her perfect figure clearly exposed under her nightgown.

Zhou Xing became interested and stepped forward: "You should have some rest. You were a little too unfamiliar with the little game we played last night. I'll help you practice again." "

No, I'll fall apart if you keep playing."Xiao Lanlan He was so scared that his face turned pale.

But he couldn't defeat Zhou Xing, so he had to continue playing small games.

after an hour.

Xiao Lanlan, whose back ached from playing games, gave Zhou Xing a charming look, covered her mouth, and went into the bathroom to shower and brush her teeth.

Not a moment.

Xiao Lanlan walked out.

What surprised Zhou Xing was that she actually put on all the clothes from yesterday.

The hair was also pulled up and slightly arranged.

"It's all your fault. I can't even wear these clothes."

Xiao Lanlan sat next to Zhou Xing, pointed at her Ferrari uniform and said angrily: "It's full of dirt. I have to go to work tomorrow, too. I don't know if I can do it tomorrow morning after washing."

Zhou Xing smiled and said, "Then I won't go to work."

"That won't work, so my supervisor gave me a day and a half off."

Xiao Lanlan shook her head and said: "If I don't go to work, will you support me?"

"I'll support you."

Zhou Xing said without thinking.

اصحا مجناan stored at 7bou Vina for a moment but she didn'tXiao Lanlan stared at Zhou Xing for a moment, but she didn't really want to leave.

When we first got together, we always wanted to be together 24 hours a day.

Xiao Lanlan was no exception, but in the end she said: "If I don't go to work, I will feel like the canary you raised. Only when I go to work can I be a little more myself in front of you."

So I You have to go back now."

Xiao Lanlan stood up and looked at Zhou Xing with a look of resentment: "It just gives you your private space and gives you the opportunity to mess around outside, and I can't see it."

Zhou Xing After thinking for a moment, he felt that what Xiao Lanlan said was reasonable and he had no objection.

"Okay, then I'll take you back."

When Xiao Lanlan heard this, she became happy again. She hugged Zhou Xing and kissed her: "My dear, you are so kind."

For a rich man like him,

Zhou Xing just said this smiled.

The two came to the hotel's underground garage and opened the Lamborghini.

With a roar.

The car drove out of the basement and headed towards the place where Xiao Lanlan rented.

Half an hour later, Zhou Xing arrived at his destination.

Xiao Lanlan lives in the old town of Shanghai.The road is a bit muddy, which is not friendly to the extremely low-profile Lamborghini.

After opening the chassis lift, the car successfully drove to the gate of the community.

But I can't get in anymore.

The front position is too narrow for cars to drive into.

"Just stop here, it's just a short distance, I can just walk back."

Xiao Lanlan was in a good mood.

Zhou Xing was so rich, but he was still so considerate to her and sent her back personally, which made her happy along the way.

"Thank you, dear."

Xiao Lanlan leaned over and kissed Zhou Xing on the face, then opened the scissor door and prepared to get out of the car.


Zhou Xing stopped her.

Without any explanation, he took her mobile phone and opened the bank APP to take a look.

Then he transferred one million to Xiao Lanlan face to face.

After returning the phone to Xiao Lanlan, he looked at the community in front of him and frowned: "The environment here is not very good. It is not very safe for you to live here alone. Go rent a higher-end community."

This way you are guaranteed, it is also close to where you work, and it is more convenient to go to work."Xiao Lanlan looked at the transfer of one million yuan: "Aren't you afraid that I will run away with this one million yuan?"

"Long legs As for you, if you want to leave, is it possible that I can still stop you?"

Zhou Xing asked back.

"But this is one million. Even if you sell me, I'm not worth that much."

Xiao Lanlan said with a pout.

Zhou Xing smiled: "My woman cannot be measured by money."

Xiao Lanlan stared at the young and handsome boy in front of her, and she suddenly realized... that she was completely in love with Zhou Xing.

"Of course."

Zhou Xing changed the subject: "If you use my money to go out to make love with some pretty boy, I won't let you go."


Xiao Lanlan was amused by Zhou Xing's words, and lightly punched her with her fist. On Zhou Xing: "I hate it so much. I was so moved just now, but you ruined it in an instant."

"What a bad guy!"

After Xiao Lanlan finished speaking, she turned around and hugged Zhou Xing's arm.

Zhou Xing is almost a perfect man.

He is handsome and outstanding in height, and he is generous and considerate towards girls.She basically couldn't find any shortcomings except for being a philanderer.

It would be nice if he wasn't so carefree...

Even though she had only been in contact with Zhou Xing for a day, she had the urge to marry him and gave birth to several fat boys for him.

But she also realized that she was a little too greedy.

If Zhou Xing hadn't bothered, this opportunity wouldn't have come to her.

After thinking about this, Xiao Lanlan nodded and said, "When I get home later, I'll call the agent and go look at the house."

"You feel relieved now, right?"

Zhou Xing nodded.

Although Xiao Lanlan said she wanted to leave, she was still reluctant to leave before leaving.

Until Zhou Xing put his hands on her body.

Just as the rhythm of the mini-game is about to begin.

Xiao Lanlan then got out of the car in a panic.

Xiao Lanlan's hair, which had just been tied up, was now a little messy.

The clothes are also wrinkled.

Especially the position of the headlights.

"Bad thing."

Xiao Lanlan couldn't help but spat, then looked at Zhou Xingsitting in the car and laughed again.

The heart is full of sweetness.

"I'm leaving."

Xiao Lanlan waved at Zhou Xing, and Zhou Xing waved back.

She stepped on high heels and walked on the muddy path with a smile on her face, but her mood was as good as ever.

"Lan Qianqian, you disappoint me so much!"

Suddenly, an angry voice sounded.