chapter 18

Mr. Zhou, let me toast youUndecided in times of trouble.Then double it.This won't be too bad after all...

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements for you."The supervisor responded hurriedly, and then left the booth.

"It's a bit too expensive. In fact, you can just order some drinks. My colleagues are just here to have a look."Anya grabbed Zhou Xing's hand and said, "We don't often go to bars. This is my first time here. "

It's okay, it's my first time too."Zhou Xing smiled: "Since we're out to play, let's have fun."

Anya looked at Zhou Xing, surprised It was actually his first time to come to a bar.I originally thought that since Zhou Xing was so rich, he would definitely be a frequent visitor to the bar.No matter how bad it is, I have been in and out many times.Just looking at his appearance just now, his words didn't seem to be false.I suddenly became curious in my heart, what kind of family Zhou Xing is.

"Mr. Zhou, there are some girls outside. They say they are your friends. Do you want to bring them in?"

The supervisor came to Zhou Xing again, bowed to his ear and asked.

"It should be my colleagues who have arrived."

Anya said.

Zhou Xing nodded: "They are all my friends, let them in."


The supervisor went out again.

After a while, Gu Ting and the others were led in, and seven or eight girls came in.All of them are beautiful in appearance and tall in stature.

As a stewardess.

Even if her appearance is not as outstanding as Anya's, she is at least on par. On the Internet, she is at least as good as a goddess.It is extremely rare to see so many beautiful girls in a bar at the same time.It immediately attracted many people to watch.

Gu Ting and the others looked at the environment inside with some curiosity, exclaiming from time to time.

He was quickly taken to the booth.

"Mr. Zhou, I have brought all your friends. If you need anything, call me."

The supervisor left.

Gu Ting laughed and greeted Zhou Xing: "Hello, we meet again."

Zhou Xing also waved: "Please sit down."

Gu Ting sat down first, and the other flight attendants also sat down together, but Compared to Gu Ting, they seemed a little restrained.

"Zhou Xing, oh no, it should be Young Master Zhou."

Gu Ting said with some surprise: "Young Master Zhou, you should come here often, otherwise why would you even have booked the 000 number? I think the supervisor is also respectful to you. "

The other stewardesses also looked at Zhou Xing and Anya curiously.

There was envy in his eyes.

Zhou Xing smiled and did not explain.

At that time...a row of waiters came towards this side carrying drinks.

The supervisor stood at the front: "Mr. Zhou, this is the drink you ordered for 200,000 yuan!"

He deliberately told the price.

The purpose is to be heard by everyone present.

After all, Zhou Xing came with so many girls, even without the boss's orders.

With this two hundred thousand consumption.

Both emotion and reason are enough to make Zhou Xing such a famous figure.

Why do people come to the bar?

Drinking is secondary, the most important thing is to show off in front of beautiful women.


The eyes of many flight attendants present changed.

Looking at Anya's eyes again, she saw envy and other emotions.

Two hundred thousand!

Although Zhou Xing was driving a Lamborghini.

But they have also come into contact with many second-generation rich people, and they know clearly that many second-generation rich people drive luxury cars on the surface, but in fact they don't have much in their pockets.

All are controlled by the family.

Even the money for gas is a bit reluctant.

Not only can Zhou Xing be able to afford a luxury car, he is also so generous.

Just order 200,000 drinks.

It has been proved that Zhou Xing's family background is not ordinary.

They were unconvinced.

Why could Anya find such an outstanding boy.

But they can only be approached by some short and ugly middle-aged men.

I have already made up my mind.

Zhou Xing and Anya have not yet confirmed their relationship. Even if they have confirmed their relationship, they have not received a certificate.

They still have a chance.

At the supervisor's signal, a dazzling array of drinks and fruit plates filled the entire table.

"Mr. Zhou, do you want to open all the wine?"the supervisor asked.

Zhou Xing glanced at the supervisor and had to say that this person was still very smart.Know how to understand the customer experience.

But it's normal. As a bar, the most important thing is to retain customers.

How to make guests have fun here, feel comfortable and happy is their purpose.

"Open them all."Zhou Xing said calmly.

The waiters came forward and opened them one by one.

"Then I won't disturb Mr. Zhou."

The supervisor left.

In the booth, silence returned.

After a while, Gu Ting said: "Two hundred thousand yuan in wine is too luxurious. I don't dare to drink it." "

What is there that I don't dare to drink?"

Zhou Xing said with a smile: "That's why I came here. Have fun and don't worry about anything else."

He picked up a glass of wine.

Gu Ting also stood up at the right time, raised her glass and said, "Then I won't be polite. I would

like to toast Mr. Zhou here first, and thank you for your hospitality!" The other stewardesses followed suit and stood up together: "The first glass of toast to Mr. Zhou, thank you Mr. Zhou!"

There was a sudden buzz in the booth.

Zhou Xing had no choice but to hold his wine glass and clink glasses with them.

Drink a glass of champagne.

He didn't feel anything, but he had to say that the wine tasted pretty good.

"Then the second cup is for our Anya."

Gu Ting poured herself another cup and looked at Anya with a smirk on her face: "We are all influenced by Anya."

"To Anya!"

The rest Everyone said in unison.

Anya waved her hands quickly, feeling a little embarrassed and said, "It doesn't have to be like this."

But in the end, she couldn't resist them and could only stand up and clink glasses with them.

A glass of wine.

There was a slight blush on Anya's fair face.

Under the dim light, it looked even more rosy.

Sitting there, he looked calm on the outside, but felt extremely satisfied inside.

She was just a new member of the crew before. How could these stewardesses be so polite to her?

The reasons all come from Zhou Xing.

She looked at Zhou Xing with a firm gaze, no matter what his age, she must hold him firmly.

Zhou Xing also watched them drinking happily, and put his right hand around Anya's waist.

Gradually he reached up toward his back.

Anya struggled to push Zhou Xing's hand away: "Zhou Xing, don't be like's too fast."

She had only been in contact with Zhou Xing for one night.

Even if she is very moved, it cannot be obtained too easily.

Otherwise, men won't know how to cherish it.

Zhou Xing glanced at Anya, and the familiar smell of tea wafted out again.

But he is not Li Yilin...

Anya's appearance is top-notch, which makes him attracted, but it is not the reason for him to be a licker.

He calmly pulled out his hand, his expression indifferent.

The stewardess next to me had already seen all of this.

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

The opportunity has come!

One of the stewardesses with an oval face and big eyes came over, her body almost stuck to Zhou Xing, squeezing Zhou Xing's arm with her upper body.

The voice was delicate and authentic: "Young Master Zhou, I will toast you alone!"