chapter 19

Taking advantage of the opportunity

"Mr. Zhou, my name is Luo Qianqian."

Luo Qianqian announced her name, then raised the champagne in her hand and drank it in one gulp. After drinking, she licked her red lips and swallowed the rest of the drink.

Almond eyes are smart and full of charm.

"I've done it, you can do whatever you want, Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Xing didn't hesitate and drank the wine in one gulp.

Seeing this, Luo Qianqian moved closer to Zhou Xing in the name of pouring him wine.

Seeing that Zhou Xing had no objection, she became even bolder.

His head rested on Zhou Xing's shoulder, his body pressed tightly against him, and he kept hitting Zhou Xing's arm with his headlight.

Zhou Xing took advantage of the situation and hugged Luo Qianqian's soft waist.

"Young Master Zhou, you are so bad."

Luo Qianqian leaned close to Zhou Xing's ear, her red lips parted slightly, and giggled.

Strands of hair fell on Zhou Xing's face, making it feel a little itchy.

But he didn't mean to break away from Zhou Xing. Instead, he twisted his waist and lay in Zhou Xing's arms.

Zhou Xing turned to look at Luo Qianqian. Under the dim light, her face was still refined.

Although she is slightly inferior to Anya

, she is still ranked among the top school beauties on campus.

In his previous life, Zhou Xing faced girls of this level and had no chance of interacting with them.

He didn't feel anything wrong with Luo Qianqian's behavior.

When you go out to play, you must be aware.

Luo Qianqian obviously has a big pattern.

Compared with the fragrance of green tea, isn't it more fragrant to throw yourself into your arms?

Luo Qianqian's actions...the stewardesses who had their eyes on Zhou Xing were all clearly visible.

While mentally scolding Luo Qianqian for being shameless.

At the same time, he was afraid of missing the opportunity and rushed to get up to toast Zhou Xing.

After the toast, he did not return to his seat, but naturally sat next to Zhou Xing, showing his goodwill to Zhou Xing not to be outdone.

Anya was forced to the outside.

Anya clenched her fists and looked at Luo Qianqian angrily.

In her opinion...the initiator of this scene was Luo Qianqian.

The other party clearly knew that Zhou Xing and himself were a couple.

They are all colleagues...we get along as best friends on weekdays and have a very good relationship.

But when they encountered something like this, not only did they not choose to help, but they all chose to backstab without hesitation.

Luo Qianqian felt Anya's gaze and raised her fair neck with a slight smile on her face.

But in my heart, I was quite disdainful.

Anya is a typical person who is unaware of her blessings.

They were all envious of being able to interact with Zhou Xing.

Boys like Zhou Xing are rare among rich people.

How rare and precious it is...

they all know it.

When encountering someone like Zhou Xing, of course he would seize the opportunity as soon as possible and take advantage of the trend.

However, Anya still tried to catch Zhou Xing tightly and kept whetting his appetite.

Will a rich man like Zhou Xing be short of girls? The answer is obvious.

Even if he has no idea, he is still as conspicuous as a firefly in the dark night.

The girls would flock to it.

Anya is so naive.

Thinking of monopolizing Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing is not the kind of person who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman.

The last thing he lacks is girls.

Anya took the initiative to create opportunities but didn't know how to cherish them, so don't blame them for taking advantage of them.

"Anya, are you just turning a blind eye and watching them indifferently as they throw themselves into Zhou Xing's arms?"

Gu Ting sat next to her, looking at the lonely Anya, and couldn't help but feel anxious for her.

When a man chases a woman, there is a mountain between them.

A girl chasing a boy... a layer of gauze, as long as the girl is willing to go all out, it shouldn't be too simple.

"Zhou Xing has nothing to do with me. I have no right to control what he wants."

Anya pursed her lips, but still said harshly.

But his eyes kept falling on Zhou Xing and never moved away.

"Are you sure?"

Gu Ting asked.

"Then... for sure, he and I have nothing to do with each other, just ordinary friends."

Anya didn't want to show her vulnerable side in front of her good friends.

"If you say that, then I'll do it too. Boys like Zhou Xing are so rare that even I'm attracted to him."

After Gu Tingting finished speaking, Anya immediately became anxious.

"Tingting, you!"

Anya didn't expect that even her most trusted friend would betray her. When she turned around, she found Gu Ting looking at her teasingly. She knew that her thoughts had been revealed by the other party.

Just stop pretending.

"How could they do this!"

Anya felt aggrieved and was about to burst into tears.

As a good best friend, it's okay not to help if something happens, but it's just adding insult to injury.

There is also some imbalance in my heart.

Zhou Xing must be clear about his own thoughts.

She has already acquiesced...

It's just that there are so many people, she is a little shy, thinking that the progress is too fast, so she just needs to develop slowly.

Zhou Xing also touched his legs and held his hands.

I almost broke the window paper to confirm the relationship.

What Zhou Xing wants to do doesn't all depend on him.

Just because he refused Zhou Xing's further move, Zhou Xing turned to her without any nostalgia.

He looked like he was welcome to come.

Could it be that... Zhou Xing doesn't have any feelings for him?

"Don't blame Zhou Xing, but you don't know how popular he is!"

Gu Ting saw this and comforted: "Although we are stewardesses, in the eyes of some people, we have a professional aura and think that we are superficially beautiful. ."

"But only we know it ourselves. In fact, we are just ordinary waiters and nothing." "Our

great youth is wasted on airplanes. Apart from our faces, we have nothing worthy of praise. When we are really When I wanted to get married, I found that I was getting older."

Gu Ting laughed at herself: "We are lucky to be able to marry a rich, middle-aged bald man, like Zhou Xing. Basically, you have to

save the galaxy in your previous life to have this possibility." " Don't blame them. Realistically, who wants to end up with the fate of being an old man and being despised by others."

"They just want to find a life for themselves. It's just a better future."

Gu Ting looked at Anya with a sincere face: "To be honest, if it weren't for you being my best friend, if I were another unfamiliar flight attendant, I would be equally desperate when I met Zhou Xing He flew up."


Anya was stunned and looked at Gu Ting in front of her. For the first time, she felt that the other person was so strange.

"People are all realistic."

Gu Ting thought to herself and said: "Don't treat Zhou Xing as an ordinary person. A rich man like him is not a fool. Don't think of him as young. He has seen You have more tricks than you have eaten."

"These tricks of yours are not worth mentioning in his eyes."

"Don't even think about playing tricks in front of Zhou Xing, just obey obediently. This way you have the greatest chance."

Gu Ting sighed slightly and said: "Your appearance and figure are your greatest assets and your advantages, but there is no absolute... You You should think about it yourself, if you miss it, you will regret it."

After Anya was silent for a moment, she raised her head and said, "I understand, thank you Tingting."

Her words were very sincere.

Although Gu Ting's words were very realistic, they were a little hard to accept for Anya for a while.

But she knew that the other party really did it for her own good and hoped that she could live a good life.

"If I were you, I would rush over now and take back your place!"

Gu Ting said. There was one sentence she didn't say after that: "Use your looks and figure to make them feel ashamed."

Anya said to her. Looking over at Zhou Xing, he saw that the other party had no intention of even looking this way.

Although she felt a little depressed, she still said with a smile: "No, Tingting, Zhou Xing is just angry with me now. I will just find a chance to apologize to him later." "

They want to take Zhou Xing away. It's completely impossible."

"After all, I was the first to know Zhou Xing, and it was Zhou Xing who took the initiative to pursue me."

Anya looked confident.

She also knows her appearance and figure very clearly.

That's why she has absolute confidence.

Gu Ting's expression was a little complicated when she saw this, but she didn't say anything further.

She had already said everything she needed to say, and she couldn't decide what Anya thought.

In the booth, it was still in full swing.

Paired with dynamic music, girls swarmed on both sides with smiles on their faces.

Zhou Xing picked up the wine glass, and the wine inside emitted colorful brilliance under the light.

He suddenly understood...why rich people like to come to bars.

Not that the drinks are outstanding.

But here, their vanity and desire to conquer can be infinitely satisfied.

Indulgence and extravagance are the most depraved things.

It is also the most exciting and happy way.

"Young Master Zhou, it's your turn to drink."

A delicate voice came from the side. Zhou Xing came back to his senses, smiled faintly, and drank the wine in the cup.


The people in the other booths saw this scene and were so jealous that their back teeth almost broke.

I feel extremely unbalanced.

They noticed it from the moment this group of stewardesses jumped in.

They are all tall beauties.

In the booth, Zhou Xing was the only boy who didn't speak.

In their eyes, these were rare beauties, and each one of them actually fell in love with Zhou Xing.

He even became jealous.

His eyes instantly turned red...

Why could Zhou Xing enjoy the blessings of others, yet he asked a few girls to come out, not to mention the crooked melons and jujubes, but also looked reluctant.


At this time.

The lights suddenly became brilliant.

Confetti fell from the sky, accompanied by the huge roar of carbon dioxide cannons.

A group of waiters carried bottles of Ace of Spades and walked towards booth No. 005.

The music stops.

The lights were raised and cheers resounded.

The DJ shouted passionately: "Thank you Mr. Huang in deck 005 for his two sets of 58888 little magic dragons. Use your greatest enthusiasm to rock and shout to your heart's content!" The

heavy metal music resumed, deafening.

The atmosphere of the entire venue was taken to another level.

The real-time picture of booth No. 005 also appeared on the big screen in the bar.

In the center stood a young man wearing an LVT shirt and a gold Rolex.

The body is somewhat rounded and full of wealth.

But that still didn't stop him from becoming the center of attention.

Bottles of Ace of Spades are placed.

Although it is only a small dragon, two sets of it cost more than 100,000 yuan, which is not a small amount of money.

On the screen, the number 117776 was extremely conspicuous.

As the Ace of Spades was placed, the young man walked straight towards booth No. 000 with a bottle of wine in hand, looking past Zhou Xing and looking at the girls.

Holding the Ace of Spades high, he deliberately showed off his Rolex and said with a smile: "I just ordered a few bottles of Ace of Spades. I wonder if I have the honor to invite a few ladies to sit in my booth. Let's have a drink and play games together?"