chapter 20

Spending Millions

The appearance of the man surnamed Huang.

The lively booth suddenly became quiet.

The flight attendants did not speak, but looked at Zhou Xing.

The little dragon set worth more than 100,000 yuan is really eye-catching.

But they all knew that just now Zhou Xing ordered 200,000 drinks without showing off.

But none of them were so flamboyant.

No matter in appearance, strength or character...

this man named Huang has no qualifications to compare with Zhou Xing.

Anya even showed her disgust unabashedly.

But none of them chose to speak out, because this was the booth Zhou Xing ordered and it also belonged to his territory.

The other party ignored Zhou Xing and invited them directly.

It can be considered a provocation.

They were a little curious about how Zhou Xing would handle it.

Zhou Xing looked very calm, with not much expression on his face.

Spend money, show your financial strength, attract the attention of the audience...

and then in this case, go and invite the girls.

As long as a girl is a frequent visitor to a bar, it will be difficult for her to resist this series of tactics.

It seems that this man named Huang often does this kind of thing.

Zhou Xing said nothing.

He immediately waved to the supervisor standing in the distance.

The supervisor immediately ran over.

He glanced at the man surnamed Huang slightly, and then bowed in front of Zhou Xing: "Mr. Zhou, do you have any instructions?"

"What's the price of the dragon sets you have here?"

Zhou Xing asked lightly. .

The supervisor looked at the Ace of Spades in the hand of the man surnamed Huang, and suddenly understood, and quickly introduced: "We have a small dragon set here, 58888, and then an ordinary dragon set. There are six bottles of Ace of Spades in total, 98888, and above that is Frozen Dragon Set 128888..."

Zhou Xing interrupted him: "Just this Frozen Dragon Set, give me ten sets."

"Ten sets!"

The supervisor was stunned.

He worked with many people in the bar and was used to seeing others spend money like water, but he had never met someone as generous as Zhou Xing.

The flight attendants sitting next to Zhou Xing also covered their mouths and looked at Zhou Xing in shock.

Frozen Dragon Set, a set of 128,000.

Then ten sets are 1.28 million!

This can already be used as a down payment for some small houses in Shanghai.

"Is there any problem?"

Zhou Xing asked.


The supervisor shook his head repeatedly: "Ten sets, a total of 1.288 million."

"Swipe your card!"

Zhou Xing took out his bank card.

The supervisor took the card respectfully, and the waiter beside him had already brought the POS machine.

"Please enter your password."

The supervisor placed the POS machine in front of Zhou Xing.

After entering the password, the machine spits out a receipt.

The supervisor's face became more respectful and joyful: "Mr. Zhou, please wait a moment, I will prepare it for you right away!"

After getting these ten sets of Frozen Divine Dragons, his commission was also quite good.

He already knew that Zhou Xingneng had an extraordinary background when he was named by his boss for special attention.

But I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

Millions of dollars worth of wine can be spent as quickly as possible, as if spending a hundred yuan.

"Dong dong dong..."

The music in the bar changed, and the lights gathered together in one place.

The dancing bodies of the guests paused for a moment, and then became more and more excited.

As if something was expected.

next moment!

The lights in the entire venue dimmed.

Then the waiters moved quickly, went to various booths, took out the shields in advance, and placed them on their drinks.

A spotlight.

In the background, more than a dozen waiters, holding flowers and bottles of Aces of Spades of different colors, walked straight towards the booth.

On the big screen, it suddenly lit up.

One million, two hundred and eighty-eight thousand!

The seven-digit numbers danced on the screen, giving people endless shock.

The carbon dioxide cannon fired nine times in a row.

Golden ribbons fell all over the sky.

Bunny girls with bunny ears on their heads, hot figures, and glowing fair skin stood on the booths and danced to the music.

"Master Zhou, in deck No. 000, has ordered ten sets of Frozen Dragon sets. All guests in the bar will receive a Heineken beer for each of them, so that we can cheer his name to our heart's content!" "

Master Zhou!"

"Wish him a good time. Happy!"

The DJ's exciting voice rang out, and everyone in the bar shouted the name of 'Young Master Zhou'.

The atmosphere almost broke through the venue and soared into the sky.

The numbers on the big screen froze, and then the picture appeared, and all the service staff appeared in front of the booths, placing gold, pink, black gold...all kinds of aces of spades on the table.

Zhou Xing's figure appeared on the big screen.

Everyone also saw the owner who ordered the Frozen Divine Dragon Set.

That young and handsome face and indifferent temperament.

It made all the girls in the audience go crazy.

Handsome, young...and spending millions.

If you can appear in this booth, you will definitely be the focus of TAXX tonight!

Many girls have already rushed towards this booth.

Regardless of the booth, nearly ten girls were already sitting there, wanting to make friends and establish relationships with Zhou Xing.

If the bar hadn't already expected it, security guards would have surrounded the booths.

Then Zhou Xing would probably be overwhelmed by the wave of girls at this time.

Even so, those girls were as crazy as chasing stars, struggling to break away from the security guards and shouting loudly: "Master Zhou, make a friend, I won't let you down."

"Master Zhou, you are so handsome, I want to give you You gave birth to a monkey!"

"Young Master Zhou, let me in, I will be yours tonight!"

The bold speeches of these girls caught Zhou Xing off guard.

He didn't take care of the girls, but said to the supervisor: "Open all these drinks!"

"Open all of them?"

The supervisor was also shocked. This was millions of bottles of wine.

"Mr. Zhou, you guys can't finish all this. It's a waste to open them all. How about I open some for you first, and then you can save the rest." The

supervisor kindly reminded: " I will apply for a platinum membership card for our bar for you later. Just come back next time."

With a weekly consumption, even if there is no boss to say hello, you can apply for the highest standard platinum membership card here.

Spending millions in one night is like a gold mine.

"No, if you can't finish drinking, open it on the floor for me!"

Zhou Xing spoke calmly, but the stewardesses present looked excited.

He immediately clamped his legs together.

As long as Zhou Xing hooks his hand at them, they will cling onto Zhou Xing's body without hesitation and never get off again.

Anya also stared at Zhou Xing with confused eyes.

She had to admit that Zhou Xing's current charm was simply overwhelming!

I can't control myself and want to throw myself into my arms.

The man named Huang standing there seemed to have become a clown.

The Ace of Spades in his hand is even less worth mentioning in front of these ten sets of Frozen Dragon Sets.

Zhou Xing just glanced at him lightly, and then ignored him again.

Arguing with others is the most stupid behavior.

Arguing with this kind of person will only bring him down.

The two parties are not on the same level at all.

Just let him give up.

However, the flight attendants all had a slight smile on their faces and looked at the man named Huang with interest, wondering what he was thinking in this situation.

If you want to rely on a mere magic trick, you ignore Zhou Xing and try to strike up a conversation with them.

Zhou Xing calmly ordered millions of drinks.

And open them all.

From beginning to end, he didn't show any special expression.

The two... Let's make a judgment!

The man surnamed Huang's face suddenly changed and became extremely ugly.

His name is Huang Mingyuan and he is a frequent customer of TAXX.

He has spent millions in and out of here, and he is considered a well-known rich second generation in the bar.

He is used to being the center of attention wherever he goes, but today he met Zhou Xing at the bar.

The other party alone brought nearly ten girls with him.

Each one's appearance is outstanding, and they are no less impressive than those he has played before.

He admitted that he was jealous, which was why the scene just happened.

Although the other party was in deck No. 000, he didn't take it seriously.

Zhou Xing was dressed in modest clothes. He didn't even have a watch on his hand, and his whole body was clean.

Although it is not ordinary, it is incomparable to him.

From the perspective of a Shanghai native, this was definitely another country bumpkin who had a little bit of money and wanted to show it off.

I don't know how long in advance I booked this deck.

So I tried my best and brought all the girls I knew to show off here.

Stealing his limelight.

He was a little dizzy after drinking some wine. Naturally, he couldn't agree to the encouragement from his friends who were traveling with him. He just ignored Zhou Xing on purpose.

From the bottom of his heart, he disdained such ignorant bumpkins.

In terms of behavior, it is also provocative.

What he didn't expect was that Zhou Xing ignored him at all and ordered ten sets of Frozen Divine Dragon sets.

Let him lose face in public.

He is also a decent person!

He has a good reputation in Shanghai, and he was humiliated by Zhou Xing in a bar.

His friends were watching.

Especially the looks from the girls in these booths made him feel the humiliation he had never experienced in his life.

"What do you mean?"

Huang Mingyuan stared at Zhou Xing and said in a bad tone.

He was not afraid of Zhou Xing at all, even though he had just spent millions.

so what?

A man who came from the countryside and suddenly got rich, how could he stand up to a local snake like him?

Zhou Xingzheng smiled and chatted with the girl next to him. He originally thought that Huang Mingyuan would leave in a sensible way, but he did not expect that the other party had no intention of leaving at all.

The smile on his face immediately dissipated and became very calm: "It's not interesting."

"My ordering my wine doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?"

Zhou Xing raised his eyebrows: "This is my booth. Please go back to your seat. After all, you ordered the Little Dragon Set, so drink it quickly and don't waste it."