Chapter 28

Where to buy the electronic watch

All Seasons Hotel.

A tiffany blue Lamborghini parked at the door.

In the sunlight, the luster of sapphire is reflected.

Next to the Lamborghini, Zhou Xing leaned on the car.

After shopping at Plaza 66, he had a completely new look.

The upper body is a white printed T-shirt from Burberry, paired with a pair of black leggings sweatpants from Gucci.

Wearing LV's white and black panda sneakers.

On the right wrist, Richard Mille with his full personality is revealed from time to time.

Even through his sunglasses, his young and handsome face and height of 1.85 meters are enough to attract attention.

Although it is a luxury brand from the inside out.

But most of the models Zhou Xing chooses are relatively simple and mainly for leisure sports.

There is no LOGO all over the body.

It looks clean and refreshing, which makes people feel good.

It has been two full days since

I arrived in Shanghai .

After investing a lot of money, Zhou Xing's own temperament also began to change.

Maintain absolute confidence and calmness when facing anything.

Momentum arose spontaneously.

Zhou Xing also understands that these things need to be accumulated over time. He still has a lot to improve on how to learn to be a rich person.

"Little brother, are you alone?"

A strong fragrance came, accompanied by a somewhat delicate voice.

There was a young girl standing in front of Zhou Xing.

About one meter six.

Wearing a small fragrant dress by Chanel, and high-heeled sandals by Chanel.

Wearing a white GUCCI hat on her head.

At this moment, he was looking at her with a smile on his face. When he realized that Zhou Xing turned around, he lowered his head pretending to be shy.

In fact, he was quietly looking at Zhou Xing's outfit.

Lamborghini's latest model doesn't look like a rental.

The clothes on my body are also different from the basic ones that are full of LOGO.

When his eyes were on the watch on Zhou Xingna's wrist.

Her pupils suddenly shrank.

There was a look of shock on his face.

Richard Mille!

Very few people know about this watch.

But she is different...

she spends a lot of time studying big names.

Some unpopular but extremely expensive brands have become her key targets.

Just to avoid making mistakes.

She had also seen this watch and was shocked by its unique appearance and high price.

Unexpectedly, the person in front of me was wearing such a model.

It's obviously not a basic model, but more like a limited edition, which costs at least two to three million.

She suddenly became excited. Being able to drive a luxury car and wear luxury goods did not prove that she was rich.

But if you have a watch in your hand, it is worth millions.

That's the real Shenhao!

The corners of Zhou Xing's mouth rose, and all the other party's small movements were caught in his eyes.

Seeing the eyes wandering over him, he understood...

This person was the same as the one he met at Xiao Lanlan's door.

She is also a classic 'Shanghai socialite'.

It's just that his rank is obviously much higher than that one's.

But in 2016, this vocabulary has not yet been developed and popularized.

So everyone doesn't have this concept.

"It's not a person, could it be half a person?"

Zhou Xing asked back.


The girl said it indifferently, but she covered her mouth and snickered in cooperation: "Brother, you are so funny."

"I happen to be the same person."

The girl looked at it with a smile. Turning to Zhou Xing: "Brother, do you want to sit down for a cup of afternoon tea and make friends?"

"Next time."

Zhou Xing refused directly.

"It's okay, then add me as a friend. Next time my best friends and I go out to play, I can ask you to come with me." "

My best friends are all beautiful women."

"Maybe it can help you improve your relationship. "

But the girl is still a little insistent. She can't just watch such a top tycoon slip away from her.

Zhou Xing shook his head. For these famous ladies in Shanghai, they had their own way of life. Whether they worshiped money or were hypocritical, he did not despise them in his heart.

But I have no intention of handing over.

"Zhou Xing!"

Just when he was a little impatient and was about to refuse directly, Anya's Nuonuo voice sounded from behind.

Anya waved happily to Zhou Xing.

Then he quickly came to Zhou Xing, hugged his arm, glanced at the girl in front of him warily, and asked Zhou Xing: "Zhou Xing, who is she?" Zhou

Xing shrugged at the girl, and then looked at her again. He glanced at Anya beside him.

No words were spoken, everything was left unsaid.

The smile on the girl's face also froze in place.

Anya is 1.7 meters tall and wears a small white skirt, revealing her straight thighs, which are a bit dazzlingly white.

Her pink little face, with just a little light makeup, is far more delicate than her heavy makeup.

There is no doubt that...she is completely at a disadvantage.

"Then I'll talk about it next time I have a chance."

The girl tried her best to keep a smile, but her face still looked a little unsightly.

Zhou Xing nodded and didn't say much. He just said to Anya, "Get in the car."


Anya responded cheerfully, fanning the wind with her little hands: "The weather in Shanghai is too hot. As soon as I came out, I started to sweat." He

immediately opened the scissor door skillfully and sat in.

The girl looked at the cool and handsome scissor door with envy in her eyes.

Zhou Xing also sat in the driver's seat.

Start the car.

The air conditioner blows cool air.

Anya breathed a sigh of relief and felt like she was alive.

When Zhou Xing saw this, he also smiled slightly. The so-called luxury car's air conditioner was not very good, so that was a problem.

Anya obviously doesn't have such awareness.

As for the girl just now, she probably started shouting "hot" when she got in the car.

It is an adaptive air conditioner.

"Hey, did you buy a watch?"

Anya noticed the Richard Mille on Zhou Xing's wrist: "Where did you buy it? It's a bit like a little genius watch. It's pretty good-looking. I didn't expect people like you to buy electronics." Watch, I'll buy one when the time comes."

Hearing this, Zhou Xing laughed.

Anya was in sharp contrast to the girl just now.

But he liked Anya's inexperienced look. Without explaining, he just turned the paddle on the steering wheel.

The accelerator was depressed.

The car roared like an angry bull and left the All Seasons Hotel.

The girls were left standing there.

She reluctantly took out her mobile phone, which had a photo of Zhou Xing, Lamborghini and the license plate from a distance.

Immediately opened a WeChat group called Shanghai Ladies.

Click to send!

"Jimei ladies, I have found another high-quality rich young man. Not only is he in good condition, but he is also very handsome." "

If you meet her, you must pay attention!"

"Don't say that I am not good to you, such a good person All the resources have been shared with you."

After the girl finished sending it.

The quiet group immediately became lively.

Seeing the group members posting messages of thanks, she smiled slightly.

Zhou Xing's Lamborghini is extremely eye-catching everywhere.

The people in the group all have good eyesight, and they are distributed in various areas of Shanghai.

Once they notice it, given their personalities, they will definitely not be able to help showing off in the group.

Then she just needs to rush there according to the location.

In this case...

it can create a lot of 'accidental encounter' opportunities.

She didn't believe she couldn't get it next week.

Anya is beautiful and has a good figure, so what?

Would she be as proactive as herself? Would she wear Pinru's clothes?