Chapter 29

Sea Restaurant

The car came to Plaza 66 again.

Zhou Xing stopped the car.

"What are we doing here?"

Anya asked confused.

As a flight attendant who often flies to Shanghai, she has naturally heard about Plaza 66, a shopping paradise.

"Didn't you say you wanted to buy a couple's watch with me? Then you can only come here."

Zhou Xing held the steering wheel and turned to look at Anya.

"Who wants to wear a couple's watch with you..."

Anya blushed, then covered her mouth and pointed to the Richard Mille on Zhou Xing's wrist with a look of shock: "Your watch Did you buy it here?"

The luxury goods from Plaza 66 are still the king among luxury goods.

The value of this watch can be imagined.

Anya suddenly asked sheepishly, "How much does this watch cost?"

"Less than seven hundred."

Zhou Xing looked indifferent.

"Seven hundred... yuan?"

Anya hesitated.

"What do you think?"

Anya lowered her head. She herself thought this question was a bit ridiculous.

How could Zhou Xing, who spent millions in bars and drove tens of millions of dollars in luxury cars, buy a watch worth 700 yuan?

That means that the value of this watch is nearly seven million.

Even though she knew that the famous watch was worth a lot of money, Anya still couldn't accept it.

What is it like to wear a suit in your hand?

Recalling that they were talking about Zhou Xing watches in the car and brazenly saying that they wanted to buy one, Anya felt her cheeks get hot.

"Let's go."

Zhou Xing opened the car door and prepared to get out of the car.

"Stop making fun of me."

Anya hammered Zhou Xing's arm in shame and annoyance: "It costs several million, how can I afford it, even if I sell it, it won't be enough."

She thought Zhou Xing was Tease her and enjoy watching her make a fool of herself.

Zhou Xing smiled and looked at Anya's white, tender but empty wrist: "Now that you are here, let's buy a watch by the way. I see that you don't seem to be wearing any watch. Isn't a stewardess's watch necessary? ?"

As a flight attendant, when you cannot use communication tools on the plane.

Then watches have become the most frequently used tool in their career.

Anya is naturally equipped with a watch, but it only costs a few hundred yuan and she only wears it when working.

It's not a brand-name watch. It has no decorative effect, so there is no need to wear it when going out.

"It's too expensive here, I can't afford it."

Anya said pitifully.

With a year's salary, she probably can't even afford the cheapest watch here.

"Let's go take a look first."

Zhou Xing dragged Anya out of the car without any explanation, and then walked straight into Plaza 66.

Once you enter the square.

When the shopping guides from major brands saw Zhou Xing, their eyes immediately lit up, they became extremely enthusiastic, and they came to greet him from a distance.


A young rich man appeared in Plaza 66.

Less than an hour here.

He went on a shopping spree and bought more than seven million worth of goods.

Information flows between shopping guides.

Looking at the photos in the group, they were all extremely envious of Luo Qianqian, who traveled with Zhou Xing.

To their surprise, in the afternoon...

Zhou Xing came again!

Facing such a powerful person, how could they miss the opportunity?

The always aloof luxury shopping guide looked like a real estate salesperson in front of Zhou Xing.

He dedicated his greatest passion in life.

Anya was also frightened by the battle. She pulled Zhou Xing's arm with a nervous look on her face.

Zhou Xing ignored these shopping guides and took Anya directly towards the Cartier store.

Although he has enough strength, he can buy any of the top ten famous watch brands for Anya for several dollars in a row without any problem.

But it's not necessary!

It is not a good thing to hold a girl's status too high.

Human desires are always unsatisfied.

So let's do it step by step.

Although Cartier is not very famous in the watchmaking industry, it is deeply loved by girls with its fancy appearance.

"Hello, sir, welcome to Cartier. What are your needs?"

Cartier's shopping guide felt like he was being patronized by the goddess of luck. With a happy face, he greeted Zhou Xing and Anya warmly.

Zhou Xing pointed at Anya and said to the shopping guide: "Find a suitable watch for her." "

No problem, sir. You can rest here for a while. I will take this lady to choose a watch right away." The

shopping guide guided After Zhou Xing sat down, he brought him some Perrier water, and then he took Anya towards the watch counter.

Anya was embarrassed to refuse directly as she was being held here.

I had to follow the shopping guide to the counter.

Her original intention was just to take a look and then find an opportunity to refuse.

But... when she saw the dazzling array of watches with novel shapes and diamonds on the counter, she couldn't take her eyes away.

The shopping guide took out an exquisite women's watch and placed it in front of Anya: "Madam, what do you think of this watch?" "

This watch comes from Cartier's most classic blue balloon series, and the strap is made of classic Made of wear-resistant crocodile leather, it is both beautiful and not stuffy when worn." "

The checkered sapphire dial, sword-shaped hands, and a total of twenty-six diamonds inlaid on the front and back of the watch body will suit the shape of your hand. It's very beautiful, fair and slender. Wearing it on your hand will definitely add a lot of points to you."

The shopping guide enthusiastically took off the watch: "Let me wear it for you and you can see the effect."

Anya looked at the watch on her wrist This watch makes me want to refuse, but the words can never come out of my mouth.

Because this watch is so beautiful.

Even though she knew she couldn't afford it, she still wanted to see more.

"How much does this watch cost?"

Anya turned around and glanced at Zhou Xing, finding that he was sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone and not paying attention, so she asked the shopping guide in a low voice.

The shopping guide said with a smile on his face: "The public price of this watch is currently 136,800."

Anya's body trembled, and she subconsciously wanted to take off the watch.

next moment.

But a hand fell on her shoulder.

She looked back and saw Zhou Xing appeared behind her.

Zhou Xing glanced at the watch indifferently, and then asked, "Do you like it?"

Anya hesitated for a moment, and then tried to find out the problem with the watch: "This strap seems a little tight, and it is very uncomfortable to wear."

Zhou Xing looked at Anya's white wrist and saw that the watch was wearing just right.

After all, the shopping guide has debugged the watch strap in advance.

He didn't expose Anya: "It's okay, I just like tight ones."

"It will loosen up after you use it."

Anya listened, and although it was the truth, she still felt that something was not right.

Suddenly her face turned red, she glared at Zhou Xing and said angrily: "Rogue!"

Even if she doesn't have much experience, in this era of extremely developed Internet, it is impossible for her to understand everything.

"Swipe your card and pay!"

Zhou Xing ignored Anya and handed over his bank card directly.

"Okay sir."

The shopping guide happily took the bank card: "I will handle it for you right away."

"No, Zhou Xing, this is too expensive."

As soon as the shopping guide left, Anya looked at Zhou Xing pleadingly.

She couldn't afford more than 130,000 yuan.

"Since you like it, then keep it. You can think of it as a small gift from me. Of course, I don't mind. You think of it as a token of love between us."

Zhou Xing's smile rose and his eyes narrowed. .

"Who...who made a promise to you?"

Anya blushed and muttered in a low voice: "I haven't promised you yet."

But she was covering her watch in her hand, her eyes were curved into crescents, and her eyebrows were full of With joy and excitement.

Zhou Xing didn't bother with Anya anymore, but entered the password on the POS machine.

Debit Success.

The shopping guide took out the packaging box and small gifts and put them in the bag: "Thank you very much for your support of our Cartier, and welcome you to come again next time."

The two walked out of Plaza 66.

Anya looked at Zhou Xing with a look of resentment: "Didn't you say that I would take you to have fun? Why did you buy me a gift instead?" "

But you seem to be more familiar with Shanghai than me, so you don't need me to take care of you at all. "

Before Zhou Xing could reply, Anya thought to herself and said, "It must be bad intentions, with bad intentions, and ready to plot evil..."

Halfway through her words, Anya realized something was wrong and stopped.

Doesn't this mean that Zhou Xing is the one who is plotting evil things?

"How do you know I'm not well-intentioned?"

Zhou Xing asked with a smile.

Anya was silent for a moment, speechless.

Then the two of them did not choose to go to another high-end place, but came to a place where Anya often hangs out and relaxes.

The Bund.

Eating some ordinary snacks.

The wind blows by the river.

It also feels very good.

Soon...night falls.

The Huangpu River suddenly became lively.

The tall buildings are brightly lit.

On the river, countless cruise ships made whining sounds and were about to set sail.

Anya, who had spent a lot of energy after playing all afternoon, couldn't help but feel her stomach rumbling.

Anya held her stomach and looked at Zhou Xing with some embarrassment.

Zhou Xing didn't say anything, and looked at his watch: "It's almost time, let's go."

"Where to go?"

"Get on the boat for dinner."

Since we came to the Bund, we naturally wanted to experience a night cruise with the Lujiang River. , Pearl River Night Tour and Pujiang Night Tour, which are also known as China's three golden waterways.

Pier 3, No. 99, Waima Road.

A giant cruise ship docks.

There are four floors in total, with an elegant appearance.

The white hull is printed with the words Crystal Princess.

Crystal Princess.

Luxurious five-star cruise ship!

Different from ordinary cruise ships on the Huangpu River, the "Crystal Princess" invested approximately 50 million yuan and became the first ship on the Huangpu River to receive a five-star cruise ship rating. It is also the best-equipped and most complete cruise ship on the Huangpu River. .

The Crystal Princess cruise ship integrates fashionable technology. It not only has the functions of sightseeing and entertainment, but can also hold water catwalks, water weddings and other activities. It is a veritable water show on the Huangpu River.

Zhang Yan told him all this and helped him reserve a seat.

He took Anya on board the ship, climbed to the second floor, and arrived at the restaurant.

As a water show, of course meals are provided, and they are relatively high-end ingredients.

They can choose from a buffet or order individually.

Zhou Xing undoubtedly chose the latter.

Sit on the window seat and enjoy the unobstructed view of the Huangpu River.

Under the gorgeous lights.

Order Western food and pair it with red wine.

The gentle breeze blowing from the Xujiang River makes people feel relaxed and happy.

seven o 'clock.

The Crystal Princess set sail on time, preparing for a night cruise on the Pujiang River.

The Oriental Pearl Tower, the Bund, the International Architecture Expo...

a series of beautiful views are all available.

This time, Anya did not miss such an opportunity. She stood on the deck and took photos for a long time before giving up.

When I returned to my seat, I looked at the red wine in the glass and the delicious food on the table.

Her eyes were a little blurred: "Is the life of a rich person so simple and unpretentious? Do you live such a wonderful life every day?" "

Of course not, what are you thinking."

Zhou Xing said with some humor: "I am also an ordinary person. , how could Dundun be so luxurious? It's because of you that I specially chose such a place." "I

heard from them that girls like such romantic places."

"In this way, my success rate will be higher. Some."

Anya looked at Zhou Xing: "It turns out that you prepared these specifically to defeat me." "

Then have you been successfully captured?"


Anya said with a smile on her face. It's a mischievous look.

Zhou Xing also smiled slightly.

Feel the gentle breeze coming from the river.

If the wine is not intoxicating, everyone will get drunk.