Chapter 31


Xiao Lanlan's newly rented place.

It is located in the bustling area of Jing'an District.

A two-story high-end apartment.

The environment is much better than before, especially the public security.

At the same time...

the price also seems relatively expensive.

The monthly rent of 15,000 yuan is enough to put many people back.

Zhou Xing drove the car straight into the community and parked downstairs.

Take the elevator and arrive at the 16th floor.

The door was locked with a fingerprint password, and Xiao Lanlan immediately told Zhou Xing the password.

enter password!

The door opens.

At the door, Xiao Lanlan, who was already dressed and ready to go to work, was looking at Zhou Xing with some surprise: "My dear, why are you here?"

Zhou Xing put his arms around Xiao Lanlan's waist: "Let's see you."

"But... I have to go to work."

Xiao Lanlan looked at the time, it was almost nine o'clock: "Why didn't you tell me in advance."

"Take a day off today."

Zhou Xing refused. Xiao Lanlan said domineeringly at any chance to refute.

Then he took Xiao Lanlan towards the bedroom.


It's a good time to exercise.

Two hours later.

Xiao Lanlan breathed in the fresh air, her body was soaked with sweat, and she didn't even have the strength to move her fingers.

She neglected to exercise, and it was really difficult for her to keep up with Zhou Xing's rhythm: "My dear, please let me go and let me rest for a while. I really can't exercise anymore." After resting for a while

, she felt her body Regained a little strength.

"How can I be like you? I have to come early in the morning even though I have to go to work."

Xiao Lanlan lay on Zhou Xing's body with a resentful look in her eyes.

"Isn't it good to exercise in the morning?"

Zhou Xing asked with a smile.

"Then you can't stand it if you keep exercising."

Xiao Lanlan said: "What if you exercise too much and cause physical problems?"

"Are you questioning me?"

Zhou Xing immediately turned over: " It seems that I have to give you another private lesson."

"My dear, I was wrong, I shouldn't question you."

Xiao Lanlan admitted her mistake on the spot and quickly changed the subject: "It's almost noon, are you hungry? , I bought a lot of ingredients and cooking tools at home, how about I cook lunch for you?"

"You can cook?"

Zhou Xing raised his eyebrows, a little surprised: "Why didn't I know."

"You don't You know a lot."

Xiao Lanlan winked mischievously, then entered the bathroom and washed up briefly.

After getting dressed and coming out, he put on his apron and walked towards the kitchen: "The ingredients in my refrigerator are all relatively ordinary. I wonder if you are used to eating them?" "

You will know after you eat them."

.. .....

To Zhou Xing's surprise, Xiao Lanlan's cooking skills were much better than expected.

Ordinary meals can also be made delicious.

Let Zhou Xing work up his appetite and eat happily.

After eating and drinking enough.

For a time, Zhou Xing didn't want to leave.

I decided immediately to stay here for a few days.

As for the hotel... I won't care about it for now.

Holding Xiao Lanlan in his arms and sitting on the sofa in the living room, Zhou Xing thought.

It seems like I have to buy myself a house.

He has been in college for four years and it is impossible for him to live only in the university dormitory.


just buying one set doesn't seem to be enough.

Anya, Luo Qianqian and Xiao Lanlan are in front of them.

At least three sets are required.

Zhou Xing doesn't care, so if he has time, he will buy a few more sets.

After all, if you buy a house in Shanghai, it will only increase in value without any losses.

In 2016, housing prices in Shanghai were not that exaggerated.

It just so happens to be a good time to get it.


A week flies by in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Xing also stayed at Xiao Lanlan's place for seven full days.

Go back to the hotel occasionally to take a look.

During this period, Anya and Luo Qianqian also flew back again.

It's just that their vacation this time was relatively short, and the company only gave them one night's rest.

After a short rest.

Need to return again.

This made Zhou Xing a little regretful.

However, after not seeing Zhou Xing for a week, Anya missed him beyond words.

Although she is shy, she seems to be very proactive.

After Zhou Xing's persuasion, she actually agreed to show off the musical instrument she had just learned.

After Anya fell asleep, Zhou Xing rushed towards Luo Qianqian's room without stopping.

While sighing that he worked so hard, Zhou Xing was happy to do so.

After they returned, Zhou Xing's life became a little boring again.


so and so.

Three more days passed.

Chang Wenyu never showed any sign of contacting Zhou Xing.

Since meeting at the bar that day and adding their contact information, the two have not had any further communication.

This made Zhou Xing feel confused.

Maybe he guessed wrong.

It has been more than ten days.

Seeing that he was about to return to Jiangcheng.

If Chang Wenyu doesn't contact him again, it will be too late.

But after struggling for a while, Zhou Xing stopped caring about that.

He just wanted to take a look at these circles out of curiosity, but he didn't really want to blend in.

Whether he can get in or not has no effect on him.

If Chang Wenyu calls before returning to Jiangcheng, just ignore it.

At worst, we can wait until school starts.


Zhou Xing began to live a reclusive life.

Occasionally go to Xiao Lanlan's place.

In and out of her home.

Fifteen days passed.

Zhou Xing did not hesitate.

I chose to book a flight back to Jiangcheng.

After passing the ticket verification.

Arriving at the plane gate, Zhou Xing saw a familiar figure among the flight attendants.

Luo Qianqian.

As soon as Zhou Xing sat down, Luo Qianqian came up to him and handed him a towel and slippers.

"Why are you here?"

Zhou Xing couldn't help but ask.

"I'm not welcome, right?"

Luo Qianqian curled her lips: "Then I'll go and ask a flight attendant to serve you."

"No, why didn't you tell me?"

Zhou Xing was a little surprised.

"That's because someone told me yesterday that I would book a flight back to Jiangcheng today, so I specifically applied for a job transfer. I specifically wanted to give someone a surprise, but I didn't expect that someone didn't appreciate it at all."

Luo Qianqian said angrily.

"You're here too, then..."

Zhou Xing looked towards the crew, but was interrupted by Luo Qianqian: "Don't look, Anya has taken another flight and doesn't have time to come over."

Luo Qianqian stood There: "I'm the only one, am I disappointed?"

"Of course not."

Zhou Xing was still a little touched by Luo Qianqian's behavior: "When we get to Jiangcheng, we will live a life together in Jiangcheng. What do you think about compensation?"


Luo Qianqian asked.

"How can it be false? When did I ever lie to you?"

Luo Qianqian nodded and cursed in her heart: "You didn't lie to me, because you went to find other girls in front of me."

" Are you sure it's just me and no other girls?"

Luo Qianqian stared at Zhou Xing suspiciously.


After receiving the affirmative answer, Luo Qianqian beamed and leaned over to kiss Zhou Xing on the face: "Honey, you are so kind. Remember to wait for me when you get off the plane later."

"No problem."

Luo Qianqian said happily . He turned around and left.

The economy class passengers whose seats were in the back and in front were all eyes widened when they saw this scene.

Flying in business class, there are actually such benefits?

The beautiful flight attendant offered a kiss.

Why have I never heard of it before?

Suddenly, their intestines were filled with regret. If they had known this, they would have gritted their teeth and purchased business class.