Chapter 32

Husband, let's watch a movie

"Honey, here."


Luo Qianqian waved to Zhou Xing.

Then dragging the small black box, like a baby swallow returning to its nest, it rushed towards Zhou Xing's arms.

The fragrant breeze blows, and the soft body falls into my arms.

Zhou Xing put his arm around her waist, and Luo Qianqian didn't care about other people's eyes. She held his arm and walked outside talking and laughing.

Luo Qianqian looks particularly different without Anya.

Although she knew that she was being taken care of by Zhou Xing, Anya was not the only one around her.

But she still hopes to spend time together with Zhou Xing.

In the eyes of others.

They are young lovers who are passionately in love.

Get in the car.

Zhou Xing found a local restaurant in Jiangcheng that tasted good.

After dinner.

Luo Qianqian suggested, "Honey, let's go see a movie in the afternoon?"

"I've never seen a movie with someone of the opposite sex. How about you go watch a movie with me?"

Luo Qianqian coquettishly said.

Zhou Xing thought for a while, but did not refuse: "Okay, I will listen to you today. Anyway, I promised you, whatever you say will be whatever you say!" "

Honey, you are so kind, I will reward you with a sweet fragrance."

Luo Qianqian stamped her seal on Zhou Xing on his face, then leaned to his ear and whispered: "At night, I will listen to you whatever you want."



Luo Qianqian lowered her head shyly.


came to the cinema.

Zhou Xing took a look and found that even though it was the summer season, there didn't seem to be any attractive movies in August.

It seems that in recent years... film and television have also become a hot topic.

Next, domestic films will show a blowout development.

Countless movies that have exceeded one billion, two billion or even higher will be released freshly.

Domestic entertainment has ushered in unprecedented prosperity.

If you open an investment company this year, it is also a very good choice.

"Honey, shall we watch this movie?"

Luo Qianqian's voice interrupted Zhou Xing's thinking. He glanced up and had no impression at all.

But just by looking at the title, you can tell it's a romance film.


Zhou Xing nodded. The content of the movie was not important to him.

Anyway, I wasn't going to watch a movie.

"Then I'll buy tickets."

Luo Qianqian excitedly went to the counter and bought two tickets, again for the Couples Hall.

I bought another large handful of popcorn and two large cups of Coke.

Waited for ten minutes.

The movie starts checking in for tickets.

Luo Qianqian led Zhou Xing towards the cinema.

Their position is in row 8, which is relatively far behind.

Luo Qianqian put popcorn and Coke on the seat, then hugged Zhou Xing, waiting for the movie to start with great interest.

As the lights in the hall dimmed, a picture appeared on the screen.

The movie started immediately.

Luo Qianqian could still focus on the movie screen at first, but after half an hour, her face turned red.

With watery eyes open, he said to Zhou Xing with some grievance: "Husband, please watch the movie. Stop touching... You have been touching for half an hour."

Zhou Xing turned a deaf ear.

Luo Qianqian's heart skipped a beat and she grabbed Zhou Xing's hand: "Honey, let's go?"

"Don't watch?"

Zhou Xing asked in surprise.

"No more."

Luo Qianqian shook her head.

"Then where are we going?"

"What do you think?"

Luo Qianqian's eyes were half showy and half flattering.

"Let's go."

Zhou Xing did not hesitate and pulled Luo Qianqian out of the theater early.

Got a taxi.

We arrived downstairs at West Lake Hotel Sofia.

After booking a suite at the front desk.

He ran straight to the room.


When Luo Qianqian came out of the bathroom after brushing her teeth, the sky outside the window had gradually begun to darken.

It's about five o'clock in the afternoon.

It happened that the two of them were a little tired from working on a long flight, and their physical strength was severely exhausted.

Just call directly and ask the hotel staff to deliver the food.

After finishing dinner.

Zhou Xing returned to his busy long journey.

Luo Qianqian was miserable.

until nine o'clock in the evening.

Zhou Xing packed up his clothes and prepared to leave.

Luo Qianqian hugged Zhou Xing and said, "Husband, I can't bear to leave you. Why don't you take me back with you? I also want to know what kind of people your parents are. Maybe you can please your parents-in-law in advance and turn around from now on." Master, from now on I am the real wife, and Anya is just a concubine!"

"Okay, then you come with me."

Zhou Xing looked calm and did not refuse.


Luo Qianqian's eyes were filled with hope, and she was obviously moved.

"I never lie to people."

Zhou Xing explained: "My parents have been urging me to find a girlfriend since I finished the college entrance examination. If I take you back, there is no chance that they will be able to find a girlfriend if they are happy. I'll give you a big red envelope."

"Then I really went home with you?"

Luo Qianqian confirmed again: "Don't regret it!"


Luo Qianqian said proudly: " Unexpectedly, I was the first person to go home with you. If Anya knew about it, she would probably be furious."

Even though she said that, when the critical moment came, Luo Qianqian still backed down.

She was inexplicably nervous: "I'm not ready yet. When I'm ready, if you're still willing to let me go home with you, then I'll go with you." "I'm

afraid my parents-in-law will not be satisfied. I'll drive you out."

"Then it will be so miserable for me!"

Zhou Xing confirmed again and again, but Luo Qianqian still refused to go, so he had to give up.

This is very Luo Qianqian!

He talks loudly, but when he really wants to take action, he gives in faster than anyone else.

Zhou Xing left the room and went downstairs.

Got a taxi.

In less than five minutes, we arrived at his home.

That lake view villa.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back."

Zhou Xing opened the door to his home.

It was pitch black inside.

The house was empty and quiet.

The nanny heard the noise, came out of the nanny's room and turned on the light.

After seeing Zhou Xing: "Xiao Xing, are you back?"

This nanny has been with their family for a long time and has taken care of Zhou Xing since he was a child.

"Aunt Wang."

Zhou Xing said hello and asked, "Where are my parents?"

Aunt Wang shook her head and said, "I don't know either. They have been there for a long time since you visited Shanghai. Time has never come back."

"They are all very busy, so it's hard for me to ask."

Zhou Xing frowned.

Aunt Wang looked at Zhou Xing: "Xiao Xing, have you had dinner? Aunt Wang is going to cook some for you now?"

"No, Aunt Wang, I've already eaten outside."

Zhou Xing walked towards the stairs. , while refusing: "Aunt Wang, please go back and rest first. I'm going back to the room first."

He came to the room.

Throw your belongings away.

Zhou Xing took out his mobile phone and called his mother Zhang Lanfang.