Chapter 34


Caller ID.

Chang Wenyu.


Zhou Xing was slightly surprised.

When he returned to Jiangcheng, he no longer took this matter to heart.

I originally thought that the other party would contact me soon.

But there was no news after more than ten days, so Zhou Xing thought his guess was wrong.

Maybe people didn't take this matter to heart at all.

He didn't care, so he chose to return to Jiangcheng without hesitation.

"What's wrong?"

Luo Qianqian asked curiously.

"It's okay."

Zhou Xing shook his head and immediately answered the phone.

"Brother, what have you been busy with recently?"

Chang Wenyu's laughter came from the phone: "Is your waist okay?"

"It's okay... After all, I'm only eighteen years old."

Zhou Xing replied.

"My day."

Chang Wenyu said angrily: "You can do whatever you want just because you are young, right? When you reach my age, you will know... It is not a bad idea to be too indulgent when you are young. That's a good thing."


Zhou Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "You can't do it any more. Do you have to start soaking wolfberry in a thermos cup?"

"Fuck you."

Chang Wenyu scolded with a smile, "I am still immortal at the age of eighty. , how could it not be possible? Besides, I am only 27 years old, so I am in my youth."

"Why did you suddenly have time to call me?"

Zhou Xing smiled.

"Aren't you busy with things all the time? I'm not as cool as you. You still have four years of college to play as much as you want."

Chang Wenyu said with some bitterness: "Take good care of your last four years of college. When you get out of school After school, you will know... The rich second generation is not that easy to be."

Chang Wenyu sighed with emotion, and then said seriously: "Last time at the bar, I didn't mean to go out for a meal together. , let's chat."

"There happens to be an event tomorrow and a group of us will get together. Do you have time tomorrow? If so, come over together and introduce a few friends to you."

Zhou Xing thought . After a moment, he asked: "What activity?"


Chang Wenyu smiled mysteriously: "I won't let you down anyway, it will definitely open your eyes." "

Okay, you can send me the time and place. I'll go there tomorrow."

Zhou Xing responded: "You really know how to choose your time. I just came back from Jiangcheng and I'm just at the airport now."

"Doesn't that prove that we are destined?"

Chang Wenyu also smiled.

"Who is destined to be with you? I didn't expect you to still like this?" "

Fuck you, I am a straight man of steel, the kind who is welded with steel bars. Don't disgust me." "

Then who knows... ..After all, you rich people all have a lot of fun."

"You are not a rich person, right?"


After joking for a while , Chang Wenyu ended the topic: "Let's just say that, when we meet tomorrow, we will have a good chat."


Zhou Xing hung up the phone.

Sitting in the car, staring ahead, thinking slightly.

It seemed that his guess was correct.

It's just that time has passed slightly.

As for the activities Chang Wenyu mentioned, he didn't think too much about it.

We'll know when tomorrow arrives.

The rich second generation circle in Shanghai is a mysterious existence in the eyes of others.

For him.

As long as he wants to, he can blend into any circle.

And it's the top one.

This is the background and the confidence the system gave him.

He only made friends with Chang Wenyu because he was curious about those people and wanted to see them.

In addition, considering whether these are available or not, it is more practical to think about what to eat for lunch.

Zhou Xing started the car.

Carrying Luo Qianqian, we once again arrived at the downstairs of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

After opening the room with ease.

Simply choose to have lunch in the hotel and let the restaurant prepare it and bring it to you.

"Mr. Zhou, thank you very much for your strong support to our Ritz-Carlton. This is our hotel's diamond membership card. You can use it in any hotel around the world. It not only provides you with discounts when you stay, but also Many privileged services."

Butler Wang respectfully handed over a dazzling diamond card: "The Ritz-Carlton will do its best to provide you with better services so that you can have a pleasant experience when you stay."

Zhou Xing took the membership card.

He was not surprised.

Hotels have their own system for reviewing customer members.

But generally they are judged based on the customer's spending power, potential, and viscosity.

There is no doubt about Zhou Xing's spending power and potential.

So when he checked into his second hotel, Ritz-Carlton gave him his membership card without hesitation.

He conveniently packed up the membership card.

Butler Wang wisely chose to step aside and no longer disturb their meal.

After having enough wine and food.

Luo Qianqian was lying on the bed with a satisfied look on her face.

"This kind of life is the pursuit of life. The more this happens, the less I want to go back to work."

Luo Qianqian said with some annoyance: "It's really tiring to go to work, especially as a flight attendant, who has to face every day There are countless weird customers, and many times I want to smash the food in my hand on their heads."

But she did not choose to do this, because once she did, it would mean the end of her career.

Not only will you be fired from your current airline.

Word will spread in the industry that no other airline will accept her.

"You can definitely do this."

Zhou Xing replied.

In the past, Luo Qianqian didn't do this because she could only live by this profession.

Now that she is by his side, she has the confidence to do so.

"Still not..."

Luo Qianqian shook her head and said: "With such a career, you, a guy like me, will be more interested in me. If I resign, maybe you will be there in a few days." You got tired of it and kicked me."

"Then I really fell from heaven to hell. I even lost my job." "

I can't compare to Anya, so I can only use this method to keep your heart."

Luo Qianqian He held his chin with both hands and looked at Zhou Xing: "I'm so pitiful. I have to work hard even as a mistress." "

Are you questioning your own charm?"

Zhou Xing stepped forward: "There is no such thing. For me, there is actually not much difference between the two professions."

"That's weird."

Luo Qianqian rolled her eyes: "I don't know how excited some people are when they see me wearing a stewardess uniform."

"Hey. , what are you going to do?"

Luo Qianqian suddenly felt something was wrong, because Zhou Xing was getting closer and closer, and his hand was placed on her body.

"Let me experience the truth of my words."

Luo Qianqian's face turned pale: "Didn't you promise me to let me have a good rest?"

"But I didn't say how long I would let you rest."

Zhou Xing said matter-of-factly: " Besides, you have rested long enough. It seems to me that you are completely rested."

"No, I still need to rest."

"No, you don't need to!"

"If I believe your words in the future, I will be a dog. "


"Woof woof woof..."