Chapter 35

Jealousy tore me apart

Zhou Xing opened his eyes.

The sun is blinding.

I looked at the time and saw it was almost one o'clock in the afternoon.

He stood up and rubbed his somewhat swollen head.

Zhou Xing looked at Luo Qianqian, who was still sleeping beside him, breathing evenly.

He pushed Luo Qianqian and said it was time to get up and have lunch.

However, Luo Qianqian just frowned, did not open her eyes, murmured a few words vaguely, turned over and fell asleep again.


Zhou Xing chuckled lightly and ignored her. He washed up alone and then came to the restaurant. After eating something to fill his stomach, he and Butler Wang gave instructions He said, let the restaurant prepare the meal and wait until Luo Qianqian wakes up to deliver it.

Butler Wang naturally agreed.

And he will estimate the time, and the chef will be on call at any time to ensure that Luo Qianqian can eat the freshest and most delicious food.

This is your right as a hotel VIP user.

Finished solving these.

Zhou Xing went downstairs, found the Lamborghini, and got into the driver's seat.

It's almost time...

Chang Wenyu had already sent him the time and location yesterday.

Meet on the Bund at 2:30 pm.

Zhou Xing started the car and drove out of the hotel with a roar, heading towards the Bund.


Following the address, we came to a pier on the Bund.

This made him a little confused.

Aren't you participating in an event? Why did you come to the dock?

"Brother, this way. ""

After getting out of the car, he was just about to call Chang Wenyu when he heard Chang Wenyu's voice.

He looked up and saw a group of people standing in front of the pier in the distance, with a three-story white yacht docked next to it.

Chang Wenyu came up to him: "Brother, you're finally here."

"Isn't it two-thirty as promised? There are still five minutes left."

Zhou Xing glanced at his watch and spoke calmly.

"Good guy, you are really on time."

Chang Wenyu gave Zhou Xing a thumbs up, then glanced at the watch in his hand, and immediately said with some surprise: "Richard Mille" ?"

"You know him?"

Zhou Xing also felt a little surprised.

"Do you think I'm a country bumpkin who has never seen the world?"

Chang Wenyu looked at Zhou Xing with a look of resentment: "Although this watch is not that famous, in the past few years, this brand has become very popular in the circle. Many of my friends have bought it."

"I also want to buy one, but it's so damn expensive."

Chang Wenyu looked calm, and then asked: "How much did you pay for this watch when you bought it?"

" More than six hundred, less than seven hundred."

Zhou Xing explained: "McKello's co-branded limited edition."

"Then you are really willing to give up."

Chang Wenyu would not make the same mistake as Anya, thinking it was a unit of measurement. He said: "It seems that you also like watches very much?"

He didn't feel very surprised.

After all, that's all the rich second generation pursues.

Luxury cars, luxury watches...

have become commonplace.

"It's okay, but I prefer luxury cars to watches."

Chang Wenyu wanted to put his hand on Zhou Xing's shoulders with some excitement, but found that they were not tall enough at all, so he could only retract his hand and said, "Then you Today is the right time to come."

"It will definitely open your eyes later."

Chang Wenyu gave up and then said: "Let me introduce you to these friends first." "

This is a friend I met recently. Zhou Xing, from Jiangcheng."

Chang Wenyu pointed at Zhou Xing and introduced to everyone: "Even though he is only eighteen years old, he is now a private high-end banking user of China Merchants Bank, and he is also equipped with a personal secretary." Those

present. After hearing this, people's eyes flickered slightly.

Chang Wenyu introduced Zhou Xing one by one with a smile, pointing to one of the young boys who was wearing green and slightly fat and said: "His name is Chang Tong, he is my cousin, he is the same as I like watches very much."

"Hello, buddy."

Chang Tong seemed very familiar with his temperament, without the airs of a rich second generation at all, and took the initiative to say hello to Zhou Xing.


Zhou Xing also smiled and nodded slightly.

"Oh, Richard Mille, it's a McLaren co-branded model. If I remember correctly, it should be nearly 7 million, right?"

Chang Tong looked at the watch on Zhou Xing's hand, raised his eyebrows and smiled. .

"Six hundred and seven, less than seven hundred."

Zhou Xing added.

"That's not cheap anymore."

Chang Tong asked with some envy: "Brother, what do you do at home? You are only eighteen years old and it gives you so much cash flow." "

When I was eighteen years old, I wanted to be called My family even refused to buy me a Ferrari."

Chang Wenyu added next to him: "I just bought a Daniel."

Chang Tong's face suddenly fell: "Jealousy makes me feel separated. !"

Zhou Xing smiled faintly and explained from the side: "Do some industry, energy."

"As far as I know, those in energy are all super bosses in the industry!"

Chang Tong's eyes widened: "You He must be the richest man in Jiangcheng. No wonder Richard Mille, who can afford nearly 7 million at the age of 18, is also a super high-end private banking user of China Merchants Bank." "It's

just a small and micro enterprise, not worth mentioning. ."

Zhou Xing shook his head.

Chang Tong's eyes widened: "Are our understandings different? According to your point of view, cigarettes are also small and micro enterprises?"

"That's what they are."

At this time.

A young man next to him who was thin, short, and covered with tattoos said with a smile: "Until now, people's registration in the industrial and commercial department shows that they are still small and micro enterprises, with no more than forty employees, and they still enjoy the benefits of small and micro enterprises. There are tax benefits."

"Holy shit."

Chang Tong took out his mobile phone and searched for it with some disbelief. After seeing the information, he couldn't help but said: "It's true." After

saying that, he didn't forget to complain: "This is so thick-skinned. Yes, there are less than forty employees in the head office, and there are more than forty subsidiaries."

"Be careful, the map cannon is a bit too big, and basically everyone present will be affected by you."

The thin young man said next to him.


Chang Tong looked at Zhou Xing, then turned to everyone present and said quickly: "I take back what I just said. The small and micro enterprises you mentioned are completely different from what I understand. I'm sorry, brothers. Don't look for me. Trouble."

Everyone was made to laugh by Chang Tong.

Zhou Xing also laughed: "It's okay."

Chang Tong is like a living treasure. No wonder Chang Wenyu chose to take him with him.

As long as he is here.

Then this scene will not get cold.

"You should know this person."

Chang Wenyu introduced the young man who just spoke to Zhou Xing.

The young man looked towards Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing also nodded and said with a smile: "Of course I know him. After all, he is a famous person in Shanghai. How could I not know him?"