Chapter 42

School Opening Report

August 31st.

It's the beginning of school again.

At the entrance of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, people were coming and going.

Luxury cars are everywhere.

Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz...

Countless freshmen, with their longing for the school and accompanied by their parents, came to the freshman reporting office in the school.



The deafening roar of the engine resounded throughout the sky.

From far to near.

It attracted countless people to watch.

White appearance, streamlined body, giant rear wing and powerful exhaust pipes.

Like a cheetah hunting prey, it is flamboyant yet elegant.

The black barb McLaren logo on the body.

The license plate of Shanghai A·66666 is even more eye-catching.

Even if there were countless luxury cars on site, they would only pale in comparison to this McLaren.

"Damn it, the local license plate in Shanghai is still five and six, which young man from Shanghai is this!" "

The McLaren P1, one of the three great cars, has a starting price of more than 10 million, right?" "

According to the current situation The market price, including the license plate, is estimated to be more than 20 million."

"With 20 million, you can buy a house in Tomson Yipin and pay the down payment."

"This is definitely a super boss. I didn't expect that there is such a person in our school. Students, I've never heard of it before."

"Could it be a freshman?"

"No, freshman is so scary..." "...


Under the gaze of everyone.

The door on the driver's side of the white McLaren P1 slowly opened and lifted upwards.

Like a butterfly spreading its wings.

It's the butterfly door shape that McLaren is proud of.

in the car.

The long legs fell.

The young and handsome Zhou Xing got out of the car.

Black solid color T-shirt from LV.

Graffiti blue jeans by Balenciaga.

Wearing Gucci's blue and white casual sneakers.

On the right hand side, Patek Philippe's dark blue dial matches the sun, moon and stars.

The brilliant diamonds are a bit dazzling under the sunlight.

Overall it looks...refreshing and clean.

After more than ten days of fitness, my already young body has become more effective, full of energy and full of youthful vigor.

An indifferent temperament emerged spontaneously on his body. After a short period of accumulation during the holiday, Zhou Xing's words and deeds have gradually become different from those in his previous life.

He was alone, carrying a black shoulder bag, and walked towards the freshman reporting office.

People in line... couldn't help

but silently give up a seat to him.

Most of them were holding their mobile phones and taking pictures of Zhou Xing.

"So handsome!"

"Is this also a new student in our school?"

"He looks so handsome. It turns out that the domineering president in the novel really exists."

"He is rich, handsome, and has such a good figure, shouldn't he He's from a comic book."

"Just looking at him makes my legs weak." "

Why did my husband come turns out he is also a freshman, so that's okay." "

. ....."

Zhou Xing came to the freshman reporting office.

Several senior students in charge of reporting stood up nervously for no reason.

"Classmate, are you a freshman too?"

asked the dark and thin senior wearing glasses.

Zhou Xing nodded: "Zhou Xing, freshman, majoring in music performance." The

dark and thin senior was about to ask a question, but found that he was squeezed aside by several girls in the same class.

Zhou Xing was instantly surrounded by two or three girls.

They showed unprecedented enthusiasm: "Hello, junior, please fill out the form here, especially the contact information, it is very important." "

Junior, the weather is very hot, do you want to drink a bottle of ice water?"

"Are you okay? Urgent, let's sit down and fill it in slowly."

The dark and thin senior looked on in shock.

The girls in front were obviously impatient when receiving the new students.

After all, in such a hot weather and facing new students who don't know much about anything, I have long lost my patience.

In the next second, his attitude took a 180-degree turn.

It's completely different.

"Junior, where are you from? Why are you reporting alone? Where are your parents?"

"This is your first time reporting. There are many things you don't understand without your parents. How about you add my senior's contact information? If you have anything you don't understand in school, you can come to me."

"Junior, you are so handsome, do you have a girlfriend?"

The senior students in charge of freshmen reports were so enthusiastic that they not only asked if Zhou Xing had any His girlfriend and even his family are inquiring about him.

His body had already been pressed against Zhou Xing's, and he took the initiative to talk to Zhou Xing with a smile.

After Zhou Xing filled out the form.

One of the senior students stood in front of Zhou Xing: "Brother, the dormitory building you are assigned is a bit far away, and our Shanghai Conservatory of Music is very big. It will be very hard for you to find it alone on such a hot day. Why don't I take you there?"

She clutched the key to Zhou Xing's dormitory.

"No need, Senior, I can just go there by myself. I have been to this school before, so I probably know the location."

Zhou Xing smiled at Senior, "I won't bother Senior."

"It's okay."

Senior But he couldn't help but pushed Zhou Xing towards the outside: "I'm not bothering you at all, you're just on the way. I'll take you there."

Zhou Xing was dumbfounded and couldn't say anything else: "Then thank you, senior sister."

" You're welcome."

The senior sister said with a smile on her face: "As seniors, isn't it just to help you juniors... Oh, freshmen, this is our mission." "

Also, I My name is Li Xin. You don't have to be so polite and call me senior one by one. You can just call me by my name, or you can call me Xinxin."

Li Xin led Zhou Xing towards the dormitory while talking and laughing, her back gradually disappearing among the crowd. in sight.

"Damn it, this cunning Li Xin actually let her take the lead."

The remaining two senior students stamped their feet in annoyance.

But they also looked at the form filled out by Zhou Xing, which clearly recorded Zhou Xing's phone number and contact information.

The two of them took out their mobile phones in unison and silently wrote down the call.

With a phone, you don't have to worry about not being able to contact Zhou Xing.


"Shocking! On the first day of school, there were reports of a mysterious young man driving a luxury car worth tens of millions."

"McLaren P1, limited to 375 units worldwide, is currently worth fifteen million! "

"A luxury car with five Six-Hucheng license plates, what is the origin of this new student!" "


Zhou Xingyi walked away.

Photos and videos of Zhou Xing began to circulate crazily on the internal forum of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.