Chapter 43

Freshman No. 1

Shanghai Conservatory of Music internal network forum.

This is because of the beginning of school season.

resulting in extremely high levels of attention.

In an era where the Internet is so developed, Zhou Xing's photos and videos began to be widely circulated in the forum within a few minutes.

Tens of millions of McLarens.

The license plate of Shanghai A·66666...

all shows Zhou Xing's status.

This new student has a lot of background.

They were all speculating on Zhou Xing's identity.

Some people who claim to know him said that Zhou Xing is the son of the chairman of the Bank of Communications and returned to China to be rich and young.

After staying abroad for more than ten years, I came back from university.

Some people also say that he is the son of an oil company, with top status and status.

Some people say that Zhou Xing comes from a reclusive family, and his family is worth trillions. The so-called richest man is not qualified at all in front of him.

Opinions vary.

The more rumors spread, the more outrageous it becomes.

But instead of dampening the enthusiasm among the students, it actually increased their desire to get to know Zhou Xing.

"Handsome and rich, how could there be such a perfect person in the world?"

"Has anyone noticed the watch in his hand? It is a limited edition diamond-encrusted model from Patek Philippe, and the price is at least tens of millions." "

This Not only is he rich, he is simply inhumane!"

"My Mr. Right has appeared. Can anyone help me get his contact information? I have a lot of money here." "

This is my husband, don't think about it. , he is buying me milk tea now."

"I really want to play a racing game with him, so that he can keep overtaking me."


followed There were more and more posts, and Zhou Xing also caused a storm among the girls.

Most of those who can come here are from well-off families.

There are endless numbers of people worth millions or tens of millions.

But Zhou Xing still made them yearn for it with his absolutely crushing attitude.

Some even paid high prices to get Zhou Xing's contact information.

The initial payment was five thousand.

Later it rose to tens of thousands, and it continues to soar.

"I unilaterally declare that he is the No. 1 among the freshmen. Who is in favor and who is against?" "

I have no objection!"

"Me too!"


School starts On the first day, in less than half an hour, Zhou Xing became recognized by everyone as the most outstanding one among the freshmen.

Freshman school idol!


Girls dormitory.

"Look, among the freshmen of this class, there is a super rich second generation, driving a limited edition McLaren, the license plate is still 56, and he is also very handsome."

A man wearing a black A girl with glasses and a somewhat ordinary appearance raised her head while holding a mobile phone and said to the other girls in the dormitory, her tone was a little excited, and her brows were full of excitement.

"I've seen it too, he's really handsome."

"This is too rich."

The other girls in the dormitory also echoed: "If I can marry him, wouldn't I really become a rich wife in this life? You don't have to worry about food and accommodation, everyone is

watching you wherever you go." "You'd better save your money, how can people like us?"

One of them retorted: "If Shishi is good, maybe there is a chance. ."

"Shishi, have you seen the new student on our school forum?"

A girl named Shishi is sitting quietly in her seat.

The black hair fell straight down.

Without makeup, her skin is fair and tender, like a hibiscus.

Under the loose nightgown, his amazingly developed figure could not be concealed.

Hearing this, Shishi looked at the IPAD in her hand, looking thoughtful: "I saw it too, it's really handsome."

Then she put the iPad on the table with the screen closed.


The soft and amazing figure is on full display.

Although the three girls in the dormitory have seen it many times, their eyes are straightened: "Shishi, you have an angelic face and a devilish figure. If you appear in front of that freshman, he will probably be instantly fascinated by you." Stay."

Shishi chuckled lightly, without saying anything more, but turned around, took out the clothes from the closet, and entered the bathroom.

Not a moment.

A midriff-baring vest paired with a light blue shawl.

The career line is about to emerge.

Denim hot pants, white shoes.

It even more vividly reflects those fair and slender thighs.

Standing there, pure and lustful temperament blended in her body.

The pretty face

is still dazzling even without the makeup.

"Shishi, where are you going on such a hot day?"

Seeing Shishi dressed up and looking like she was going out, the roommates couldn't help but asked curiously.

Shishi turned around and said calmly: "I've been in the dormitory for too long and I'm a little I'm going to go out for a walk. I happen to have something to eat in the cafeteria to avoid being too late. The cafeteria is full." It's occupied by freshmen. I don't like too many people."

"That's right. Today is the freshmen report, so there will definitely be a lot of people in the cafeteria. Wait for me, Shishi. I'll go with you."

Wearing black-rimmed glasses, he looks ordinary. After hearing this, my roommate also hurriedly prepared to change clothes.

"I'll go too. Maybe I can meet the boy on the forum in the cafeteria." "

Who is he? How can he eat in the cafeteria if he is so rich?"

"Not in the cafeteria. What if we meet him on campus? Here he is, as a new student, he must be unfamiliar with the school. As a senior, I can help him enthusiastically guide him and then add him as a friend." "

Stop daydreaming. I don't know how many girls have taken the initiative to post there. Where can I help him? It's your turn."

"Hehe, that's not necessarily the case."

The remaining two girls began to change clothes.

Shishi crossed her hands and leaned against the door frame of the bedroom door, watching their conversation.

The moist red lips were slightly raised, revealing an inexplicable smile.


downstairs in the boys' dormitory.

Li Xin pointed to the six-story dormitory building in front of her and said, "Junior, here we are. This is your dormitory, Building 11, 601. Remember not to go wrong."

"Junior, I will go up with you. "Okay."

Li Xin volunteered: "If you go up, you will definitely need to clean and tidy up the dormitory. Everyone else has their parents helping, but you are alone and it will be difficult to keep busy. I can also help you." "

No, senior." Zhou

Xing, who was not aware that he was already popular on the campus forum, refused: "Senior, you have already had a hard time leading the way, so I don't dare to trouble senior anymore."


Li Xin He lowered his head in disappointment, then took out his phone: "Then let's add a friend."

Zhou Xing did not refuse and took out his phone to add her as a friend.

"Junior, if you have anything, you can ask me on WeChat."

Li Xin lowered her head and smoothed her hair shyly: "Whether it's a problem you encountered in school or you just want to chat, you can always ask me. Okay, I have time."

After saying that, she raised her head and found that Zhou Xing's eyes had been focused on the key in her hand.

She could only reluctantly hand the key to Zhou Xing: "Then junior...shall I leave first?"

Li Xin turned around three times.

After finally realizing that Zhou Xing was indifferent, he could only sigh slightly and leave quickly.

Zhou Xing held the key in his hand and looked at the familiar dormitory building in front of him and the familiar dormitory number.

He smiled faintly and walked in.