Chapter 53

Bedbug, just crush it to death


As soon as these words came out.

The freshmen were in an uproar.

There was shock in their eyes.

This domineering instructor was not a real soldier in the army, but just an ordinary college student with a name like them.

The furious Huang Hui was like being poured a basin of ice water on him. He instantly calmed down and his anger was gone.

He looked at Zhou Xing in front of him in disbelief.

How did Zhou Xing know...

You must know that the school will never reveal their identities or any information about the instructor team.

The purpose is to allow the freshmen to always maintain a sense of awe during military training.

Not only did he not suffer any repercussions for his actions last year, he was actually named and praised by the school's teachers.

This also fueled his arrogance.

Let him feel free to do whatever he wants this year.


Zhou Xing's words brought him back to his original form.

"I don't know what you are talking about!"

Huang Hui hurriedly yelled: "I only know that now I am your instructor, and you must obey my orders!"

There was an inexplicable lack of confidence in his words. It was a hit at the beginning.

Huang Hui was panicked.

All his confidence comes from his status as an instructor.

Now that identity no longer matters, he will be an ordinary student who has not yet left society.

And he is a student who is more disadvantaged than many others.

Zhou Xing chuckled lightly: "It doesn't matter, you don't have to admit it."

He patted Huang Hui's shoulder, then leaned over and whispered in his ear: "I know what kind of person you are. "

We could have been in peace with each other. Although what you did is disgusting, it has nothing to do with me. During these fifteen days of military training, you will be your instructor and enjoy the vanity that your status brings to you. I will crush you to death." Bedbugs like you will only make me feel sick to my stomach."

"But...your behavior made me change my mind. Since it is a bedbug, I might as well crush it to death."

Zhou Xing looked calm and relaxed. He held his hand and looked down at Huang Hui: "Get away!"

Huang Hui subconsciously moved away from his position.

Zhou Xing took off his hat and left the playground.

Huang Hui stood there and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

When he wakes up.

It was discovered that Zhou Xing had disappeared long ago.

Huang Hui hurriedly turned to look at the new students, only to find that the initial fear on their faces was completely gone, replaced by various sarcastic expressions.

There was a thud in his heart.

An unpleasant feeling arose.

Suddenly I felt a little regretful.

He couldn't see any difference between Zhou Xing and the rich freshmen he had trained before.

Because one hundred million and one billion are both out of his reach.

So he took it for granted that no matter how rich Zhou Xing was, he would still have no room for resistance in front of him.

Only now...

did he realize how wrong he was.

Zhou Xing knew his information very well, which was no longer something that ordinary rich people could do.

Recalling what Zhou Xing said just now, he was a little worried.

"Probably not!"

Huang Hui quickly comforted himself.

Zhou Xing was rich, but he was not a relative of the principal. How could he decide the school's attitude?

Even if he went too far, the school would not punish him for this.

On the contrary, he was able to report Zhou Xing to the school for disobeying the instructor's orders.

The other party may be punished.

Thinking of this, Huang Hui breathed a sigh of relief.

He coughed, and then said to the freshmen with a straight face: "Zhou Xing repeatedly contradicted the instructors, talked nonsense, ignored military training, such unorganized and undisciplined behavior, I will report it to the school later." , what will greet him will only be punishment or even expulsion."

"Remember my identity, I am your instructor!"

"Unless you want to be expelled like Zhou Xing...then just listen to me. Talk!"

After Huang Hui finished speaking, there was silence below.

He originally thought that this way he could recover from his previous gaffe.

But having seen what he was like, the freshmen looked at him as if they were looking at a clown.



director's office.

Zhou Xing stood at the door and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

A voice came from inside.

Zhou Xing immediately opened the door and stepped in.

Inside the office.

Sitting there was a middle-aged man about forty or fifty years old, slightly fat.

He has thinning white hair and wears black-rimmed glasses.

Sitting there, looking down at the document in his hand.

Zhou Xing didn't feel any restraint and just sat on the sofa, waiting patiently.

After a while.

The dean looked up.

When he realized it was the young-looking Zhou Xing, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes: "Who are you?"

"Hello, dean, I am Zhou Xing, a freshman."

Zhou Xing stood up and introduced himself to the dean.


The dean frowned: "Logically speaking, shouldn't you be participating in military training now? What's the matter with coming to my place?" "

That's it."

Zhou Xing smiled slightly . , said unhurriedly: "Although I am a freshman at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and have just arrived at the school, the school's rules and philosophy have deeply attracted me and given me a strong sense of belonging."

" As my alma mater, I will spend four years here, and I also want to make progress with this school."

"I happen to have some ability, so I want to do my best for the school."

Zhou Xing said calmly. Said: "I plan to donate five million to the school to express my respect for the school. I don't know how to deal with it, so I came to trouble the dean." "

Five million?"

The dean's eyes narrowed when he heard this. He moved, then sat there and looked at Zhou Xing carefully.

He nodded again, with a look of relief: "As a student of the school, if you have this kind of intention, the school will definitely be very happy."

"It's just..."

the dean asked calmly. : "Is this donation your intention or your parents' intention?"

"Of course it is my intention."

"Then your parents..."

Zhou Xing smiled and said, "The president grew up But don't worry, I can still make the final decision on this fee. I don't need my parents' consent. It's all up to me."

The dean's eyes brightened a little, and a slight smile began to appear on his face. meaning.

Then he stood up and sat down in front of Zhou Xing.

He asked tentatively: "You donated five million for no reason. Do you have any demands?"

"Actually... there are still some demands."

Zhou Xing also said bluntly: "Of course most of them I still want the school to develop better."


the dean said, "Tell me about it."