Chapter 54



Zhou Xing said, "My family gave me some money so that I could start a small business and give it a try while I was in college." "I

believe you also know..."

Zhou Xing looked at the dean: "Once the business gets busy, there won't be so much free time. I'm afraid it won't be possible to take care of my studies. I have to ask the dean to be accommodating in this regard."

The dean understood immediately.

Zhou Xing didn't want to participate in military training.

He was not surprised.

There are not a few freshmen who come to our door every year because of this matter.

These children from rich families are used to being lazy on weekdays, so how can they bear the hardship of military training.

Just to be exempted from military training, a donation of five million was made.

The dean was a little stunned.

He looked calmly at the Patek Philippe watch in Zhou Xing's hand.

Brilliant diamonds are a bit dazzling.

He licked his lips...

the greed in his eyes flashed.

It was easy for Zhou Xing to come up with five million, which was obviously very easy for Zhou Xing.

If only I could get more donations from him.

Although such a large amount will definitely not reach his hands, the school will take over it with full authority.

Maybe there will be a donation ceremony held for Zhou Xing.


as long as the account passes through his hands, it's like taking meat from the refrigerator and putting it back again.

The meat was intact.

His hands would still be stained with some greasy meat.

The dean's mind became active.

Only the greater the number, the more oil and water will be on his hands.

The dean was thinking in his heart, but did not show any expression on the surface. He was still smiling, like a teacher who really cares about the students: "This matter of military training... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to handle. ."

"Zhou Xing, as a member of our school, you should also be able to understand that the principal of our school is a soldier. So he brought this concept to the school, and the military spirit educates people."

Zhou Xing nodded, these Of course he understands.

"So we formed a team of instructors and managed them militaristically. The purpose is to set an example for students. Even if they join the art industry, they must be strict with themselves, sharpen their will, and exercise their body." The

dean said: "The military Educating people by soul runs through the school philosophy of our school, and military training is the top priority." "

Shanghai Conservatory of Music has been implementing this policy for decades, and it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

The dean frowned and said, "I want to seek a special case. , It's really too difficult, classmate Zhou, your appeal is really not easy to handle."

Zhou Xing heard a clue from the dean's words.

Not easy to handle.

That also means that it's not that it can't be done, but that there are not enough chips.

He looked at the bald dean in front of him and sneered in his heart.

Five million is not enough to stop his mouth.

The appetite is a bit too much.

Zhou Xing was unhappy, but he didn't show it. He smiled slightly and said, "The dean just mentioned the instructor team. I have one more thing to do." "

When the principal established the instructor team, his original intention must have been good. He chose a group of students. Serve as a role model and enhance the cohesion of the whole school."

"It's just..."

Zhou Xing changed the subject: "The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds. Not all students study with peace of mind and seek to make progress. "

There are a lot of scum among the instructor team. They have some power in their hands. As a new military training instructor, they act wantonly and beat and insult the students at every turn, turning the sacred military training into a On the stage where he exercises power alone, his behavior is extremely bad."

Zhou Xingdao: "I have to bother the dean to report this matter to the school and conduct a thorough investigation of the instructor team. This kind of person must not be allowed to exist, otherwise the military training carefully organized by the school will be ruined. Not only will it have no effect, it will actually cause great resentment among the students, which is not conducive to the unity of the school."

The dean looked solemn.

"Is there such a thing?"

Zhou Xing said nothing. He couldn't guarantee it before, but now he was basically sure that the dean definitely knew something, but he didn't care about it at all.

Maybe for the sake of his own performance... he

would strongly encourage the instructors to do this and collude with them (yi qi). If he doesn't have enough confidence, where does a person like Huang Hui get the courage to deal with new students? .

Aren't you afraid that the new students will completely resist and cause chaos?

In his previous life, Zhou Xing had no contact with the dean and did not understand him as a person.

Now, after a little contact with him, I realize that this old guy is not a good person either.

Compared to Huang Hui's blatant behavior, he is the one who really eats people without spitting out their bones.

"If the school can thoroughly investigate the instructor team and strictly screen the personnel, I am willing to add another five million, for a total of ten million, to donate to the school free of charge. I will not ask any questions about how the school will use it."

Zhou Xing said.

"Ten million!"

The dean's eyes flickered, and he was obviously a little moved, but he finally calmed down.

"This matter about the instructor, even if there is no donation, don't worry... I will report it to the school and deal with it. This is related to all the new students and the teaching philosophy of our school. He must not be allowed to appear. Any problem."

The dean said sternly: "As the dean, this is my duty, and I cannot let any scum harm our freshmen."


Suddenly .

The dean sighed: "I'm ashamed to say it. It should be my responsibility that something like this happened." "

I absolutely cannot let this unhealthy trend continue to blow."

The dean said hypocritically: "It's just... ...The instructor team is handled directly by the school. As the dean, I don't have any right to interfere or report it. I don't know how long it will take to achieve results."

"Student Zhou, although you are willing to donate for free Ten million, I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the school. After all, there are too few students who care about the school as much as you do."

The dean sighed again: "It's a pity... this number looks... It seems very big, but for the entire school, it is just a drop in the bucket. It will not attract any attention from the school. Otherwise, you can also take the opportunity to raise matters about the instructor team, and they will definitely handle it immediately." "

Oh. ?"

Zhou Xing crossed his legs and slumped down on the sofa: "Then much donation do I need to attract the school's attention and rectify the instructor team?"

He had a smile on his face. He thought, but his eyes were cold.

This dean... his appetite was beyond his imagination, he was simply insatiable.

His patience had been completely exhausted.

The dean pretended to think for a while, then shook his head and said, "This shouldn't be your responsibility. After all, this is the responsibility of the school."

"Student Zhou, don't worry, even if it takes a long time, I will do it." We will report it to the school."

"The instructor team will definitely make rectifications and

restore peace and tranquility to all you freshmen." Zhou Xing smiled. The dean's official tone was perfect and perfect.

When he goes to rectify it, there will probably be no news until he graduates from college.

"It's okay."

Zhou Xing waved his hand and said, "Dean, just tell me whether I can bear the amount. I will make my own decision." When

the dean heard this, he couldn't restrain the joy in his heart, and his face His upper muscles moved, and then he opened his palms: "Fifty million, I guess that's about it."

Hearing this, Zhou Xing's face instantly darkened, he stood up quickly, put his feet on the coffee table, and grabbed the dean's collar.

His eyes were cold.

"Old bastard, did I give you a fucking face?"