Chapter 59

: It's your own fault.

Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

Military training square.

Hot summer day.

For the rest of the phalanx, the instructors chose to go to shady places to let the freshmen take a break.

The phalanx led by Huang Hui stood motionless.

Braving the sweltering heat.

After Zhou Xing revealed his identity, the new students didn't have much fear of him.

There are even new students who contradict each other frequently.

One or two is fine.

He couldn't end it if it aroused public outrage.

After a moment of anxiety.

Huang Hui discovered that Zhou Xing just left and was not affected in any way.

Then I felt relieved.

Presumably Zhou Xing just gave up his harsh words. If he really had that ability and could command the school, how could he appear in the military training team.

Huang Hui breathed a sigh of relief and regained his confidence.

Facing these new students, he naturally has many ideas.

Choose to let them bask in the sun, temper their xinxing, and let them distinguish...who is the big and small king.

As for Zhou Xing, after the military training in the morning, he would naturally choose to report it, and he would be punished.

Huang Hui was secretly proud.

If you offend him, you will only ask for trouble.

A morning of exposure to the sun was enough for these freshmen to have a good drink.

He could already see that several girls looked embarrassed and almost couldn't hold on anymore.

Next, is when his majesty appears.

"Huang Hui... let them take a rest to avoid heatstroke. I'm afraid it won't be easy to explain."

An instructor who was also on the instructor team couldn't stand it anymore and came over to persuade them.

Huang Hui disagreed: "Today's freshmen are too unruly and spoiled. Thinking about how hard our training in the instructor team was back then, they are nothing. I am doing this for their own good, to sharpen my will. Otherwise, you

won't even be able to withstand the military training." "Then

don't be too hasty." Huang Hui sneered: "Are you worried that I will train these freshmen too well and steal the title of the first phalanx after the military training? , did it affect your evaluation of advanced instructors?"


Seeing that Huang Hui was not getting enough, the instructor was too lazy to say anything more. He sighed and glanced at these new students with some pity. Turn around and leave.

He also had good intentions. Since Huang Hui couldn't listen, he wouldn't be blamed if something happened.

Huang Hui watched the instructor leave, but his eyes darkened.

I felt extremely disdainful.

How could it be possible to let these new students go? He had lost face just now, and he had to get it back a hundredfold from these guys.

Just when he was feeling proud.

Several middle-aged men wearing shirts walked towards him.

The leader was a middle-aged man about forty years old, wearing glasses and with a Chinese character face.

Huang Hui was shocked when he saw them.

The director of the hospital...why are you here?

In front of students, he is a arrogant instructor, but in front of teachers, he does not dare to be a little domineering.

"Hello, director."

Seeing the director walking towards him, he quickly bowed and said hello.

The director did not respond, but looked at him expressionlessly: "Are you Huang Hui?"

"It's me... what happened to the teacher?"

Huang Hui asked cautiously.

The director frowned at the freshmen under the scorching sun, pointed at his nose and scolded: "The weather is so hot, other teams are choosing to rest or conduct indoor activities, why are you the only one to arrange them here?" The ground doesn't move, how did you become an instructor!"

"If something happens to them, can you afford it!"

"You bastard!"

A series of words.

Huang Hui was a little confused.

Facing the director, he couldn't speak for a long time. He was a little anxious and quickly explained: "Director...I..."

"Stop talking."

The director said impatiently. He cut off his words and said, "Come directly with us. The principal wants to see you. If you have anything to say, just tell him."


Huang Hui's eyes widened and he was extremely worried. He had no idea what was going on. , suddenly sweating profusely.

He simply couldn't figure out why the principal wanted to see him.

Zhou Xing's figure appeared in his mind.

Could it be him?

Then he was quickly thrown out of his mind. This was absolutely impossible!

Zhou Xing is just a new student, how could he have such ability? Even the principal is involved.

"Director, what does the principal want from me?"

Huang Hui asked boldly.

"What's going know it very well."

The director snorted and looked at him coldly: "I never thought that a humble guy like you would be so bold if I didn't come here today! "

Hold him down to prevent this kid from being dishonest,"

the director ordered.

Security comes forward!

As soon as Huang Hui was controlled, he was about to walk towards the principal's office.

No matter how dull Huang Hui is.

At this time, I also realized...

The director is coming in a menacing manner, which is definitely not a good thing.

He was terrified in his heart and kept struggling, but his limbs were trembling with fear and he couldn't exert any strength at all. He was dragged away by the security guards, like a embarrassed dog, and there was no trace of the arrogance he had just shown.

When the freshmen saw this, they were as happy as taking a bite of ice-cold watermelon in the summer.

Huang Hui, the instructor.

They hate it!

The worse the other party is, the happier they will be. It is best to let him get out of this school directly.

The director ignored Huang Hui, but turned around and looked at the freshmen, his expression softening a little: "You guys go back to your dormitory to rest for now. Today's military training is suspended. The school will notify you later." "

Long live the director!"

Upon hearing this, the freshmen said, Suddenly there was cheering.

Each of them looked excited.

Some of the smart people seemed to have thought of something based on the director's attitude towards Huang Hui.

Immediately there was some gloating.

Huang Hui really deserves the blame.

It's not good to mess with anyone.

We must find Zhou Xing's head.

It's better now... I think things have been blown out of proportion and can't be corrected.

The freshmen shook their heads. It's okay to do evil to God, but you can't live if you do it yourself.


Huang Hui was dragged by the security guards and constantly watched by the students coming and going. He couldn't care less about being embarrassed.

Now he is helpless.

Don't know what's going on.

Seeing the director chasing after him, his eyes immediately lit up and he shouted quickly: "Director, what is going on? I have always abided by the laws and regulations in the school, and I am still a member of the instructor team. I work hard to help the school train new students, and I was still a member of the school last year. Advanced instructor, the phalanx led by him is the best in the whole school."

"What did I do wrong?"

The director looked at Huang Hui's hysterical appearance. If the principal hadn't found out through investigation, it would be unimaginable that as a college student, he would Can be twisted like this.

Not a moment.

Everyone arrived at the principal's office.

The director stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Fu Zhoupu's voice came from inside.

open the door.

Huang Hui, who had been struggling, suddenly became quiet. He stared at the young figure sitting on the sofa.


How could he appear here.

When Zhou Xing saw him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a meaningful smile.

" seem surprised to see me?"