Chapter 60

I think it's just right

Huang Hui's legs felt weak.

He collapsed on the ground, as if all his strength had been drained away.

His worst fear...

finally happened.

Fu Zhoupu didn't even glance at Huang Hui, but kept reading the report in his hand.

All of these come from students' evaluations of Huang Hui.

Deliberately targeting freshmen.

Public insult.

Taking advantage of the instructor's power, he took advantage of the girls and deceived them.


The more Fu Zhoupu looked behind him, the more he couldn't contain the anger in his heart.


There are almost no positive comments about him in the entire article.

He really could not have imagined that the instructor team he created himself would actually contain such a character.

There are not many like Huang Hui.

There are also many instructors among them, and the same is true.

It's just that Huang Hui is a typical example, doing things unscrupulously and doing anything to establish his authority.

Don't treat the new students as human beings at all.

Fu Zhoupu felt a chill all over his body.

Fortunately, during the previous military training, even if Huang Hui did something so outrageous, the freshmen did not suffer from heatstroke or injuries during the military training.

Otherwise, even if he has extraordinary abilities, he will not be able to keep his position as principal.

The Yellow Sea is like this.

The same goes for the instructor team.

If word of these two got out, he could be killed.

Without the reminder from the old squad leader.

He is still kept in the dark...

Until the day of the incident, he would not have thought that his career was ended by the instructor and Huang Dahai.

"Huang Hui!"

Fu Zhoupu shouted angrily: "You know you are wrong!"

Huang Hui moved his lips and wanted to open his mouth to defend, but found that his body could not exert any strength at all.

The fear reached the extreme, and my legs kept shaking.

"The school wants you to join the instructor team because it wants to train you to be like the soldiers and take the lead for the new students. It is not to let you think that you have a little power and can do whatever you want."

Fu Zhoupu became more and more angry as he spoke. : "If I let you be an instructor, you are so domineering and don't take the new students into consideration. If you were made the principal, wouldn't it mean that you would kill all the students in the school?" "

Don't forget, You are just a student!"

"How could our school teach students like you? Your class teacher and the captain of the instructor team are all responsible!"

Fu Zhoupu snorted coldly, turned to the school director and said : "Ask Huang Hui's class teacher to write a 10,000-word self-criticism and hand it over to my desk tomorrow."


The school director nodded.

"As for the captain of the instructor team..."

Fu Zhoupu frowned and thought for a while: "Let him be suspended for a while. The instructor team will be temporarily disbanded. This time I will personally select the members of the instructor team!"

He was cruel this time.

Prepare to completely reshuffle the instructor team.

You must never let your pride turn into a stain on your body.

"Okay, I understand. I will convey it later."

The school director looked at Huang Hui who was lying on the ground, and then asked, "Then what should he do?"

Fu Zhoupu glanced at Huang Hui and said: He quickly averted his eyes.

His eyes were full of disgust, he felt disgusted.

As a soldier, he has an upright character and cannot hold a grain of sand in his eyes.

As a member of the instructor team, Huang Hui not only lacks the consciousness of serving the people as a soldier.

Instead, they impose their personal desires on the new students.

If he were in the army, if Huang Hui treated the people like this, he would be shot.

"He will be expelled from the instructor team immediately and will never be hired."

Fu Zhoupu said in a cold tone: "At the same time, he will be given serious sanctions and expelled. Our school does not welcome such students." "

Principal, I'm sorry, I was wrong. ."

Huang Hui heard this, but he didn't know where the strength came from. He wanted to stand up, but unfortunately his legs were weak and he could only half kneel on the ground.

He cried with snot and tears: "I will never dare to do it again. Please give me a chance."

His biggest reliance, his identity as an instructor, is now gone.

Then he will be knocked back to his original shape in an instant.

Plus expulsion.

He almost blacked out and passed out.

Huang Hui had no idea what he would do if he was expelled from school.

He himself is timid and has low self-esteem.

The family is poor.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have grown so fast just by relying on his status as an instructor.

The identity of the instructor team is gone.

He still has some chances, the worst thing he can do is be patient in school.

I graduate in one year.

With a diploma, you can still find a barely decent job.

Once fired.

If he can't get a diploma, he just has a high school diploma.

At that time...there was really nothing left.

He kept kowtowing and begging the principal to show mercy.

Fu Zhoupu was indifferent.

As a principal, I have stayed in this position for decades.

How could he not see it.

Until now...Huang Hui didn't even have the slightest intention of repenting.

He admitted his mistake.

Just because...

expulsion is an unbearable punishment for him.

He fears being fired.

Instead of knowing where you went wrong.

Perhaps in his heart, he always stubbornly believed that he had only done some trivial things.

Fu Zhoupu let out a long sigh.

As the principal, these people are all his students. If he could be more generous and cultivate them well, how could he not be willing to do so?


he found out too late.

Once a person grows crooked, it is difficult to correct it.

Keeping him in school would be unfair to other students.

So Huang Hui had to go.

"If I had known this, why would I do it in the first place?"

Fu Zhoupu spat out a few words coldly, and then waved his hand to the school director, who immediately signaled.

Security guards were arranged to take Huang Hui out, no matter how he shouted.

The school director saw this.

Somewhat unbearable, he asked, "Is the punishment of expulsion a little too severe for Huang Hui?"

After all, he was expelled.

It is the most severe punishment in school.

Even though Huang Hui is at a disadvantage, he has been a teacher step by step. He still wants to help a group of students, and it would be great to win him back.

Fu Zhoupu did not speak, but turned to look at Zhou Xing, who had been sitting there with an indifferent expression.

A big part of what he does today.

Even though it was for myself, I did it out of anger.

But I invited Zhou Xing over...

just to show him and seek his satisfaction.

So obviously Zhou Xing's opinion is more important.

"Classmate Zhou, do you think this punishment is severe?"

Zhou Xing chuckled.

"Is it heavy? I think it's just right."