Chapter 62

What does this have to do with Zhou Xing?

"Huang Dahai, the dean of the school's music department, seriously violated the school's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline and life discipline during his tenure." "During his tenure, he committed

corruption and bribery many times, which caused extremely serious consequences."

"The school is currently taking action against him. Suspended and handed over for investigation."

"Huang Hui, a junior music student, as an instructor to assist in the military training of freshmen, not only failed to unite his classmates and be positive, but relied on his status as an instructor to bully his classmates, causing extremely bad effects, the nature It is serious, and the school will record a major demerit against him and expel him."

"The occurrence of this incident is the school's dereliction of duty. The school hereby expresses its sincere apology to the majority of students, and also hopes that the majority of students can learn from it. As a warning."


The school's announcement came out.

The whole school was in an uproar.

Most of the students had no idea what was going on.

Why did I wake up...

It was as if there was an earthquake in the school, and the dean and members of the instructor team were punished one after another.

"Did I miss something?"

Many people also asked questions on the campus forum.

They were confused.

I thought it was because my internet speed was slow and I missed something important.

As a result, other people expressed that they did not understand the situation very well.

At this time.

Someone stood up and explained: "This matter actually has something to do with Zhou Xing. If it hadn't been for him... the school wouldn't have been able to crack down hard."

Others were puzzled.

The name of Zhou Xing, the number one freshman, was familiar to them, and it was like thunder to their ears.


the dean and the instructor team were suspended and expelled one after another.

What does this have to do with him?

"Zhou Xing and I are from the same square and are classmates, so we understand each other quite clearly..."

The person who claimed to be Zhou Xing's classmate stood up again to explain.

Then he told what happened in detail.

"After Zhou Xing had a conflict with Huang Hui, someone saw him walking straight to the dean's office, and then the report came out in the afternoon. You guys... taste it carefully, who else could it be if it wasn't Zhou Xing?"

"Now. The whole class would have become Zhou Xing's fans, if it weren't for him."

"Our fifteen days would have been difficult."

As soon as this explanation was given, it was immediately pushed to the hot list .

at the same time.

More and more people in Zhou Xing's class came out to support this statement and proved that the other party was not lying.

The thing was confirmed.

The students at the campus forum were once again deeply shocked.

"I'm a heifer!"

"My vision was narrow. I thought Zhou Xing was already awesome enough, but I didn't expect that he was not only awesome, he was just like a heifer flying on a plane." "Suddenly I

started to understand Min Si's poetry. , If it weren't for the fact that I'm a man, I would have wanted to devote myself to him."

"Zhou Xing is so handsome. Huang Hui was my instructor last year. He was such a force that everyone in the phalanx hated him, but now he finally feels better. , Zhou Xing also got rid of harm for the people."

"Ah ah ah! Zhou Xing simply poked my heart, and it has grown on my aesthetics!" "It's

so handsome that my mood is like a fountain, thrilling ."

"What is the origin of this Zhou Xing? He can even easily remove the dean from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music." "

There is no origin, he is just my husband."

"The homework assigned by Teacher Zhou Xing is really It's too much..."

"The humidifier Zhou Xing bought for me has arrived, so that we won't wake up dry when we go to bed at night/Shy JPG." "

... ....."

There was another wave of enthusiasm in the campus forum.

The classmates feel it most obviously, and they are also the beneficiaries.

Therefore, facing Zhou Xing's behavior, not only would I not feel any disgust, I would only feel grateful to him.

The content sent out is also extremely fair.

Basically, they stand on Zhou Xing's side and beautify it at the same time.

A simple conflict fell into their hands...

almost like a domineering president in a TV series.

Especially girls.

That vivid description.

Countless girls on campus couldn't help but admire Zhou Xing.

The students themselves are young and have a strong sense of justice.

Usually when they encounter this kind of situation, they have no way to deal with it and can only lower their heads and swallow it.

Zhou Xing stood up and became their hero and role model.

There are more and more girls who admire Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing's reputation increased again.

One leap has the vague meaning of being among the most popular boys in the school.

At the same time...

with just a few moves, the school was able to dispatch Huang Dahai and Huang Hui so quickly.

Combined with his five six license plates.

They had more and more guesses about Zhou Xing's background.

Zhou Xing's background...

is even more mysterious.

It touches the hearts of countless people.


Zhou Xing closed the campus forum.

His expression was a little complicated.

Originally I was just bored and wanted to kill some time and browse the forum.

Never thought of it.

All the above are posts about myself.

The responses below are a bit unpalatable.

Especially girls.

After all, they are on the Internet and no one knows who they are.

His true nature is exposed without any fear.

When driving...

it simply doesn't give boys any way to survive.

Even he, who has been run over by countless wheels in later generations, can't bear it.

It's fine to watch for fun.

But if the person driving is yourself, it is not so pleasant.

He shook his head and stopped thinking about that.

I guess it's almost time.

Today's military training was temporarily canceled, following the soldier Fu Zhoupu's style.

Presumably it will be adjusted soon.

Normal training will resume tomorrow.

After all, military training is not a child's play, it is more about the level of significance. It is impossible to give them too many days of vacation.

Zhou Xing thought for a moment and originally wanted to go to the cafeteria to have dinner.

Then I thought about the smell in the cafeteria.

Made him give up.

His requirements for food are actually not that high. Luxurious food can be eaten, and roadside stalls are also acceptable.

It's just that the food in the cafeteria is a bit too magical.

In all the years he had been out of society in his previous life, he had never tasted food that left such a deep memory in his mind.

Some things are just as good as trying them once.

He immediately walked towards the dormitory building, and his car was parked in the parking space under the dormitory building.

Not a moment.

Zhou Xing came to McLaren.

Take out the key.

Getting ready to unlock the car.

Someone from behind patted him on the shoulder and said in an excited tone: "Zhou Xing, I've been looking for you all afternoon but couldn't find you. So you are here."