Chapter 63

Why are you here?

Zhou Xing turned around.

What caught my eye...was a head of eye-catching yellow hair.

It was the one who was punished by Huang Hui for running ten laps during the military training in the morning.

He looked a little excited, scratched his head at Zhou Xing and said: "I went to your dormitory to look for you, but I didn't find you, so I tried to try my luck in your car, but I didn't expect it to happen to me. "

What do you want from me?"

Zhou Xing couldn't help but be confused.

He remembered that he didn't have much interaction with Huang Mao.

"Hey... you vented your anger on my behalf, I must thank you very much."

Huang Mao said happily: "That thief Huang Hui attacked me as soon as he came here, and even let me run away After ten laps, I've almost lost all my face, and the problem is finally settled."

"I was just thinking about how to vent my anger, but I didn't expect you to do me such a big favor."

Huang Mao said with great enthusiasm: "I have to express my gratitude to you no matter what, just treat you to a meal."

"It's just a small thing."

Zhou Xing smiled faintly: "Then Huang Hui will die if he does many unjust things. Without me, he will die sooner or later. Someone takes care of him."

"That's right!"

Speaking of Huang Hui, Huang Mao also gritted his teeth: "I never thought that he was just a junior student and dared to be so presumptuous in front of me. I also planned to do a good job after the military training. Deal with him!"

"This grandson can run fast!"

"Otherwise... I definitely won't be able to spare him!"

Zhou Xing raised his eyebrows and looked at him suspiciously. Could it be

that he was the one who attacked Huang Hui

in his previous life?

"Are you from Kyoto?"

Zhou Xing asked as he listened to his speech.

In the previous life...

even though they were in the same class.

But there wasn't much interaction, because Deng Jian rarely appeared in class.

It's just a slight impression. His yellow hair is too ostentatious, so you can't pay attention.

I just heard from others that this person seems to have a good background and is also a rich second generation.

Apart from this, no other information is known.

Zhou Xing didn't take it to heart at the time because there were too many rich second-generation people in the class.

"That's right. I just came to Shanghai and was unfamiliar with the place. I thought that my grandson was a soldier sent by the school, so I didn't dare to say anything. I ran around for ten times and almost exhausted myself."

Huang Mao said . After that, he slapped his forehead: "I almost forgot, let me meet you. My name is Deng Jian."

Deng Jian stretched out his hand: "We will all be classmates from now on. It depends on what you did today. If anything happens in the future, just call me. I promise. It's my duty."

"Let's go, let's not talk about anything else, I

'll treat you to a meal." Deng Jian greeted Zhou Xing to have a meal with him.

"There's no need to eat."

Zhou Xing shook his head and said, "It's not a big deal. I'm just standing up for myself."

He is not the kind of person who takes credit.

He did this to vent his anger, and Deng Jian was just along for the ride.

It doesn't matter to him whether others are grateful to him or not.

"Don't worry about that, at least I'm out of anger, and Huang Hui is relieved, and I feel happy."

Deng Jian said regardless: "At any rate, classmate, let me treat you to a meal, this opportunity is always there Can't you just ignore it?"

"Let's go out to eat outside the school, and it just so happens that I can experience your McLaren P1. I wanted to buy it before, but my family disagreed. I can have fun today."

Deng Jian has a very lively personality . , facing Zhou Xing, there was not much restraint.

"No need."

Facing Deng Jian's behavior, Zhou Xing couldn't continue to refuse: "Just go to the cafeteria, there's no need to go outside, it's too much trouble." "

What's the point? Although my family's business is not comparable to You, but I still have money to treat you to a meal out."

Deng Jian said nonchalantly: "You should be familiar with Shanghai. Otherwise, you can choose the location and I will pay for it. You see How are you doing?"

"The food in the cafeteria is not for people to eat at all. I'm sorry to ask you to eat in the cafeteria."


Zhou Xing smiled. It seems that everyone has different opinions on the taste of the cafeteria. It's almost the same.

"Let's go to the cafeteria."

Zhou Xing said, "There's no need to be too extravagant and wasteful. After eating too much delicacies, you have to learn to remember the bitter and savor the sweet occasionally, right?"

Deng Jian's eyes widened, as if to say: "Are you talking to me?" Am I kidding?"

"No, a rich young man like you is used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, but I haven't yet."

Deng Jian wrinkled his face and said pitifully: "I just got released from home, and I still think that the sky is high. Ren Niaofei, I am going to let you take me to see the colorful world of Shanghai. You have brought me back to my original shape."

"There will be many opportunities in the future."

Zhou Xing said with a smile on his face and didn't say much. Unlock and open the car door: "Let's go, get in the car."


Deng Jian had no choice but to nod in response to Zhou Xing's request.

When he saw the cool butterfly doors opening, his bitter look disappeared instantly, replaced by a look of excitement as he kept looking at the car.

Deng Jian looked at the interior, his eyes full of envy, and he was amazed: "It is indeed one of the three most amazing cars. When I graduate... No, I must find a way to get my dad to do it before my sophomore year." I'll buy one."


The car starts.

Immediately inherited.

Although it is on campus, it is destined not to drive too fast.

But Deng Jian still seemed excited and kept exclaiming.

Not a moment.

The car stopped at the entrance of the cafeteria.

Deng Jian got out of the car with some hesitation, and under the gaze of everyone, he felt a little carried away. He wanted to put his arms around Zhou Xing's shoulders, but found that he was half a head shorter than him.

He could only take his hand back angrily, and then said: "Let's go, Zhou Xing, eat whatever you want." "

The cafeteria can support one person to death, but it can't even break fifty."

Zhou Xing said speechlessly: "Listen to your tone, no Those who knew would have thought that you wanted to treat others to a Manchu banquet."

"That's not possible."

Deng Jian grinned, showing his white teeth, and said without any embarrassment: "I didn't ask you to go out to eat, if you don't go , you have to come to the cafeteria, don't blame me."

"I'll treat you to a nice meal next time."

Zhou Xing immediately walked towards the cafeteria with Deng Jian.

It was already dinner time.

So it was overcrowded...

Deng Jian brought a plate to Zhou Xing, and then stood behind him, waiting to pay him.

Zhou Xing looked at several windows at random.

Then when I came to a window.

The steps came to a halt.

Compared with the other windows, where there are all adults and aunts, here stands a slim young woman.

She has a ponytail and a simple T-shirt can't hide her impressive figure.

The old-fashioned apron has a simple beauty on her body.

The woman just raised her head and looked at Zhou Xing.

A bright smile immediately appeared on his face: "Zhou Xing, why are you in the cafeteria?