Chapter 65

I'm too naive

The next day.

Deng Jian looked at Zhou Xing, standing under the shade of a tree in the distance.

Min Sixi happily came to Zhou Xing, and with her delicate white hands, she handed over the cup of cold milk tea.

Deng Jian was startled, but someone else's voice came to his ears: "Why is she here again?"

Deng Jian's mind moved, he turned around and asked: "Brother, what is going on?"

The man was a little surprised. Said: "Don't you even know this? Don't you go to the campus forum?"

"Brother, I really don't know this."

Deng Jian smiled: "Brother, tell me in detail."

"Min Si Shi, the school has won the title of The third-term campus goddess openly pursued Zhou Xing last time, but was rejected by Zhou Xing, and then she began to send milk tea to Zhou Xing perseveringly."

The classmate shook his head and said: "She was here yesterday, didn't you notice?"

Deng Jian looked a little confused.

What were you doing yesterday?

It seemed that I arrived here in a hurry, and started bragging and chatting with a group of people, without even noticing Zhou Xing here.

He looked at Min Sishi's excited face after Zhou Xing took the milk tea.

His face turned pale.

Suddenly he covered his chest.

It felt like being stabbed.

It turned out that Min Sishi was really pursuing Zhou Xing, and was rejected by him.

After Zhou Xing denied it yesterday, he felt more mentally balanced and thought Min Sishi was teasing him.

Sure enough, the more beautiful a girl is, the better she is at lying.

He also threatened that if he believed her words again, he would be a fool.

As a result...

he became a real fool.

"Really... I'm too naive."

Deng Jian felt like bursting into tears: "Zhou Xing, you really deserve to die. I shouldn't have believed your lies in the first place."

" Hey brother, although Min Sishi is very beautiful, Zhou Xing is not bad

either." The people next to him couldn't help being startled when they saw this: "People are chasing Zhou Xing, you don't have to react so much, right?"

Deng Jian But I wanted to cry even more.

He remembered that after leaving the canteen yesterday, he spoke nonsense in front of Zhou Xing.

He had already seen through Min Sishi's lies.

He was just cooperating with the other party.

Such a proud look, and Zhou Xing's meaningful gaze.

He didn't quite understand it before...

Now his toes are completely tense.

"I'm so stupid."

Even though Deng Jian was a social cow, he still couldn't accept this scene of social death.


under the shade.

Zhou Xing took a sip of milk tea, then took out his cell phone and asked, "What's your WeChat ID?"


Min Sishi said with some surprise, "I've been sending milk tea for two days, and you were finally moved, so you added me. How?"

She didn't hesitate, just took out her phone.

Zhou Xing glanced at it.

It's a white mobile phone.

It looks very worn, and the model number on it has been worn away and cannot be distinguished.

However, Min Sishi took good care of it. The phone looked clean and not damaged.

She held her phone and opened WeChat without any embarrassment.

It's just that the phone is laggy.

After a while, WeChat was loaded.

Min Sishi poked the screen with her tender fingers, then unfolded the QR code and placed it in front of Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing did not explain, silently scanned the QR code, and then added it.

Min Sishi quickly agreed.

"Ding dong."

Min Sixi opened it expectantly and found that it was a red envelope.

"What do you mean?"

The smile on Min Sishi's face stopped a little.

"It's nothing. I've drank several cups of milk tea from you, so

I can't ask you to pay for it." Zhou Xing said calmly, "I'm not in the habit of asking girls to pay

." "Just accept this red envelope first."

Zhou Xingyang said. Yang held the milk tea in his hand: "Thank you for the milk tea, but don't give it to me later. I don't like drinking sweet things. The weather is too hot. There is no need for you to come here so early every day. After all, you have your own things to do." ."


Min Sishi's beautiful eyes dimmed a little, and she muttered: "I thought you would like to drink this milk tea. After all, I think it tastes pretty good."

She swallowed her saliva. , then raised her head: "Okay, I know."

After that, she lowered her head, as if thinking about something, and left here.



Min Sixi stood in front of Zhou Xing with a smile on her face, holding half of the watermelon, and handed him a spoon.

Zhou Xing was stunned: "Why are you here again?"


Min Sishi said in confusion: "Didn't you say you don't like milk tea? I bought you half a watermelon, still iced... ...You have just finished military training. It's good to eat a few mouthfuls to cool down."

"You don't like watermelon too, right?"

Min Sishi's face wrinkled: "Then this is... "It's such a waste. How about you take two bites?"

Zhou Xing helplessly held his forehead.

Is this what he meant when he said it this morning?

I had made it very clear, and at the same time I also gave him a red envelope, just to stop her from coming again in the future.

Zhou Xing looked at Min Sishi's dazed little face.

I don't know if she really didn't understand, or if she was pretending to be dumbfounded.

"How much, I'll transfer it to you."

Zhou Xing sighed and had no choice but to take the watermelon.

"Hehe, it doesn't cost much."

Min Sixi saw that Zhou Xing still took the watermelon and would not waste it anymore. She immediately became happy and skipped away with her little hands behind her back.

Zhou Xing was not given a chance to continue speaking.

Zhou Xing had no choice but to let her go.


In the subsequent military training.

Min Sishi appeared in front of Zhou Xing on time every day.

Every now and then.

He just changed his tricks and handed Zhou Xing various items under the envious eyes of everyone.

Fruits, drinks...

Although the prices are not expensive, the recipient is the campus goddess Min Sishi.

Deng Jian stood there with a look of resentment on his face.

After so many days, the freshmen have basically gotten to know Min Sishi.

Min Sishi's reputation on campus forums gradually turned around.

After all...

even if you worship money, it is not easy to persist for such a long time.

And Zhou Xing is indeed very tempting.

Many people have even begun to pay close attention to what the final result will be.

Military training for fifteen days.

Gone in the blink of an eye.

When the instructor announced the end of the military training and organized a party in the evening, everyone burst into excited cheers.

As the team disbanded.

Zhou Xing turned around and prepared to leave.

As expected, Min Sishi held a bottle of mineral water in her hand and handed it to Zhou Xing.

Then he looked at Deng Jian standing nearby and said with some embarrassment, "Sorry, I forgot about you again."

"It's okay."

Deng Jian smiled reluctantly, because he was used to it, and Min Sishi had forgotten him. It's been fifteen days.

Zhou Xing took the mineral water, opened it and took a sip.

Then he looked at Deng Jian and said, "You go back today and I'll take care of things."

"Come with me."

Zhou Xing said to Min Sishi and walked towards the parking place.