Chapter 66

Michelin Restaurant

Zhou Xing took out the car keys.


The distinctive crescent headlights light up.

Zhou Xing opened the car door and got in.

But he found Min Sishi standing there without moving for a long time.

"What are you doing standing around? Get in the car."

Zhou Xing said.

At this time, Min Sishi tangled her hands and said slightly awkwardly: "I... can't open the door."

Zhou Xing couldn't help but smile.

Min Sishi, who is usually down-to-earth and generous, also has this side.

"There is a groove under the car window. If you put your hand on it, the door will automatically pop open."

Zhou Xing said.

McLaren's door opening methods are all touch-sensitive and there are no physical buttons.

Min Sishi tried the method Zhou Xing said.

Hands crossed.

The car door then popped open and lifted upwards.

Min Sishi covered her mouth and exclaimed. This was really a novelty for her.

I didn't expect that the car door could be opened like this.

He carefully sat in the car, then closed the door, looked at the interior of the car, and then turned around and asked Xiang Zhou Xing: "Where are we going?"

Zhou Xing did not reply.

Press the start button.

The car roared and the sound was deafening.

The streamlined car body... passed through the campus in the evening and walked straight towards the outside of the school.

Half an hour later.

The car drove into the Bund and came to a building.

Zhou Xing parked the car, opened the door and walked out.

Min Sishi also followed suit and stood beside him, looking at him blankly.

"Let's go."

Zhou Xing took a step forward and said calmly.

"Where to go?"

Min Sishi was confused.

"During military training, you gave me so many things. Wouldn't it be very impersonal if I didn't treat you to a meal?"

Zhou Xing chuckled.

"Would you like to eat here?"

Min Sishi pointed to the European-style building in front of her.

Looks a bit shabby.

But it's very stylish...

It's still on the Bund. Obviously, if you can open a restaurant here, the price will definitely not be that cheap.

"Actually, if you want to treat me to dinner..."

Min Sishi seemed a little hesitant: "The Malatang in the cafeteria tastes very good. There is no need to go to such a big expense to come here." "It's so

expensive. , the taste may not be as good as the canteen."

Zhou Xing glanced at her: "Six yuan for Malatang?"


"It's okay."

Zhou Xing smiled and walked straight into the building.

In fact...

many times when you choose an expensive restaurant, you don't get the taste of the food.

Even if the food is too expensive, it is not that enjoyable to eat it in your mouth.

Style and elegant environment are the reasons why they are sought after by the rich.

Seeing that Zhou Xing had no intention of leaving, Min Sishi had no choice but to follow him step by step.

We took the elevator together and arrived at the third floor.

What caught his eye was a string of French words... which

Min Sishi couldn't understand at all.

"Welcome to L'ATELIER-Joel Robuchon Restaurant. Do you have a reservation?"

As soon as he approached the restaurant, the waiter greeted him.

"Yes, my surname is Zhou."

Zhou Xing said.

He had already asked Zhang Yan to book a restaurant for him in advance.

This is a Michelin-starred Western restaurant run by the famous French chef Joel Robuchon.

"Okay Mr. Zhou, here are the seats you have reserved for the afternoon. There are two of you in total."

After the waiter confirmed it, he guided Zhou Xing and Min Sishi towards the restaurant: "Please follow me."

Zhou Xing Min Sishi walked in with a calm expression, but she looked at the environment here.

The decoration inside is mainly mahogany color, giving people warmth but elegance.

The lights are gorgeous.

The center resembles the decoration of a wine bar.

There are chairs and Western tableware placed on all sides.

In the center stood a middle-aged foreign man with blue eyes and neatly dressed in chef's uniform.

After Zhou Xing and Min Sishi sat down, the middle-aged foreign man followed them enthusiastically with a smile on his face.

It all sounds French.

Zhou Xing couldn't understand what he meant at all.

The waiter on the side leaned over and translated: "Hello, Mr. Zhou, this is our chef, Mr. Joel Robuchon, who is also the founder of this restaurant." "

He is saying hello to you and asking what you want. He prepares the ingredients for what kind of food he wants to taste. Here we have the chef making everything on site."

Zhou Xing thought for a moment and then said: "Then let the chef make the decision for us and arrange today's menu. "


The waiter immediately translated Zhou Xing's words to Joel Robuchon.

After Joel Robuchon heard this, his eyes lit up instantly, and then he couldn't help but give Zhou Xing a thumbs up.

"He said thank you sir for your trust, he will never let you down."

The waiter translated.

"By the way, give me another bottle of table wine."

Zhou Xing said to the waiter: "Latour will be fine."

Last time I tasted Latour in the hotel, it tasted pretty good.

"Hello, we currently only have the 1997 Latour in our store. The current price is 116,800. Do you think it's okay?"

the waiter asked.

Min Sishi's pupils dilated.

A bottle of wine.

More than 110,000, nearly 120,000.

It's just a meal wine...

to be eaten with the meal.

Zhou Xing nodded slightly, and the waiter turned around to get the wine.

Not a moment.

She carefully held a bottle of Latour and walked slowly towards Zhou Xing. After showing the icon and seal in front of him, she was ready to open it for Zhou Xing and pour it into the decanter.

When Joel Robuchon saw the waiter bringing the Latu, he seemed very excited and started giggling for a while.

"What is he talking about?"

Zhou Xing asked.

The waiter pursed his lips and smiled: "Mr. Joel Robuchon praised you for your discernment. This wine is perfect as a table wine."

Zhou Xing laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at?"

Min Sishi asked with some confusion.

Zhou Xing glanced at the excited Joel Robuchon, and then said: "What makes you discerning is not making money, that's why you are so happy." "

Actually, there is not much difference between a so-called Michelin restaurant and a roadside stall. It's just made to be very high-end."

"The so-called taste and vision...are nothing in front of money."

The waiter who was pouring the wine hesitated slightly and almost spilled the wine.

She listened to all Zhou Xing's words.

It's just that she didn't choose to translate this to Joel Robuchon, as if she was asking for trouble.

Joel Robuchon also turned around and got busy.

Not a moment.

Two delicate small plates were placed in front of Zhou Xing and Min Sishi.

The waiter introduced at the side: "This is a pre-dinner dessert. Caviar is paired with lobster jelly and broccoli puree. Please enjoy it."

Zhou Xing picked up the spoon and said to Min Sishi beside him: "Eat it."