Chapter 73

Mastering the power of killing

"Zhou Xing, during the time you left just now, I held the class committee election."

Liu Lei explained with a smile: "The number of votes to elect you as class president is far ahead. Everyone is welcoming you. It seems that you are among the classmates. , you are very popular."

"Then I believe you can definitely be a good monitor."

Deng Jian winked at the side: "Squad leader, you must take good care of us in the future, otherwise we will rebel."

Zhou Xing couldn't help but be speechless. .

Is there anything more ridiculous than this?

When the squad leader was elected, no one else was there, so why did the squad leader's position go to him?

"Teacher, let's forget about the position of monitor. I'm usually busy..."

Zhou Xing refused without thinking.

The position of monitor may be very attractive to ordinary students.

The same was true for him in his previous life.

It's just a pity... He knew at that time that he was not qualified to be the squad leader, so he did not participate in the election.

I didn't know it until I got out of society.

The class monitor is useless at all. When he is in school, he looks majestic but is actually a mess.

Not to mention busy, but also thankless.

If you apply for a job after graduation, the company will not look down upon you and give you a higher salary just because you have been a monitor in college.

He also had business to attend to and had no intention of caring about the position of monitor.


Liu Lei waved his hand and said with a smile: "You have something to do outside, which proves that you are capable. Those who are capable should work harder. Don't refuse the position of monitor anymore. My classmates The voice is so loud, if you continue to refuse it will not be conducive to the unity of the class."

"Class monitor, class monitor, class monitor!"

Deng Jian took the lead in shouting, and other students began to shout along with him.

After more than ten days of military training, although they were not familiar with Zhou Xing, they knew his temper. He was not so arrogant and could still joke.

As long as his bottom line is not touched, he is still a very kind person.

Zhou Xing had no choice but to sit back.

"Go away!"

Seeing that Deng Jian was still making noises, Zhou Xing said angrily, "You're just making noises. I guess this position of squad leader was instigated by you, right?" "


Deng Jian said with a smile: "This is really not the case, but what the people want. Why are you so charming? Before I even had a chance to say it, when the class teacher selected the class committee, everyone unanimously said that you should be the class president."

"Being the class president is not enough . Okay, how can still contact so many girls in the class. With your charm, maybe if you flirt with them, they will be like Min Sishi... "

Deng Jian said halfway, then stopped, wondering what he was enjoying.

I don't know why, but my heart suddenly hurts.

"The squad leader is so good, why don't you become the monitor?"

Zhou Xing glanced at Deng Jian.

"I think so too, but unfortunately I have a job now and can't be the squad leader anymore. You should just be your squad leader honestly."

Deng Jian patted Zhou Xing on the shoulder and said, "Since you can't refuse, then why not just be your squad leader?" Just lie down and enjoy it."

"What's your position?"

Zhou Xing asked after hearing this. He was not surprised at all that Deng Jian could be the class committee member.

After all, this man is from Kyoto.

He opened his mouth and spat out something like he was talking in a cross talk.

He has a mature personality and can play well with anyone.

If you stand on the stage and run for committee members, the number of votes should be quite high.

"I am the deputy squad leader!"

Deng Jian chuckled, showing a row of big white teeth: "You are the squad leader, and I am the deputy squad leader. From now on, we have the final say whether there will be chaos in this class. We have the power to kill. It just so happens that we are still good brothers, absolutely."

"Get out!"

After hearing what Deng Jian said, Zhou Xing felt even more uncomfortable.

It's okay to be a squad leader because there are so many things to do. I originally thought that there would be a beautiful deputy squad leader to contact me.

It turns out that the deputy squad leader is this guy Deng Jian.

He immediately lost interest.

The first day of school ended somewhat boringly.

Zhou Xing slapped Ha Qie and came out of the classroom, followed by Deng Jian: "Let's go... let's eat..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Min Sishi standing at the door. .

Looking at Zhou Xing with a smile like a flower.

When Zhou Xing came out, Min Sishi immediately stepped forward, hugged his arm, stood up on tiptoes and kissed him on the face: "Hubby, class is over, do you want to go to dinner together?" "

Hey, Deng Jian, you are here too. , do you want to come together?"

Deng Jian's eyes were filled with uncertainty as he kept scanning Zhou Xing and Min Sishi.

Then with a mournful face: "When did you two get together behind my back? Zhou Xing, you really deserve to die. This is worse than killing me!" "

I won't go, you go."

Deng Jian He waved his hand half-heartedly, then turned around and left, but his back looked a little lonely, and he muttered something about, damn, why did he find a girlfriend.

Gradually disappeared from the sight of the two.

"What's wrong with him?"

Min Sishi looked at Deng Jian and asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Zhou Xing smiled and said nothing.

This guy got a bad rap in class, and now he must be getting retribution.

He didn't take it to heart. After all, Deng Jian was so careless that he wouldn't care about it at all. He would be full of energy when he woke up tomorrow.

"Let's go and eat. What do you want to eat?"

Zhou Xing asked.

"I can do anything. Whatever you eat, husband, I will eat!"

Min Sixi said with a sweet smile.

"Then let's eat spicy hotpot for six yuan."

Zhou Xing couldn't help but laugh.

"Better say goodbye... I was a little too tired from dancing last night. Why don't we have some left over and eat it for one dollar each? I won't be able to bear any more. When I recover, I'll see if I can You can't order more."

"That's okay."

"Hehe, hubby, you are so kind, I will give you a kiss as a reward."

"By the way, hubby, my roommate said that he wants to meet you and have a meal together. You think about it. It's inconvenient."

"Maybe I don't have much time recently. Let's talk about it later."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."


.. ....

In a blink of an eye.

the next morning.

Ritz-Carlton, Presidential Suite.

Zhou Xing glanced at Min Sishi, who was still sleeping soundly, then picked up his clothes, went into the bathroom to wash up, and then went downstairs.

Randomly had some breakfast.

When we arrived at the door on the first floor, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

The sun is a bit dazzling.

Zhou Xing moved his body, squinted his eyes and walked out of the hotel lobby.

Came to the parking space for the car.

A girl was already standing here. When she saw Zhou Xing coming, she quickly bowed: "Mr. Zhou, good morning."