Chapter 74

The air conditioner is not very good

The woman wears her hair in a bun.

Revealing a smooth forehead and delicate facial features.

Put some light makeup on your face.

He is over 1.6 meters tall, but his proportions are perfect.

The legs are well-proportioned and round.

Paired with black has a unique flavor.

Zhou Xing's personal secretary at China Merchants Bank—Zhang Yan!

Today, he needs to confirm the office building and then register the company. Many things here require Zhang Yan's company to help him deal with them.

So Zhou Xing contacted her yesterday. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yan had already arrived and was waiting by the car without sending him a message.


Zhou Xing said to Zhang Yan.

"No trouble, it's my duty to serve you well."

Zhang Yan bowed again.

"You don't have to be so polite."

Zhou Xing waved his hand and said, "We are of the same age, just be casual. I'm not that harsh."


Zhang Yan nodded, still with a professional smile on her face.

Zhou Xing was a little helpless and could only ask: "How long have you been here? If this happens again next time, you don't need to wait outside, just send me a message directly. You have stayed outside for a long time in this weather. If I get heat stroke, I won't be able to explain to President Lin."

"I haven't been here long."

Zhang Yan pursed her lips and smiled: "Actually, these are nothing. When I first entered the bank, I risked nearly 40 With the high temperature, it is normal to run around outside for a day to do business." "

Besides, you are a VIP of our bank, so I should..."

"Stop, stop, stop..."

Zhou Xing He immediately interrupted Zhang Yanguan's speech and glanced at her with some surprise. He originally thought that she was brought by Lin Yusheng and had certain connections in the bank.

Maybe he and Lin Yusheng are also some relatives.

Listening to what Zhang Yan said, she also started from the grassroots level...

Zhou Xing immediately asked: "Have you had breakfast?"

"I already had breakfast on the way here."

"Okay, let's get in the car. Let's go."

Zhou Xing nodded, without saying anything else, unlocked the car, opened the door and got into the driver's seat.

At the same time, I was reminded of Zhang Yan's driving style.

Zhang Yan got into the passenger seat, closed the door, and said to Zhou Xing, "Thank you, Mr. Zhou."

"It's okay."

Zhou Xing started the car.

The sound of the V8 engine resounded loudly.

Zhang Yan looked at the interior of the McLaren P1 curiously, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

This seems a little different from the luxury car I imagined.

The interior is too basic.

It doesn't look like a million-dollar luxury car at all. The car that Lin Yusheng and President Lin usually travel in is a Mercedes-Benz S-Class, and the interior looks much more luxurious than this car.

The seats are also a bit hard and not that comfortable to sit on.

"Why, it's strange that the interior of the sports car is not as luxurious as expected, but instead looks so simple, not even comparable to a car costing hundreds of thousands?"

Zhou Xing noticed Zhang Yan's expression and couldn't help but smile: "It's not like sitting still Very comfortable?"


Hearing this, Zhang Yan waved her hands quickly and said, "No, no."

"Yes, it's okay."

Zhou Xing smiled and said, "This is what a sports car looks like. It looks good on the outside and has a high price. In fact, In order to reduce weight and increase performance, manufacturers have basically shrunk everything that can be shrunk, so the inside looks a bit unsatisfactory. Whether it is comfort or interior, they are incomparable with million-level commercial vehicles. "

That's it..."

Zhang Yan smiled sheepishly: "I didn't know that before."


Zhang Yan was a little curious again, with bright eyes. Looking at Zhou Xing: "Why do boys still like sports cars so much? The comfort level is obviously more sporty." "

Haha... you don't know that."

Zhou Xing said with a smile. : "The first thing is that the sports car looks good when driven, and the second thing is... the air conditioner in this car is not very good."

"The air conditioner is not very good?"

Zhang Yan was a little confused: "I think the air conditioner is not bad. "

You work in a bank and see many rich people. You should know that sports cars are also a symbol of status. To put it bluntly, they are showing off."

Zhou Xing explained.

Zhang Yan couldn't help but nodded, deeply understanding Zhou Xing's words.

Rich people have too many ways to show off their status, and none of them are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Zhou Xing said: "So when you are traveling in a sports car with full of personality, while you are looking cool, you are also trying to attract more girls' attention. Do you understand?"

Zhang Yan immediately woke up. His face suddenly turned slightly red.

Having said all that, how could she not understand, especially when she was in a bank and had contact with countless wealthy people, and some of the bank's teller staff, who looked more outstanding, were easily tempted by money.

During her tenure, many bank teller ladies chose to resign directly because of this, willing to become other people's mistresses.

"Rich people don't have more heads than ordinary people. They just have more resources and have the time to put on a show. In fact, they still cannot escape human nature."

Zhou Xing added.


Zhang Yan was amused by Zhou Xing's words. Didn't he also include himself in these words?

Immediately in front of Zhou Xing, he was no longer so reserved: "Mr. Zhou, I don't want to say this. You are also a rich man yourself." "

So I am no exception. I drive a sports car for the same purpose."

Zhou Xing He said with a faint smile.

After hearing Zhou Xing's words, Zhang Yan glanced at him in surprise.

She sees a lot of rich people and even more hypocritical rich people.

I originally thought that Zhou Xing, with half a billion dollars in his pocket, must have come from a wealthy family.

So when she faced Zhou Xing, she would feel a little nervous unconsciously.

But she didn't expect that there was no barrier between Zhou Xing and her. He talked very interestingly and had a kind personality when getting along with her, which made people feel comfortable.

There was no airs of rich people at all, it was just like chatting with ordinary friends.

Especially Zhou Xing's words were extraordinarily frank. He bought a sports car just to look cool and look like a girl. He wouldn't have too much pretense to find a high-sounding excuse for this problem.

Zhang Yan was no longer as restrained as she was at the beginning, and gradually started talking more.

In his heart, he was very curious about Zhou Xing.

He has the vigor and humor of a young man, and at the same time, some of his words carry a maturity that is inconsistent with his age.

Coupled with his wealthy status...

people can't help but want to know what kind of environment it is like to be able to produce such an outstanding boy.


During the conversation between the two.

McLaren has also arrived at its destination and parked under an office building.