Going To The East

The horse trudged forward, carrying behind it a simple, open-roofed carriage made of ash wood.

Hubert sat inside it, his eyes glistening as he looked at the surroundings. The leaves of the trees turned brown and orange, a mix of the two, as they dried, then fell to the ground where the ants gathered around it.

It was the first day of the month, autumn had come.

"We've arrived, young lord," the coachman informed as the carriage abruptly stopped in front of its destination.

Hubert nodded as he gave the coachman a few bronze coins he had prepared beforehand. Then he moved off the carriage, his cloak blown off by the wind, revealing the proudly worn uniform of dark blue and gold linings.

Hubert stepped forward as the carriage behind him turned and left the premise of the place. The place, the manor established as a meeting place for him and Anna, registered under the name of some minor lord.

He raised his hand, wanting to knock.