Chapter 5 Magical magic! ! Surprise Lockhart! !

After conversing for a while, Lockhart excused himself, mentioning he needed to rest, and retreated to his room. Once inside, he swiftly shut the door, strode over to the bed, opened his magical suitcase, and climbed inside. He then cast a Transfiguration spell to obscure any trace of the suitcase's presence.

This wasn't just any suitcase; it was specially prepared for his travels between worlds, equipped with expansive space and filled with a collection of magic books, potions, and even items of dark magic. Despite the Ministry of Magic's prohibition on its sale, Lockhart had acquired it through the black market for thousands of galleons and found it exceedingly practical.

Inside his spacious magical suitcase, Lockhart descended the steps into a room that served as his private study. His eyes lit up as he approached his desk, where a black platypus creature peered at him from a small cage. The fact that the system allowed for the transportation of living beings was a pleasant surprise; he had only anticipated the teleportation of inanimate objects. Testing this capability, he had brought a Niffler along, now relieved to see the experiment had succeeded.

The potential to transport living creatures opened up thrilling possibilities for future encounters with adversaries; Lockhart imagined unleashing an array of magical creatures like fire dragons and thunderbirds from the suitcase. While the idea excited him, he forced himself to focus on the present.

The revelation that the system had transported him to the Marvel Universe, a setting far more perilous than the world of Harry Potter, was daunting. The constant, world-threatening calamities of the Marvel world were a stark contrast to what he was accustomed to, and Lockhart knew he needed to enhance his magical prowess urgently.

The quickest way to do so was by gaining recognition from Thor. If he could harness Thor's powerful thunder abilities, he could protect himself in the Marvel Universe and dominate in the Harry Potter world. Lockhart's determination ignited as he reviewed his system stats:

[Name]: Gilderoy Lockhart

[Physique]: 14

[Mana]: 970/1024

[Spells Mastery]: Lockhart's Shining, fully automatic signature levitating spell, Lumos, Alohomora, Transfiguration, Expelliarmus, Protego spell...…

[Reputation]: 104552

[Character recognition]:

The world of Harry Potter: Molly Weasley (70/100)

Marvel Universe: Jane Foster (30/100), Thor Odinson (10/100), Daisy....

[Items owned] Magic wand, magic suitcase....

Lockhart focused his gaze on the light gray name, a thought flashing in his eyes.

Thor Odinson (10/100)

The recognition from Thor is notably low, which was understandable given the recent confinement and curse. Although their interaction and shared meals had mitigated some hostility, it hadn't fostered significant goodwill.

Lockhart considered this merely a first step; he planned to continue curbing Thor's arrogance and, when necessary, use their interactions to gradually increase Thor's recognition. His philosophy was simple: there were always more solutions than problems.

As he mulled over his strategy, Lockhart settled into studying "Dark Power: A Guide to Self-Defence" and practiced his spells. He knew that true mastery came from understanding the magic's nature, not just system-assisted enhancement.


While practicing the Expelliarmus spell, he noticed it was unusually potent, about three times stronger than in the Harry Potter world, and easier to cast. The implications were intriguing—this could mean that the Marvel Universe was more conducive to magic, or perhaps the Harry Potter world had constraints on magical power.

He decided to table these theories for later exploration back in the Harry Potter world. For now, his priority is to prepare for any threat the Destroyer might pose and to find ways to earn Thor's approval, despite the risks involved.

The next morning, after concealing his magical suitcase again, Lockhart stepped out into the living room to find it in disarray from the previous night's activities. With a flick of his wand, he set about tidying up. Objects levitated back to their places, blankets folded themselves neatly on the sofa, and a half-empty glass floated to the sink before returning to the table. The subtle orchestration of cleaning spells not only tidied the room but also roused the still-sleeping occupants with its gentle clattering.

Professor Selvig, awakened by the sounds, came downstairs to find the living room cleaning itself—an impressive display that went beyond his expectations of what magic could achieve. "Amazing, really amazing," he marvelled, seeing the convenience magic brought to everyday chores.

As Lockhart continued his spellwork, a silvery white light emanated from his wand, cleansing every surface it touched. Selvig watched in awe as years of grime disappeared in an instant, the room restored to pristine condition. Lockhart then looked up, acknowledging Selvig with a wave.