Chapter 6 Mysterious runes! ! Thor hammer! !

"Oh my gosh, Professor Lockhart, I didn't expect food made with magic to taste so good." Sitting at the dining table, Lockhart smiled when he heard the flattering words from Daisy across from him. Even though the original Lockhart was not skilled in combat, he lived a very luxurious life. Among other talents, he is very proficient in daily life magic and even created his own magical spells. For Lockhart, who retained the memories of his original self, mastering these skills with a bit of practice was easy.

"Thank you. We wizards rarely cook with our own hands; we all use magic spells. So, it might taste a little better." At this point, Lockhart changed the subject, looked at Thor beside him who is busy eating breakfast, and asked with a smile, "Mr. Thor, I heard you mention yesterday that you are from Asgard. I wonder if Asgard uses magic?"

After hearing this, Thor patted his chest and said proudly, "Lockhart, we Asgardians rule the nine realms, and so naturally, we possess advanced magic. My queen mother, Queen Frigga, is the number one mage in the nine realms." Speaking of this, Thor's mood suddenly became depressed. Perhaps it was because he remembered that he is expel by his father and it is difficult to see his mother again, which made him feel sad.

Seeing this, Lockhart stopped asking about Asgard. He quickly shifted the conversation to chat with Eric and others about magic. Jane, who is sitting next to him, seemed to feel Thor's sadness and began to comfort him gently.

After breakfast, Lockhart changed into his regular clothes, stood in front of the door, said a few words to Eric and the others, then opened the door and left. Once in town, he met a few passers-by and inquired about the nearest real estate agency. After getting the information, he went straight there.

As a wizard, he needed an independent space, especially for practicing magic; he couldn't always do it inside his magical suitcase. It would be very troublesome if something was damaged. He needed to rent a house to practice there. The space inside the magic suitcase should only use for emergencies.

He found a real estate agency, made his offer, left his contact information, and then turned around and left. Yesterday, he had gotten some cash and a mobile phone from Eric. As for a driver's license, ID card, etc., Lockhart looked at a leather bag on his waist and smiled. Any Muggle who saw a document with a confusion charm would believe it to be genuine—even if it was blank!

Later, he went to a nearby bar, ordered a glass of water, and slowly sat by the window, gradually tuning in to the environment. As a wizard who shunned alcohol in pursuit of truth, he stayed clear of drinking. Soon, he overheard conversations around him. "Pete, your alcohol tolerance really sucks. You drank three cans of beer yesterday and got drunk instantly."

"It was an accident yesterday. Let's compete today to see who can drink more."

"Smith, did you hear that? A satellite fell to the east of the town. Many people have gone to see it."

"What satellite? Are you sure? I heard someone say it was a hammer."

"Really? What's so strange about hammers? I have a lot of hammers at home."

"I'm telling you, that hammer is not ordinary."

Lockhart instantly zeroed in on the keyword 'hammer' among the chaotic sounds and quickly identified the two white men in jeans who were discussing it. His eyes lit up; he had come to the bar with a purpose. He quickly sipped his water, stood up, and shouted to a waiter at the bar counter not far away, "Bring two bottles of whiskey to this table." As he spoke, he pointed at the men he was just talking about.

After the men heard this, they looked at Lockhart with some confusion. Facing their puzzled looks, Lockhart smiled and explained, "These two bottles of whiskey are on me. I just want to learn more about the hammer you were discussing. Can you tell me exactly where it is?"

Soon, with the help of two bottles of whiskey, Lockhart obtained precise information about the hammer. After saying goodbye, he turned and walked out of the bar toward the east of New Mexico town, where Thor's hammer had fallen.

A large crowd had gathered there, noisy and excited. Lockhart observed the huge crater not far away and sighed slightly. The power of Thor's hammer was undeniable; just by falling, it had created a crater out of thin air. If it were him, he might have had to use most of his magic power and cast a Transfiguration spell to achieve a similar effect.

Walking into the crowd, his handsome appearance quickly attracted the attention of many girls and women. However, they seemed to sense an aloof coldness about him and did not dare to approach.

At this moment, a strong white stepped on the dirt below to gain leverage, then flexed his arm muscles. He tightly grasped the handle of Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, gritted his teeth, and used all his strength to pull it up. Pity—despite his efforts and his face turning red, Mjolnir did not budge.

Lockhart carefully observed Mjolnir, motionless, and felt it carefully, then sighed slightly. It truly is an artifact. If it hadn't been for the feature that others couldn't pull it out, it would appear to everyone as just an ordinary hammer. As a wizard, he didn't feel any energy at all, which underscored the mystery of Thor's hammer.

Lockhart stood in front of Mjolnir, mimicking the man before him, and pulled upward with force. Unfortunately, it didn't move at all! Then, he stretched out his wand, tapped Thor's hammer, and hurriedly recited the incantation: "Revelio!"

After the spell, a faint blue light flashed but disappeared instantly. Seeing this, Lockhart breathed a little faster. He looked up at the Muggles around him, frowned slightly, waved his wand in the air, and pointed it at the sky. "Confundo!"

In Lockhart's view, a transparent wave spread from all sides, covering the surrounding Muggles. In the eyes of the onlookers, the handsome man before them had left and replaced by another man. The actions were the same as before; they were trying to pull out the hammer with their hands. At this moment, Lockhart used magic to create an illusion. Then he began to study Thor's hammer in earnest.




Ten revealing spells fell on Thor's hammer. In an instant, Mjolnir bloomed with a dazzling dark blue light, revealing a large number of mysterious runes. This observation shocked Lockhart, making his eyes suddenly brighten and his breathing become a little short.