Chapter 11 Lockhart’s extraordinary tricks! !

In the dim glow of his desk lamp, Lockhart watched the light blue text flicker across the system's display:

Character recognition: Thor Odinson (70/100)

A slight smile played at the corners of his mouth. He had not been particularly eager to deepen his relationship with Thor initially, because he knew an emotional downturn loomed in Thor's future. A strategic nudge during this vulnerable period could significantly boost Thor's perception of him as a true ally.

Lockhart's previous interactions with Thor were casual, meant only to maintain a cordial relationship rather than to win him over completely. They exchanged words occasionally, nothing more. Lockhart had bided his time, waiting for Thor's moment of greatest need. Providing even minimal support during such a time could magnify Thor's gratitude exponentially.

The announcement of Thor's desire to stay on Earth indefinitely was the signal Lockhart had been waiting for. He knew the time to act was now. With just a little effort, he had rapidly increased Thor's recognition score. This, Lockhart mused, was the art of friendship: the most effective way to forge a strong bond was to offer support when someone was at their most vulnerable.

Lockhart reflected on the power of timely generosity. Whether dealing with a Muggle, a wizard, or a god, the key is always make the right move at the right time. The impact of an action could be amplified immensely if it came when it was most needed.

As a wizard, Lockhart knew the importance of not just power but also intelligence and restraint. By maintaining composure and choosing the optimal moment to act, he could succeed spectacularly with seemingly little effort.

Content with his strategy, Lockhart reviewed his actions and found no errors in his approach. He then turned his focus back to the character recognition scores.

Before today, Thor's recognition of him had been around 20. Jane, Daisy, and Eric had recognition scores of about 35, with Daisy's slightly higher at 40, likely charmed by Lockhart's appearance. Yet, these scores were insufficient for the reputation draws that Lockhart aimed for.

Lockhart understood that the system's recognition was distinct from mere favorability. High favorability naturally led to high recognition, but high recognition could also arise from respect or fear, as evidenced by Voldemort's grudging respect for Dumbledore's prowess.

Recognition scores could dip into negative numbers, indicating disdain or outright hostility, akin to how some pure-blood wizarding families viewed Muggleborn. Conversely, a positive score indicated at least basic acknowledgment of another's humanity.

The threshold for conducting a reputation lottery was a recognition score of 50, which signified that the individual took Lockhart seriously and considered his suggestions carefully. Once the score reached 60 or 70, it meant that the individual trusted Lockhart deeply, would think carefully about his actions, and not dismiss his ideas out of hand.

Lockhart's plan had worked perfectly with Thor, rapidly elevating his recognition score from 20 to 70. Even if this level of excitement might taper off over time, it would likely remain above 50, qualifying Thor for the reputation lottery. Lockhart could potentially gain access to Thor's knowledge, abilities, or even unique talents.

As he contemplated these possibilities, Lockhart's smile broadened. This strategic move had positioned him to potentially tap into the wealth of Asgardian knowledge and power, an opportunity he was determined not to squander.