Chapter 12 Alien Prince! Wizard Professor!

Thor, sitting on a stool outside, marveled at the magical barbecue across from him. The barbecue platform was a spectacle: meats, fruits, and vegetables skewered and floating in the air, rotating slowly as they cooked. Seasonings like pepper, chili powder, and cumin periodically sprinkled themselves over the food.

Lockhart, along with Jane and others, sat nearby, each enjoying various delicacies. Thor's admiration broke the casual dining atmosphere, "Lockhart, you are far superior to any magicians I've encountered. Honestly, Asgardian chefs could take a leaf out of your book—this food is delicious."

Lockhart, taking a bite of his beef skewer, responded with a grin, "Haha, thank you, Thor. During my travels, I perfected my barbecue skills. I even developed a magical spell specifically for barbecuing to ensure every meal is exquisite."

Lockhart's culinary magic was a testament to the original Gilderoy's genius in crafting spells for everyday pleasures, especially gourmet cuisine. It was unfortunate, Lockhart reflected, that the original's obsession with fame led him astray.

Turning to Eric, he suggested, "Eric, try this enoki mushroom—it's my favorite. They're quite tasty." As he spoke, a skewer of enoki mushrooms floated from the barbecue to Eric, who eagerly sampled it and nodded in approval, "It's delicious, truly. I've had enoki mushrooms before, but none as flavorful as these."

Jane and Daisy, encouraged by Eric's reaction, hurried over to grab some skewers, returning with praises for the flavors. Lockhart, pleased with the reactions, explained, "Aside from the quality ingredients, a key factor in enhancing the food's taste is the regular application of magical energy. It boosts the freshness and flavor. You should try more; I often enjoy a barbecue like this after a day's research to unwind."

Indeed, in his previous life, Lockhart often used food as a way to alleviate stress, though he acknowledged the potential for weight gain—an issue easily managed with magical potions and spells in the wizarding world.

Later, as he conjured up chilled drinks for everyone, the positive feedback continued. Food, a universal language, seemed to bond them even further. Lockhart glanced at the system's character recognition interface, noting Thor Odinson (65/100)—a slight dip from before, but still significant.

The barbecue was partly to bolster his recognition with Thor, important for the reputation lottery, but the results were somewhat disappointing. Lockhart's numerous draws yielded mostly combat skills and minor magical affinities, not particularly useful to him. He surmised that many of Thor's more valuable abilities were inaccessible due to Thor's current weakened state.

Back at SHIELD's base, Coulson watched the barbecue from a screen, his expression contemplative. The floating food and casual display of magic troubled him. He turned to Barton, who stood nearby, "Barton, what do you think about all this?"

Barton, adjusting his bow, replied indifferently, "Don't ask me. I'd say we report this to Director Fury and await further instructions. I'm just here for security."

Coulson, rubbing his temples, muttered to himself about the recent surge of extraordinary events—from Iron Man to the Hulk, and now aliens and wizards mixing together. "What's happening to this world?" he sighed.

Recognizing the complexity of the situation with an Asgardian prince and a wizard professor possibly entwined with large, influential communities, Coulson knew this was beyond a simple field agent's pay grade. The implications of interfering with either could be diplomatic or even cosmic in scale.

Lockhart, unbeknownst to Coulson, remained a figure of fascination and frustration. The wizard's potential ties to a larger wizarding community suggested a well-established civilization with its own structures and politics. This interaction wasn't just a casual meet-up; it was a convergence of worlds that could have vast repercussions.

Coulson felt the weight of his role acutely, realizing that any misstep with either Thor or Lockhart could trigger a chain reaction of events impossible to retract. As he pondered his next move, the complexity of his job seemed to expand exponentially, almost enough to make him wish he could join Barton in the simplicity of just handling security.