Chapter 17: The Deal with SHIELD!


A beam of teleportation light, emitting huge energy fluctuations and as colorful as a rainbow, crashed down and enveloped Thor, Sif, and the others. In almost a few seconds, as the light beam disappeared, only a mark left by the Rainbow Bridge remained on the ground.

At that moment, Thor, Sif, and their companions rushed toward Asgard via the Rainbow Bridge. Lockhart watched the scene with indifference. However, when he noticed a pattern similar to a magic circle imprinted on the ground, his eyes lit up. He took out his mobile phone and snapped pictures for later research.

Soon after, Lockhart approached Jane and Eric and asked, "Okay, now that Thor's matter is temporarily resolved, what are your plans?"

Eric thought for a moment and replied, "We have basically collected the data for the research we intend to do. The next step is to return to the university to compile our paper."

Understanding the gravity of academic deadlines, Lockhart nodded. He knew all too well from his days as a university professor that even if Jane was Thor's girlfriend, without completing her thesis and achieving good grades, she wouldn't graduate or secure a good job. Deciding not to disturb them further, he nonetheless took out three amulets and handed them to Eric and the others.

Seeing their puzzled looks, Lockhart explained, "Thor asked me to look after Jane and you guys before he left. These are magic amulets. If you carry them, they can warn you if you encounter danger. If something happens, remember to call me, and I'll see if I can help."

As he spoke, Lockhart handed over a note with his phone contact information. After Eric stored it safely, he expressed his gratitude.

Coulson watched the exchange from a distance and seized the moment to approach Lockhart as the conversation ended. He said gently, "Professor Lockhart, we're from SHIELD, an agency specifically responsible for handling abnormal phenomena around the world. We're somewhat interested in the healing potion you took out earlier. I wonder if it's available for trade. Remember, you still don't have a formal identity; our agency can help provide it, along with other resources you might need."

Lockhart, impressed by Coulson's professional approach, felt a mix of emotions. He knew that Coulson had pinpointed exactly what he needed most and then proposed a trade involving the Wiggenweld potion. However, if it weren't for his current identity as a powerful wizard and friend of Thor, the God of Thunder, he mused that the tone might not have been so gentle.

Minerva Cafe, New York City

Minerva Cafe is a renowned cat cafe in New York where neighboring residents often come to enjoy coffee and pet cats. Lockhart sat by a window, sipped his coffee, and enjoyed the soft fur of a young white cat he was petting. While caressing the cat, he looked into the distance, seemingly admiring the scenery but also appearing to wait for someone.

Soon, Coulson entered, dressed in a suit and carrying a small suitcase. He apologized as he sat down, "I'm sorry, Professor Lockhart, for the delay. Formal processes sometimes complicate things unnecessarily. Here's your certificate, and don't worry, it comes with a bank card containing ten million dollars."

Taking the suitcase, Lockhart remarked mockingly, "A week has really showcased SHIELD's efficiency. You guys are thorough, I'll give you that."

Coulson, detecting the sarcasm, smiled awkwardly and changed the subject. "I see you chose a cat cafe. Do you keep pets in your daily life?"

Lockhart played along, "Of course, as an adventurer, I love animals, especially the more ferocious magical ones."

Without waiting for further inquiry, Lockhart waved his hand, and six bottles of potions appeared on the table—three green and three teal. He explained leisurely, "Here is the potion you wanted. The green one is Wiggenweld; it heals wounds quickly whether applied or ingested. The teal one is an Antidote to Common Poisons, effective against most poisons unless extremely rare."

Coulson, pleased, placed the potions carefully in his suitcase and said, "Thank you, Professor Lockhart. I hope our cooperation can continue."

As Coulson prepared to leave, Lockhart added, "By the way, Coulson, I should remind you and your colleagues that my house is protected by a Muggle-Repelling Charm. It can't be seen or approached by ordinary humans, so don't waste your efforts."


Coulson, taken aback but smiling, left the cafe. Lockhart, watching him go, knew that any attempts by S.H.I.E.L.D. to breach his magical defenses were futile. He continued to enjoy his coffee and the view from the cafe, pondering the mystical energies of New York—especially those emanating from what he suspected to be the Kamar-Taj New York Sanctuary nearby. His decision to settle in New York was simple: it was all for the magic.


[More Chapter available at]
