Chapter 18: New York Sanctuary! Kaecilius Doubts!

Lockhart sat in the café, stroking the cat while his gaze lingered on the New York Sanctuary nearby. The hesitation in his heart gradually solidified into determination. He hadn't come to the Marvel world to partake in its conflicts but to delve into its magic and elevate his own mastery. Magic was both his passion and forte. In the Marvel world, the paths of Kamar Taj and the Ancient One were inevitable. While he could have avoided them, ensuring a quiet existence on Earth, this would mean stepping away from challenges like the one he had faced with Thor.

Lockhart knew the importance of first impressions: they could ease the path of all subsequent actions. Thus, he had cultivated the persona of a scholarly professor not just for academia's sake, but to facilitate his introduction to Kamar Taj and the Ancient One. He aimed to gain her favor, recognition, and perhaps even instruction. The Sorcerer Supreme, after all, was a formidable sorcerer, battling multidimensional threats to protect Earth—her prowess and principles dwarfed even those of Dumbledore.

Even if the Ancient One had the foresight, as tales suggest, Lockhart wasn't deterred. His intentions were pure; in his past life as a university professor, he had dedicated himself to academic study and held a respected position. Now, in this new life, his obsession with magic was all-consuming. He sought to unravel its truths and uncover its secrets, a quest few could claim to pursue with such purity.

Lockhart was confident that if the Ancient One truly understood him, she would accept him. Yet, he was also pragmatic—every plan needed a contingency. Brashly approaching the New York Sanctuary, seeking an audience with the Ancient One, would be foolish, possibly even perilous.

His backup plan materialized as a message on his magical device: "It has been 30 days since your arrival in the Marvel world. You can freely choose to return within 24 hours. After 24 hours, you will automatically return to the Harry Potter world." If he encountered insurmountable risks, retreat to his former world was his fail-safe.

With his magic suitcase in one hand and his wand in the other, Lockhart approached the New York Sanctuary. He knocked gently on the heavy door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The door opened slowly, revealing a young man in a robe, the Sling Ring prominent on his hand. Lockhart offered a warm smile. "Hello, my name is Lockhart, a wizard planning to settle in New York. I felt the magical energies from this place and wished to meet my fellow practitioners." He gestured, and a bottle of light green magic potion appeared, floating in the air. "This is a magical healing potion, a small gift to restore health."


The apprentice sorcerer, taken aback by Lockhart's courteous introduction and gift, quickly accepted the potion. "Mr. Lockhart, I'm an apprentice here. Please, come in; I'll inform my mentor, Master Kaecilius."

Lockhart's interest piqued at the mention of Kaecilius, a name he recognized as one destined to follow the dark path of Dormammu. Yet, for now, he remained a sorcerer of Kamar Taj. Lockhart entered the sanctuary, impressed by the grandeur within and the palpable strength of the assembled mages.

After a short wait, he was introduced to Kaecilius, who entered the hall with a curious gaze. "Hello, I oversee Kamar Taj's New York Sanctuary. How can I assist you?"

Lockhart, maintaining his composed demeanor, explained, "I'm a wizard intending to make New York my home. I sensed strong magical currents here and wanted to ensure our coexistence would be harmonious. I also hope to find a place where wizard gather, to exchange knowledge and perhaps trade magical items."

Kaecilius, sensing the unique aura around Lockhart, discreetly dismissed the apprentice. "Mr. Lockhart, am I correct in thinking you come from another world?"

"Yes," Lockhart admitted openly. "I was transported here by a twist of spatial magic and decided to stay temporarily. I'm keen on exchanging magic with the wizards here."

Kaecilius paused, then spoke, "Mr Lockhart, we are not Wizard but Sorcerer, Our primary duty is to guard against malevolent dimensions threat. Given your unique situation, I need to consult the Sorcerer Supreme."

Accepting this, Lockhart watched as Kaecilius opened a sparkling portal and stepped through. Alone again, Lockhart pondered his circumstances. If his otherworldly origin remained unnoticed, he could integrate smoothly. If discovered, honesty seemed the best policy. His scholarly aura was no façade; he was neither villain nor rogue wizard.

As a portal reappeared, Kaecilius beckoned. "Mr. Lockhart, please come with me to meet the Sorcerer Supreme."

Eagerly, Lockhart followed through the portal to Kamar Taj. His pursuit of magic had brought him here, and he was ready for whatever awaited.

The magic of Kamar Taj awaited!


[More Chapter available at]
