Chapter 77: The Miraculous Spidey Sense

"Aunt May, the examination is complete. I'm going to the bathroom and will meet you all later," Peter whispered to May in front of him.


After May heard this, she thought about it and found that there was nothing else to do, so she nodded and said, "Okay, Peter, just look for me at the door of the hospital later. I'll take Alice and the others out first."


After hearing this, Peter nodded quickly, then immediately turned around and walked towards the back. Based on his knowledge, his blood should currently be placed in a lab, waiting for a doctor to check it out at noon or in the evening. There is still time to take the blood, but it needs to be done quickly. With his thoughts turning, Peter quickened his pace and walked towards the location of the blood lab.


Lockhart was currently in the lab. Of course, he was too lazy to follow Spider-Man all the time. The other person was not a woman, and he was not a pervert. Since he knew that Peter would eventually give his blood, he could just stay in the lab in advance. In addition to wanting to get Spider-Man's blood, the most important thing was his curiosity about the Spidey sense. He wanted to test how far the other party's Spidey sense reached.


In his previous life, he had only seen the movie Far From Home about MCU Spider-Man. It is said that there would be a Spider-Man movie in the future where the hero never returns. Unfortunately, he got transmigrated before it was released.


Peter Parker, following the map of the hospital in his memory, successfully found the blood lab. At the same time, he put on a cap and even changed his clothes. As he walked, he used chewing gum to stick the surveillance camera near the examination room. He was very good at this. The characteristics of spider silk were too obvious to use, but it was still very easy to throw a piece of chewing gum.


Soon, Peter saw the examination room. After seeing that there was no one around, he carefully climbed into the examination room through the vent above. Lockhart, on the other hand, was observing this scene with great interest. He didn't need to go to such trouble. He just cast a wall-penetrating spell on himself and passed through the door.


After entering the examination room, a smile flashed across Lockhart's face as he watched Peter climb out of the vent with dust on his face. Movies are movies after all, and real air vents are definitely not very clean.


But almost as soon as Peter came down, a thread of spider silk flew towards Lockhart. Before Lockhart could react, he was hit by the spider silk, and he was stunned. Then, before he could react, he felt a pull dragging him towards Spider-Man. So he quickly cast a spell to cut off the spider silk.


"Who are you? Come out," Peter shouted in the direction of Lockhart, "If you don't come out, I will take you down."


Peter retracted the cut webbing, a trace of caution flashing in his eyes, but his gaze remained fixed on Lockhart's position. There had been so many people before, so there may have been something wrong with his Spidey sense. But now, in the empty laboratory, his Spidey sense kept telling him that there was someone near him!


Lockhart tried to take a few steps, but found that Peter also turned his head, his eyes following him, staring in his direction. Suddenly, he had no choice but to release the spell on himself.


"Who are you?" Peter looked at the slightly older middle-aged white man in front of him wearing a black robe and asked, "Why are you following me?"


Well, Lockhart was going to test Spider-Man's Spidey sense, so there was a chance that he would be discovered by the other party and even have to fight. Therefore, Lockhart changed into a new look early.


In response to Peter's question, Lockhart smiled and said perfunctorily, "No reason, just wandering around."


Hearing the other party's obviously perfunctory words, Peter was clearly dissatisfied and looked a little mad. He had felt someone following him in the hospital before. He thought it was an illusion, but now he saw that it must be this guy. Now, the most troublesome thing is that the other party already knows his identity and may even know his relationship with Aunt May.


With his thoughts turning, Peter simply stopped thinking. No matter what, he needed to catch the person first. Immediately, Peter rushed directly towards Lockhart and at the same time stretched out his hand to shoot out spider silk, trying to tie him up. Seeing this, Lockhart waved his wand, and a ball of blue flame suddenly rose up, burning away the spider silk coming towards him. Then he controlled the flames and flew them towards Peter.


Seeing this, Peter quickly ducked away, while constantly controlling his hands to shoot spider webs at Lockhart's feet, trying to tie his feet and control the opponent's actions. Lockhart was not surprised to see Peter fleeing from his attack. The opponent was obviously an agile warrior, and coupled with his keen intuition, it was no surprise that he avoided him.


Lockhart had his own methods for dealing with such people. Summoning a ball of flame again, he burned away the spider webs that were rushing toward his feet. Lockhart held the Sling Ring, made a gesture, and pushed forward heavily.


Mirror Dimension!


Click! Click! Click!


A clicking sound like a breaking mirror sounded in their ears. Peter instantly felt that he had entered a new world and looked around with great vigilance. Although the scene was exactly the same as before, his Spidey sense told him that he had arrived in a new place.


Danger! Danger! Danger everywhere!


The hair on Peter's body stood up, and he just followed his Spidey sense and rushed outside without even thinking.




Peter directly smashed through the glass of the examination room and ran towards the outside of the hospital. While running, he shot spider silk into the distance. He pulled harder and increased his speed. In almost a few seconds, Peter rushed out of the hospital. His Spidey sense told him that the further away from the mysterious man he was, the safer he would be.


Lockhart looked at Peter running wildly outside, a trace of surprise flashing in his eyes. Regardless of whether it was the so-called Peter's Spidey sense that reminded him, the other party's approach was undoubtedly very correct. He had not been in control of the Mirror Dimension for long, and the range of control was limited. If Peter really left the range of his control, he would naturally be able to escape.


Thoughts were tumbling in his mind. Lockhart stretched out his hand to grab, and the entire hospital began to roll along with the walls. The floor beneath his feet carried him, and under the control of his thoughts, he kept rushing in the direction of Peter. Almost immediately, he rushed out of the hospital and saw Peter. Gently controlling the Sling Ring, he drew an elegant arc, and a sparking portal appeared in front of Lockhart. With one step, Lockhart walked to the rooftop of the building closest to Spider-Man.


Looking at Peter escaping not far away, Lockhart stepped out of the rooftop and walked into the air. At the same time, the surrounding walls and buildings continued to roll, forming bridge-like structures under Lockhart's feet, carrying Lockhart's body and flying towards Peter.


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